View Full Forums : Young Druid

01-03-2007, 06:39 PM
As a new druid, what should I be scouting for in general? Will mainly be soloing for XP and fun, no raids or big commitments.

01-03-2007, 07:20 PM
sorry, what do you mean. Scouting for what?

01-03-2007, 07:22 PM
I guess you should scout for enemies.

01-04-2007, 12:19 AM

Gearwise you probably want feral leather...rogue leather if you can't get feral leather. What you want in your stats (in this priority) are STR, AGI, STAM (assuming you go Feral DPS for leveling). The strongest weapons will be 2H maces...and again for weapons look for Stats more than anything.

Another thing about weapons...don't consider Chance on hit things...they do not work in feral forms...Equip modifiers however do work..but are a bit more uncommon on weapons.

Professions I suggest 2 Gathering Professions for leveling up. Skinning and Herbalism/or Mining. Druids make excellent gatherers and gathering professions are 100% profit.

Talents...Like mentioned earlier you probably want to think about leveling as Feral (Most common path druids take). Post 60 (When xpac hits) I'm not sure because there is a lot of different gear available at level 60 but once again feral is the most viable.

AAAnnnd, you probably want to look out for people who underestimate the druid class...were by far one of the most unique and fun classes in the game..

Good luck and enjoi~

01-04-2007, 01:20 AM
Well, this being the "equipment discussion" board I assumed you would know I was asking about.... you guessed it, equipment! Is thinking overrated for the 4 year-olds who play WoW?

Anyway, thanks Trixtaa. I appreciate the input. My Rogue is level 28 and I have been mailing quite a few greens instead of selling them. Selling on the AH seems sporadic at best. So should I try to balance STR, STA and AGI... or does one of the stats stand out?

For professions, I took skinning and leatherworking. I like being able to make armor kits. The whole TS thing here is very fun. And being a leather class, both ROG and DRU, I thought that was appropriate. Skinning mobs after I kill them for XP is down right addictive.

01-04-2007, 04:21 AM
STR = STA > AGI, I'd say, at least for your level. You should find a (very long) discussion about that somewhere here.

But don't expect to make much gear with LW that you can wear - I always find better stuff from loot/AH than I can make myself. But skinning is great for money income, and if you keep up, you'll be able to make some dole from selling LW stuff, too. Not as much as selling the ingredients will make, but you'll cover your exepenses and increase you LW skill at the same time.

01-09-2007, 12:45 PM
As a new druid, what should I be scouting for in general? Will mainly be soloing for XP and fun, no raids or big commitments.

#1 Rule - Big bags...get yourself big bags

I think you'll find the single most important item to look for is a Warden Staff. I bought my Warden staff in my low 30s and it even delayed the purchase of my mount. There is not a better return on investment than an item you equip in your 40s that you can use...forever (well, you know what i mean)

y second suggestion would be to NOT even buy a mount at 40. Force yourself to kill everything when you zone in on the way to the objective, kill everything at the objective, and then kill everything on the way back from the objective. Too often people get their mount and all of a sudden can't figure out why they are leveling slower, have less money, and don't seem to be skilling up tradeskills as quickly...maybe it's because they ride right by the stuff now instead of being forced to interact.

ost people rolling alts/twinks (i'm not saying you're either) prefer to get Rare(blue) Gear. I chose to constantly look for "of the Tiger" and "of the Gorilla" green gear and updated it regularly.

Some druids may scoff at my "of the gorilla" recommendation but I have always been someone who shapeshifts A LOT, so having some INT helps not to deplete the mana pool.

Also as a druid, I would HIGHLY recommend that you go with two collecting professions. Because of Druid's stealth abilities, Mining and Herbalism are fantastic. The even better news is that many people will be starting Gem Crafting, so even your copper, tin and bronze should sell VERY well over the next few weeks.

You'd be surprised how cheap you can get 2x-4x green gear for.

Finally...kill & loot EVERYTHING...

(Did I mention how great the Warden Staff is?)

01-10-2007, 01:57 AM
I don't mean to hijack this thread but how rare is the Warden Staff? I have been looking in the AH for like the past 3 weeks and have never seen it for sale:confused:

Also, any idea of a decent price for it? I understand that a lot will depend on server inflation but maybe you guys who have bought can give a ruff estimate.

01-10-2007, 03:11 AM
My pleasure. Forgot to mention what JWK mentioned...BIG BAGS = more trash loot = more gold.

01-10-2007, 01:44 PM
I don't mean to hijack this thread but how rare is the Warden Staff? I have been looking in the AH for like the past 3 weeks and have never seen it for sale:confused:

Also, any idea of a decent price for it? I understand that a lot will depend on server inflation but maybe you guys who have bought can give a ruff estimate.

Warden staff is a random world drop. And it's epic. So its pretty rare. Though its weird, on my server, either there are 2 or 3 of them, or none. Seem to come in clumps.

A good price would be 125g - 200g. A high price would be 250g+. I got mine 9 months or so ago for 75g at like 3 am one day from a frustrated pally that had been trying to sell it for 3 weeks at 150g, and just wanted to get rid of it. He put it in the trade channel, and I sent him a tell that I'd buy it for 75g, thinking he'd laugh at me, but he said 'sold'. I slapped a 25 agi enchant on it and still use it to this day.

01-12-2007, 07:23 AM
I don't mean to hijack this thread but how rare is the Warden Staff? I have been looking in the AH for like the past 3 weeks and have never seen it for sale:confused:

Also, any idea of a decent price for it? I understand that a lot will depend on server inflation but maybe you guys who have bought can give a ruff estimate.

I bought mine for 200g and sold one I found while levelling my rogue for 250g buyout (it sold in like 5 mins).

So I guess the price is around there. GL. A very good staff indeed. :)

01-12-2007, 08:44 AM
A guildie of mine got a warden staff today for 80g, and the other day I saw one on the AH for 100g buyout... so on my server at least prices are definetly dropping, oddly enough. I paid 220 for mine.

01-19-2007, 09:36 AM
Warden staff still worth getting after BC launched ?

01-19-2007, 11:19 AM
Warden staff still worth getting after BC launched ?
Worth getting at level 46, yes.

Worth getting at level 60, no.

01-19-2007, 11:22 AM
If you're 60 probably not. I still use mine sometimes, but nowhere near as often with the buff to bea armor that we got with the patch.

There's a new mace @ 70 that gives 500 armor, and 525ap in bear/cat/moonkin. Earthwarden or something like that, and gives like +24 defense rating.

01-19-2007, 11:26 AM
The new Warden Staff replacement:

Braxxis' Staff of Slumber
Binds when equipped
Two-Hand Staff
130 - 222 Damage Speed 3.00 (58.9 damage per second)
550 Armor
Requires Level 64
Equip: Increases attack power by 234 in Cat, Bear, Dire Bear, and Moonkin forms only.

01-21-2007, 04:18 AM
ok im new here i got a 22 night elf and dont have money but i want a good wep and armor theres nothing at ah i will buy if i can also im in FEATHERMOON also why cant i cant seem to kill anything convo atomicd

01-22-2007, 01:38 PM
Feathermoon at 22? :)

Need to go to the Wetlands or Redridge or Ashenvale.