View Full Forums : How Do I Get Addon for Coordinates?

01-23-2007, 12:10 AM
I wanted to get and use the Addon that gives me location coordinates......can anyone tell me where to get it and how to set it up...thanks :)

01-23-2007, 12:37 AM
CosmosUI comes with one. I believe one is called cursor..not too sure.

01-23-2007, 07:50 AM
Which WoW folder do I put the unzipped addons into? The folders are labelled logs,cache,screenshots, etc....which would i put it into to make them work?
Also....can u get rid of an addon if u dont like it?

01-23-2007, 08:27 AM
Use CT_Mod and it will do all the co-ords and more..
They unzip into WoW/Interface/addons
and yes if you dont ,likle the addon, either disable it or delete it from the Addon folder.

01-23-2007, 11:13 AM
Metamap is what i use.

01-23-2007, 03:02 PM
Cosmos uses mapnotes. You can get mapnotes without the rest of cosmos. It provides a slash command to put a note on your map for coords called /tloc

/tloc 45,60 would put a dot at 45,60

As stated above CT's mapmod will show you coords when you are in your world map. It shows you both where your cursor is at and where you are at.

Titan has a location mod which shows you coords on your titan bar.

I use a combination of titan and ct. Back when I was using cosmos, I really liked tloc. I'm considering installing mapnotes for it.

I have not tried metamap yet.

y guildies call me the king of mods. I have mods to do everything... and it also takes me like 30s longer to log in than my wife =]

01-23-2007, 09:17 PM
I will second MetaMap -- it folds just about everything map-related into one addon. Coordinates, map notes, etc.

01-24-2007, 03:29 AM
Im third on that MetaMap, started using it a couple of weeks ago and have tried several addons, and its just sweet.
Especially i love that "set as waypoint" funtion, giving a dot on the minimap and a arrow onscreen telling me what direction to run and how far it is till im there :D

01-25-2007, 07:31 AM
Im third on that MetaMap, started using it a couple of weeks ago and have tried several addons, and its just sweet.
Especially i love that "set as waypoint" funtion, giving a dot on the minimap and a arrow onscreen telling me what direction to run and how far it is till im there :D

how do you do that? i searched for this function but couldn't get it to work...

can you explain plz?

01-25-2007, 07:52 AM
For starters u need a note on the map, if you have none you can make one by holding ctrl and leftclikcing on the map where u want the note (usually at a exact location using coordinates from sites like thottbot or wowhead). Type a name for the note, i just use the coordinate xx,yy.
When u have saved the note a dot appears on ur world map, u can have insane amounts of notes so no need to delete an old one unless its getting clutterish ^^
Now u can rightclick on the mapnote, and choose "Set as waypoint". Close the world map.
Now u should have a arrow on ur screen, probably in the middle on top of ur char, u can move it by rightclick-hold and drag. It tells u the direction which u should be running and how far it is, but bare in mind, it shows the EXACT direction, not the easiest way there around mountains and such. So u still need to use ur brain and map a little ^^
But it sure helps a lot on finding quest items and such.

Hope this was of help =)