View Full Forums : Will there be another talent point refund at BC go-live?

12-15-2006, 11:10 AM
...just wondering because I want to tweak my current build and don't want to waste the gold if I can do it for free in a month.


12-15-2006, 12:31 PM
Based on the build that's on beta compared to our current production build, I'd think they would have to refund our points. But of course we won't be told until after the expansion is released.

12-19-2006, 10:55 AM
They have indicated that any class with major changes to the talent trees will receive another respec. Druids I believe qualify for that. But they have not said so.

12-19-2006, 11:08 AM
Unless they peel back the changes to ImpLotP (3 points to 2) and the tier 4 talent merge, they'll have no choice but to refund all our points, or some druids would be left with invalid specs.

Basically, anything that changes the structure of the tree (number of points in a talent, what's in what rank, what feeds what) they have to do it, or there could be invalid specs. They can get change what talents DO, but not the structure.

12-19-2006, 02:08 PM
I don't want to give back a point in ImpLotP! It is handy. On an average 5 man Strat or Scholo, ImpLotP heals for 37,000 hp. That is great for a mana free passive ability!

12-20-2006, 09:12 AM
Yes, my thoughts are leaning the same makes sense they would refunds the points, but until they say for sure.....

I don't want to give back a point in ImpLotP! It is handy. On an average 5 man Strat or Scholo, ImpLotP heals for 37,000 hp. That is great for a mana free passive ability!

This thread on the Euro forums has a Blizz post regarding Imp LotP:

"The developers felt that the Imp LOTP talent was too strong due to the increased health pool sizes in the Burning Crusade. Given the fact that bear tank health totals of 15000 or more, the Improved Leader of the Pack talent can be used to heal over 3000 health per minute, for just the bear, let alone the rest of the party, mana free. It is very similar in strength to Judgement of Light, but never wears off, costs nothing to apply, and will scale as players get better gear, unlike Judgement of Light. "

Even though they've nerfed it, I'm thinking there might be more nerfs or changes in the future for this Talent :-(

01-04-2007, 04:58 PM
Yes there will be a free respec for Druids

Welcome to Imp LOTP being nerfed.

01-08-2007, 08:03 AM
Oh damn ... just when we can justify being healing tanks they go and do that.

01-09-2007, 08:43 AM
According to the patch notes 2.0.3 there is a free respec today.

01-10-2007, 12:42 PM
Yep, got a free re-spec with yesterday's patch. So don't plan on getting one when BC rolls next week.