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12-06-2006, 07:30 AM
Yes, I win.......the Dumbass of the Day award.

All this time workin out my spec. Going over it again and again. Then finally printing it out and putting it into action. I go into the BG's and Im doing well with my 1/41/9 build. However after a short time I keep thinking something is missing, then I realise. I DID NOT PUT A POINT INTO FERAL FAERIE FIRE, and it was on my printout.

I was so mad I wanted to punch myself in the 45 gold to respec :P.

12-06-2006, 09:49 AM
I too screwed up my build by 1 point, forgetting to put it into Natures Grasp. 50g down the drain.

12-06-2006, 11:08 AM
I did a 41/10 build, but pretty sure I am gonna have to re-spec too and go 1/41/9. Having been 30/21 for so long I really miss Nature's Swiftness. With Nature's Grasp that will at least give me a little separation for a normal heal.

12-06-2006, 12:36 PM
Any word on when NG is going to work in forms?

12-06-2006, 12:50 PM
It worked in forms on the PTR when I tried it not even three days ago. Did they screw that **** up too and not include it when they made it live, or have you not tried it yet?

12-06-2006, 01:23 PM
I've never had a problem with Natures Grasp proccing in forms, but i did max out Imp. Natures Grasp. Left it out of my new spec though, and i wish i hadn't. Went for 0/40/11 myself...had to have OOC, but no mangle for me yet /cry

12-06-2006, 01:30 PM
Not proccing in forms, Druids were able to CAST Natures Grasp while in forms, on the PTR. Oh, and the DPS you will gain from Mangle is twice of which you would gain from OOC. You need to have Mangle if your feral.

12-07-2006, 01:42 AM
I specced to tree form just to see if there were any emotes. Sadly there were none and im a sad sad panda :(

12-08-2006, 05:56 AM
ooh, man that really sux ... done that so many times I cant remember .. but Ive learned to live with it :P

Oh, and the DPS you will gain from Mangle is twice of which you would gain from OOC. You need to have Mangle if your feral.
Cool, was quite disapointed with it tbh, but if youre right -yey! (only critted 7-800) I havent tried mangle with rip fully yet tho.

This is my build ( wanted to test the new hi feral abilitys... had 1 point left.. spent it on natural shapeshifter :P

EDIT; seeing this is the beta calculator its not the same, but almost

12-08-2006, 11:33 AM
Cool, was quite disapointed with it tbh, but if youre right -yey! (only critted 7-800) I havent tried mangle with rip fully yet tho.
Think of mangle as the replacement for claw. In those terms, there's no possible way you can think it sucks since it does almost twice as much damage. And until BC comes out and we get the 30% bonus to shred when mangle debuff is on our target, it is the replacement for shred too. So remove shred and claw from your toolbars right now. And don't put shred back on until BC.

12-08-2006, 11:36 AM
Hehe.. been there, done that. :D

I once specced oomkin in a drunk revelry and noticed (when I sobered up) that I didn't have any gear for it (panzerkin sucks tbh)..

I also noticed I didn't have money to specc back to my lovely feral.. but it went ok anyway, I logged on to IRC and expressed my dilemma and got sponsored by a undead lock woman (who apparently lives not far from me IRL) and got my 50g to respecc back..

Gotta luv them undead women sometimes. :D