View Full Forums : Does Improved leader of the pack work?

12-14-2006, 09:44 AM
Hey everyone

Does improved leader of the pack work?
I had my group watch the last 2-nights and we never see any icon or anything come up for the 6% healing to the group when I critical hit?

Has anyone seen anything to tell you about the healing part for that buff?
We have the icon that said 5% crit. but we never see anything on the healing!


12-14-2006, 10:05 AM
Absolutely works for me. I'll get yellow text in my combat window saying "Improved Leader of the Pack has healed you for XXX" shortly after a crit. It can only go off once every 6 seconds, so you may not see it after every crit.

12-14-2006, 10:29 AM
Ya it works. Forgot to screenshot. XD

12-14-2006, 10:34 AM
Turn on the scrolling text and you will see green when you crit.

12-14-2006, 10:41 AM
I had my group watch the last 2-nights and we never see any icon or anything come up for the 6% healing to the group when I critical hit?
Your group doesn't get the heal, whoever gets the crit gets the heal. And you won't get an icon/buff, it hits you just like a direct heal. I did BWL last night in a group of 3 rogues and 1 DPS warrior and they loved it :)

12-14-2006, 11:12 AM
ok so your saying when people in my group get a crit, they get the heal?
And we should see it in the combat text of the chat window?

I don't understand sorry!
Please explain how this healing works?
y guild would like to know so they can setup the raids to use this!
Oh and I made MT for my guild !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone

12-14-2006, 12:30 PM
I thought the text on the ability was very clear when it says that it causes your groupmates to
"... heal themselves for (2/4/6)% of their total health when they critically hit with a melee or ranged attack."

And yes, it should show in your combat window, I get it in yellow text, I'm also seeing my heal pop in scrolling combat text.

12-14-2006, 02:19 PM
I did Scholo last night with a rogue and a Hunter. They loved ImpLOTP! Have your party enable scrolling text to see when you get healed. If another party member gets a crit it will show that you healed them.

Oh and btw, my feral Damage has gone up ALOT! Mangle rocks! I was critting with Mangle for 800+. Not really sure if that is a huge deal, but it sure is better than I am used to.

12-14-2006, 03:27 PM
Thanks alot everyone, I looked at it again and "Brain Fart" duh!

It sounds so sweet I will watch it tonight!

Thanks again!


12-14-2006, 03:37 PM
I did Scholo last night with a rogue and a Hunter. They loved ImpLOTP! Have your party enable scrolling text to see when you get healed. If another party member gets a crit it will show that you healed them.

Oh and btw, my feral Damage has gone up ALOT! Mangle rocks! I was critting with Mangle for 800+. Not really sure if that is a huge deal, but it sure is better than I am used to.

Ya the bear can acctually dish out some pain now. I did Scholo too the other night as tank (5-man group) and I had 26% damage done afterwards.

And I was teamed with Naxx-geared people.. That's pretty hefty for ANY tank tbh. :)

12-20-2006, 04:15 PM
On an average 5 man Strat or Scholo, my ImpLotP heals for 36,000 hp. That is great for a mana free passive ability!

01-12-2007, 08:54 AM
I did not take ImpLotP but I am now considering it. Do you all think this is a talent well worth having? Right now I have 3 points in the Fear/Stun resist talent and although it has worked im not seeing a big payoff for the 3 point investment.

01-12-2007, 09:29 AM
Imp LotP was dropped from a 6% to a 4% of the players max life. It was too much for a passive ability before. It's still quite nice though.

01-12-2007, 09:44 AM
Imp. LotP is a pretty moderate talent. It's going to provide a stream of low level life gain that will kind of grease the wheels while soloing, saving you a little time here and there. In raids, if you get grouped with a bunch of melees (as you should) it will provide them with that sort of low-level life gain that will help cut down on the healing they need vs. bosses that do AE damage.

Until you're nearing 70 and 10k+ hp (if ever), I don't see being overwhelmed with Imp. LotP. That said, it's going to at least give you SOME tangible benefit a lot more than Primal Tenacity. I'm taking Imp. LotP right off, I don't know if I'm going to get PT at all.

01-12-2007, 07:18 PM
Having had ILotP (the 6% version) since 2.0.1, I consider it a very nice talent. A bit too powerful imo, so I understand the nerf to 4%. It's a talent I'll be getting in any full feral build I'll spec, I think. When I had the 6% version, it kept my hp topped off when I grinded in cat form. When I tanked (in 40 mans -- I'm a raid tank) the battle reports showed that I healed myself (i.e. not counting the heals for the rest of the group) for 5-15% of all the damage I took when tanking (what percentage varied with the encounter). That was with 6% ILotP, but I still consider it well worth the talent points.

01-21-2007, 01:12 PM
Im lvl 63 atm, and got buffed up and over 10k HP(PoF, Food + lock pet) - convinced it will do the trick healing if one tank at 70.

Sadly, funny and ironicly, yesterday I tanked in Slave Pens, and at the big shellfish boss(dont remember the name) the preist and pala couldnt heal me fully to remove the debuff(loosing 500-800 Hp /2 secs, I think), after several tries and wipes we put a rogue tanking with alot of dodge and low HP, and me healing - and we downed him lol

Didnt have any joy of it then but on the next/last boss I got some nice returns on the ILotP.