View Full Forums : clothesrack questions

01-31-2007, 11:49 AM
okay, i downloaded the cosmos mods (holy smokes, there's a LOT of good stuff, btw)

i keep having a problem with clothesrack though... i set up "kitty" gear and "healer" gear, but when i switch them, i ALWAYS get a message that says "I can't put that there" and almost always have my chest armor show up as my cursor, which i just right click on my character icon to put back on... my chest piece is the same for both outfits, so i don't really know what the problem is... I keep trying to update and save the different sets, but this seems to be a recurring problem.

i also switch out from a staff for "kitty" outfit and have a dagger (the one from SM library) and an orb (also from SM, can't remember the name of it) in my offhand for the "healer" outfit, and those give me issues, too... rings seem to switch out just fine though...

any ideas about what the problem might be? (other than the noob on the keyboard lol )

01-31-2007, 12:50 PM
I never used clothesrack from cosmos.

Itemrack works great.

01-31-2007, 01:08 PM
I never used clothesrack from cosmos.

Itemrack works great.

where is itemrack?

(i MAY have the name totally effed up)

01-31-2007, 03:12 PM
Itemrack: here (


01-31-2007, 06:45 PM
Make sure you're not in combat when you are switching (I had this problem with ItemRack...I'm not a big fan of it)

01-31-2007, 08:01 PM
Make sure you're not in combat when you are switching (I had this problem with ItemRack...I'm not a big fan of it)

yea, i haven't been in combat... is there an addon that you use? why are you not a fan of Itemrack?

01-31-2007, 08:48 PM
Mmm, well the fact that I change my playstyles quite often and prefer to wear different pieces for how I'm going to play. If I feel like I'm shifting out a lot more I will wear say, my healing chest and belt and some nuking rings and stuff.

Basically, I don't have my specific 'sets' that are always used in each form.

I use numerous addons ;D Couldn't imagine playing WoW without them.

01-31-2007, 11:39 PM
okay, the addon that i was TRYING to use was Wearme from Cosmos... easy to set up, and i MAY have had some other addons that were affecting it... i junked a the old CT mods that are now incompatible anyway, and picked up itemrack... so far it ROCKS! (much like this board) i love how i get all of my noob questions answered here ...

thanks guys! :)

02-01-2007, 01:54 AM
Glad you like it. Seems to be one of the top choices for people wanting to switch between sets.

02-01-2007, 04:23 AM
ItemRack sux donkeyballs imo, i find that updating my gear and such is a pain in ItemRack compared to Outfitter.
Love my Outfitter though, easy and powerful.
Also it has some REALLY nifty features that i missed out on when using ItemRack.
It displays a list of items in my inventory that's not used in any of my itemsets, that way i can easily vendor/sell any items I dont need.
I can throw all my healinggear, resistancegear or whatever gear into the bank using 1 click, so fetching my healgear when im called for a instance is a breeze! I just open bank and choose "withdraw setitems" for the set i need and boom =)
Keeps my inventory tidy as i dont need to run around carrying my heal/tank gear while grinding/leveling.

Other than that, i dont think there's 1 function that itemrack has that outfitter doesent, so I dont understand why anyone would even use ItemRack >< But hey... thats me =P

Ohhh and furthermore, it also displays "setname" in the tooltip when u check gear in ur inv, so u dont accidenty sell a item in a set cos next to the sellprice it will say "heal set" or something like that.

02-01-2007, 04:30 AM
Get Outfitter here... (
Here's a link to Curse and Outfitter, i highly suggest checking it out. :)
It also has support for Titanpanel. :D
(there's a FuBar addon aswell supportin outfitter)

02-01-2007, 01:06 PM
My 2 cents as well. Outfitter is wonderful. The new way it marks your inventory showing what sets are using it is EXTREMELY handy.

I rebuild my atk pwr set, armor set, and healing set. Anything that does not get tagged is optional vendor loot. :)

Apep, recently ( I suppose since the major 2.0 patch) the automatic switchng of gear when I change forms seems to either be buggy or not work at all. Are you experiencing the same issue?

For example. Standing, I would select my heal set. When I switch to cat form, my gear would automatically swap to atk pwr. Once out of combat if I shift up, my gear switches back to healer. That is an example of how it used to work...just seems it's not working quite efficient as it used to.

02-02-2007, 03:25 AM
My 2 cents as well. Outfitter is wonderful. The new way it marks your inventory showing what sets are using it is EXTREMELY handy.

I rebuild my atk pwr set, armor set, and healing set. Anything that does not get tagged is optional vendor loot. :)

Apep, recently ( I suppose since the major 2.0 patch) the automatic switchng of gear when I change forms seems to either be buggy or not work at all. Are you experiencing the same issue?

For example. Standing, I would select my heal set. When I switch to cat form, my gear would automatically swap to atk pwr. Once out of combat if I shift up, my gear switches back to healer. That is an example of how it used to work...just seems it's not working quite efficient as it used to.

NO idea! Since i dont use the automatic swapping feature, i find switching gear in combat to be useless (switching to more int doesent give more mana when in combat, it just moves the max mana limit and ur stuck with the exact same amount as before), and i think its not even possible to swap armor in combat any longer. And out of combat i use hotkeys to swap gear, F1 for DPS gear, F2 for Heal and so on.

On a sidenote, i usually dont equip my healgear if im not in a group as healer. So i dont swap gear that often.

02-02-2007, 12:12 PM
yea, i don't know about BEFORE 2.0 because i never had any gear worth changing out for, but since i got ahold of ferine leggings and healer leggings (+33 heal bonus) i put those 2 sets in my lower right bar... even there, it wouldn't let me change them out in combat when all i had to do was right-click on them...

i see what you mean about updating Itemrack being a pain, but it's not TOO hateful...

as far as changing goes though... if you had ANY kind of similiar bonuses from the gear you change out of you initially LOSE that bonus before getting the bonus for the gear you've changed into...

example: my staff (can't remember the name, but it's blue) has a (+str) (+agi) (+int) bonus and i use that for my kitty gear. when i change to healer gear, where i have a dagger that has a bigger (+int) bonus and a (+spi) bonus, my mana limit goes DOWN from taking off the rod, then goes WAY up from the bonus from the dagger, so i lose mana initially...

02-05-2007, 04:38 AM
i see what you mean about updating Itemrack being a pain, but it's not TOO hateful...

It is to me, especially when Outfitter is better in EVERY SINGLE way in my opinion. The problem you have with it not swapping gears, I dont have it since i dont autoswap gear, I use hotkeys for that. Also, this will surely be fixed in a update, so even if I used the feature i would not revert to ItemRack since i know Outfitter will be working just fine soon.
Sry to say so but i really do hate ItemRack, i think its UI is beyond tragically poor.

02-15-2007, 12:54 PM
okay, now Itemrack is out-of-date with the latest patch this past tuesday... is there a new and imprived Itemrack?

02-15-2007, 03:02 PM

I'm new to outfitter. Downloaded it when I installed tbc. Like Wulfgor I assumed that the sets would automatically switch as I changed form but that hasn't worked for me either (but I'm probably doing something wrong). I didn't realise that there was an 'autoswitch' option - and I haven't tried to bind different sets to hotkeys either. I'll need to have another look at it.

Cheers for the info


02-15-2007, 03:13 PM
okay, now Itemrack is out-of-date with the latest patch this past tuesday... is there a new and imprived Itemrack?
It still works fine. Just put a checkmark in "Load out of date addons" from the Addons menu.