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01-30-2007, 07:06 PM
The Druids Grove: Best of the Official Boards
Druid Expansion Gear Lists
AKA "Is this an upgrade?"

Player Emmerald has rated every piece of gear in the game for feral druids!

Emmerald's BEAR TANK Equipment List (
Emmerald's CAT BURST DPS Equipment List (
Emmerald's CAT SUSTAINED DPS Equipment List (
For reference, the difference between the two cat lists:

Burst = you start with 100 energy, from Stealth, and try to get to 5 CP's quickly and then Bite. Deal as much damage as you can as quickly as possible. "Burst" = "use all your resources to go all-out for short time"

Sustained = you start with 0 energy, attack as efficiently as possible in the situation to 5 CP, then Rip, starting the sequence all over. Deal as much damage as you can over longer period of time. "Sustained" = "something you can keep up for long period of time"

Burst damage is something you usually can do in soloing and PvP. Sustained damage is used against bosses in PvE raids and instances. Those are pretty much the archetypes you would have for Cat damage, with a lot of situations falling between the two.

Here are some other gear guides found around the net:

BC EQUIPMENT GUIDE FOR TANKING DRUIDS ( - it is also a basic guide on Tanking 101.
BC EQUIPMENT GUIDE FOR TANKING DRUIDS (WOW EUROPE VERS.) ( uses slightly different criteria.
BC EQUIPMENT GUIDE FOR TANKING DRUIDS (TOP GEAR) ( - lists the top gear and how it is aquired, instead of being a laundry list of everything available.

BC EQUIPMENT GUIDE FOR BALANCE DRUIDS ( - Instead of just sorting by equipment slot, this guide lists equipment by zone and slot. The first post also has links to similar guides including a Scryers vs Aldor Faction link for Balance Druids.


BC EQUIPMENT GUIDE FOR HEALING DRUIDS (;jsessionid=CEE34A018650A5F28F1F6BEA753 25D22?topicId=77554372&sid=1)

Check in on these lists when you have a quest reward or drop and want to know if it's an upgrade, or to plan what equipment you would like to aquire as you level.

Also, check out the WowWiki Enchantment By Slot Guide (

Thanks to KeeperPL for more info!

Best of the Official Boards is an on going Druids Grove project to summarize useful information from WoW's Official forums.

01-31-2007, 12:57 AM
Man this stuff is awesome keep it up!

One of my goals is to get balance gear and become a moonkin sometime this year =D This looks great!

EDIT :: For future reference can someone sticky this because i'd hate to have to search for it =/

01-31-2007, 09:21 AM
TBC Cat Sustained DPS Gear List (

TBC Bear Tanking Gear List ( - other version.

02-01-2007, 02:05 AM
anyone has this as an excel sheet?

02-01-2007, 10:58 AM
Yeah, the forums threads break so often we should store it in a better place.

I started a Google Spreadsheet here if anyone wants to start posting items in there.

Druid Gear Google Spreadsheet (

Added a few items in there. I don't know if anyone will be able to edit it. I can add ya to the list if you want to add items.

02-01-2007, 06:39 PM
It's hard to get any healer gear list. Here: is one. Not completed yet, but useful anyway :)

02-01-2007, 07:31 PM
Yeah, the forums threads break so often we should store it in a better place.

I started a Google Spreadsheet here if anyone wants to start posting items in there.

Druid Gear Google Spreadsheet (

Added a few items in there. I don't know if anyone will be able to edit it. I can add ya to the list if you want to add items.

That is a crazy good list. How do I request to get on the edit list?

02-02-2007, 09:54 AM

Just email me with your email and I can send ya an invitation. is the temp email I set up. If anyone else wants to help just email me.

I have a Feral Tanking tab, Feral Cat Tab, Balance Tab, Healing Tab and Flex Tab right now.

02-05-2007, 05:15 AM
when i clikc on the link Druid Gear Google Spreadsheet
i just get the general google spreadsheet logg in screen.
Am i doing anything wrong?

02-05-2007, 05:52 AM
Sticky topic plx! =D

02-05-2007, 08:46 AM
when i clikc on the link Druid Gear Google Spreadsheet
i just get the general google spreadsheet logg in screen.
Am i doing anything wrong?

You probably need a Google account to view it. You can create one free:

Or if you have a Gmail account, you can use that too. (Send me a PM if you want a Gmail account, I have a ton of invites.)

02-05-2007, 11:47 AM
Send me an email at (Not related to the druids grove but a temp address for me to use and delete if it gets spammed :)) if you want to help update the spreadsheet.

Found another spreadsheet made by the guy who does the posts linked above. Very nice.

02-21-2007, 07:39 PM
I found a Resto equipment guide. Posted it in the OP.

03-09-2007, 05:44 AM
Not sure where this link whould fit, but I reckon here as good as anywhere.

The lazy staff ;) on the european forum decided they didnt want to work much more on the forum and unstickied most of the info threads there.

some good druids made this druidwiki ( - info and links (some same as here) to all guides etc

03-28-2007, 06:23 PM
Edited the original post to link to Emmerald's crazy good feral gear list. This is the list they use at the Druid Wiki.

03-30-2007, 06:40 PM
Yeah his list is the best. Once I found it I stopped doing mine. :) That and I was busy playing/working.

08-28-2007, 01:00 PM
under the cat sustained trinkets.

Bladefist's fury gets an extra 33 ap for 200 for 15

ancient dranie talisman does not even though it has the same use.

the tsunami talisman has a chance on crit hit ap buff. I thought that while in feral form that chance on hit buffs don't work for us.

Who would I send the first correction too?

and any explanation would be helpful on the procs


08-29-2007, 10:32 AM
What's the difference between "Bear Tanking Gear" and "Bear High-Gear Mitigation"?

08-29-2007, 10:40 AM
What's the difference between "Bear Tanking Gear" and "Bear High-Gear Mitigation"?I've always wanted to know that as well...

08-29-2007, 04:47 PM
What's the difference between "Bear Tanking Gear" and "Bear High-Gear Mitigation"?

08-29-2007, 08:06 PM
Thanks. Wouldn't have guess that in a million years.

08-30-2007, 11:07 AM
Thanks Anduan!