View Full Forums : Fair Fire and spell damage
03-02-2007, 09:13 PM
I'm level 63 and almost completely balance-specc'd with a few points in restoration, and zero in feral. So I do almost all of my damage with spells.
y question is about the Fairy Fire spell. I know it reduces armor. My question is, does armor affect the amount of damage done by spells? Is it worth it for me to cast fairy fire on an enemy if I won't be engaging in melee? Will their reduced armor cause them to take more damage from my wrath/starfire/roots/insect swarm, or is it just a waste of mana?
Also, of course I have to watch my mana carefully. What do people think the most mana-efficient damage spell is, in terms of damage done per mana point used?
Thanks for any tips!
03-02-2007, 10:09 PM
Armor rating doesn't matter for spells.
If they stack resistance, that's how you would be doing lower damage with spells.
If they have 0 armor or 15,000 armor your spells will still do the same ammount of damage.
Fairy fire would be best used as a balance druid while in a group. When you are solo, I wouldn't do it as much unless you are a meleekin as well.
03-05-2007, 12:22 PM
From what I've heard, wrath is the most mana efficient spell for a Moonkin.
Look for spell penetration stuff, or items that reduce your targets magic resistances. Moonkins are a bit better off in PvP, and maybe PvE, as few ppl / mobs have arcane or nature resist gear (that they wear at least. Shadow and Fire resist gear are more common).
04-02-2007, 07:10 AM
if balance spec fearie fire best(and almost only used by me) in pvp(to prevent vanish...)
04-02-2007, 07:37 PM
if balance spec fearie fire best(and almost only used by me) in pvp(to prevent vanish...)
FF is a MUST against Rogues and other Druids imo.
if balance spec fearie fire best(and almost only used by me) in pvp(to prevent vanish...)
FF isn't really as big a deal now as it was before because of CloS only being on a 1 min CD. Still, i can't think of a reason not to use it.. but it doesn't prevent vanish really. :)
07-10-2007, 02:12 PM
if you put your points in FF, it can be verry usefull on boss fights in any raid/5man the fact that it decrease hit % by 3, stacking that with intsect swarm is Verry nice!
07-12-2007, 05:22 PM
That talent exists in the balance tree to up the raid viability of your particular spec. With an added 3% to hit from melee, you allow your melee classes to drop some gear with +hit on it and pick up more attack power/crit gear, thus increasing their dps. Not to mention, most tanking gear lacks +hit in lieu of +def or +dodge. The more the tank hits, the easier time he has holding aggro. It's a sorta 'sell yourself' talent that helps you secure that raid spot over another caster class.
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