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01-23-2007, 07:45 AM

I came to this forum because i'm really working on my gear.
I'm a new WOW player working on his first char.

here you can see my current gear (

I would like some advise where to look for. I read about the warden staff, i wish i knew this before i bought my mount and some new gear. now all my money is gone :)

which item should i replace? where should i hunt for.

thx for the help

edit: i'm full feral specced. Here you can see my talents (

01-24-2007, 02:34 AM
i wouldn't bother gearing up with anything specific if you have BC. When you hit 60 you will in 1 or to lvl's be able to switch gear just from q in hellfire penninsula. Just use gear you get on the way by doing quests or grinding for now. I only started checking for replacements when i hit 60 with my druid and priest. I even was using the staff from SM in my late 50's.

The warden staff is real nice and if you have enough cash you could buy one, but again with BC you will hafe much better ones "earth warden" from rep with CE

01-24-2007, 12:48 PM
i wouldn't bother gearing up with anything specific if you have BC. When you hit 60 you will in 1 or to lvl's be able to switch gear just from q in hellfire penninsula. Just use gear you get on the way by doing quests or grinding for now. I only started checking for replacements when i hit 60 with my druid and priest. I even was using the staff from SM in my late 50's.

The warden staff is real nice and if you have enough cash you could buy one, but again with BC you will hafe much better ones "earth warden" from rep with CE

Gotta agree here. If you see the warden staff at a good price and you have the coin buy it. Other than that just lvl and take any upgrades you get along the way. Do not, do not, spend a bunch of gold on gear. Once you can go to Hellfire Penninsula you will be getting very good gear from quests and the instances.

01-25-2007, 02:56 AM
Ok thx.

But why is this warden staff so powerfull? i can get it for 50 G now and maybe put some strength on it.

it's best for tanking i agree, but when i'm soloing instead of tanking, i need the DPS more than the armor. isn't it better to get a good strength and agilitiy weapon?

01-25-2007, 08:50 AM
Its not a must have, but if you plan on or even expect to do some tanking it is a great weapon that is easy to obtain. Its like a warrior that switches to sword and sheild for tanking, why?, because that is what is best for the tanking role.

You are correct in that a high str,agi, and crit weapon is what you need for going cat, however in bear form (when tanking) the extra AC, sta, and defense are really what you need.

Im sure you have read throughout these forums and have seen people mention how much gear they carry around. It can be a pain at times but being prepared for each situation by carrying the appropriate gear will make a big difference in how successful you are in the role you are performing at the time.

I see alot of feral spec druids in Hellfire Penninsula looking for groups and they say...Feral druid lfg. Although some people have no problem with feral or balance spec druids alot of people shy away especially if they are needing a healer or even a tank. When I am looking for an instance group i simply say...Druid lfg.....I usually get an invite and then once im in I ask the group what they need me to do and switch to the appropriate gear.

Sorry for going on and on but what im getting at is that having the right gear for the job your going to do at the time will help you be better and in turn get you more return invites.

01-25-2007, 09:47 AM
You are correct in that a high str,agi, and crit weapon is what you need for going cat, however in bear form (when tanking) the extra AC, sta, and defense are really what you need.

Im aware of the fact that stamina, defense and armor are the stats a tanking bear should focus on, but lately druids have been reporting that they have TO MUCH armor. They simply dont take enough and make enough damage to get any rage, and thus cant hold aggro. Evidently this is dependant of the kind of gear u already have, but if you are about 9000+ armor already then the last thing you need is getting more armor. My best m8 is a warrior, and in full tank gear he is at approx 7500 armor sporting most T1 and some T2 pieces, mixed with some greens from Outland.

01-25-2007, 10:02 AM
Hi (or hoi in your case :P),

If you can get one for 50g I would buy it asap. It's the best tanking staff until lvl 64 (see below). I bought mine a half year ago for 140g when they were normally 200-300g and once in a while I see one pop up for 200g+ on ah. I put also +25 agi on it. Extra strength is not worth it. I've put +15str on that Omokk's mace from LBRS, not noticable, this mace has become absolete anyway now.

In BC there are a lot more feral druid items, the first tanking staff with armor is a level 64 staff, but it lacks stamina. See my comments on these new staves in BC in another topic here:

Edit: I'm still using the Warden Staff when tanking instances in Outland. I use another one with +91ap for cat. Btw I don't have any problems with keeping aggro, even with 16k armor, it's just that Blizzard changed something about aggro management for druids so when you do loose aggro, for example to an AOE-ing or nuking mage, just Feral Charge and taunt or attack. Swipe is also a good aggro holder when fighting mobs.