View Full Forums : Best Professions for a High Level Instancing Resto Druid?

03-21-2007, 05:40 PM
I'm leveling up my druid, and I figure I want to be able to use my profession while I'm leveling. Right now I'm skinning/leatherworking, but after looking into the profession more, it seems that there are very few BOP items or items that require Leatherworking that would really entice me (and my guild already has two high level leatherworkers that I could get to provide me with the BOE items).

I was thinking of picking up Jewelcrafting and Enchanting. I have a level 70 Mining Rogue who can supply the mats for Jewelcrafting, and our guild doesn't have a high level Jewelcrafter yet (also the BOP trinkets are nice... although not the best I've seen). Enchanting is generally a good utility profession, and would allow me to enchant my rings of course; and also will allow me to go on stealth farming shard runs with some rogues.

What do you guys think?

03-21-2007, 06:58 PM
I am very happy with Herbalism/Alchemy. You can create your own potions and elixirs and it allows you to earn a lot of money farming herbs. Also collecting herbs is a nice change of pace from beating mobs.
If you are lucky and discover some rare recipie you have another good source of gold.

Also, the trinket you can make (Alchemist's Stone: is really great for ferals.

03-22-2007, 02:10 PM
I would totally suggest Herbalism/Alchemy or Herbalism/Leatherworking.

I'm an enchanter and I've regretted it for years lol. The only good to come of it lately is that you get all the shards in instances to yourself as long as group members don't pester you to roll on them (which I don't think is fair considering they are rarely open to letting you roll on stuff they mine/pick in instances). Enchanting is super-expensive, the quality trinket is not great for bears anymore, and all the good recipes will usually go to the designated enchanter (usually an officer) of your guild. With the exception of the ring enchants, you can get all the benefit of an enchanter without being one.

Having Herbalism is the best way to farm up pot supplies for yourself as well as making a ton of money in the AH. On my server, Ancient Lichen is 40g/stack, so being able to farm a stack in 20 min in Slave Pens is incredible. Alchemy is a good pair for it since you get the aforementioned trinket. Generally speaking, I stay away from professions if my only reason is to get a trinket because there are SO MANY GREAT TRINKETS out there that its just not a big deal.

My other profession is leatherworking and I absolutely love it. There is a fantastic set of feral cat gear from elemental and an equally good balance/healing set from tribal. You also get to make Drums which I've gotten really hooked on. I use my haste drums quite a bit now on raids and it only takes about 10 min to farm the mats for one. I make a ton of money off the nethercleft/clefthoof armors just because there are so few leatherworks and even fewer that get Primal Nethers on a regular basis to make them. I would suggest doing skinning if you do leatherworking. Skinning itself isn't that profitable compared to herbalism, but it certainly makes life a hell of alot easier for leatherworking.

03-22-2007, 03:09 PM
I agree with the herb/alc. Eventually you'll hit the heroic/raid instances and they're all about consumables. My resto friend said he needs to take a stack or two of mana pots to kara every night. Because these instances are so consumable heavy, pots are pricey.

If you farm up the herbs yourself, you can make your own pots.... and then you get the cool trinket which increases the effectiveness of the pots.

I agree with cloee about enchanting. I picked up enchanting to create my smoking heart of the mountain (Used to be the feral druid's rite of passage =).... and I came to the same conclusion... why bother doing it yourself? Let someone else in your guild do it.

As for jewlecrafting... I just spent a PAINFUL amount of time and mats leveling jewelcrafting on my rogue to over 300. The trinkets are nice, but not hugely better than anything else. There are no epic BoPs you need it for. The cut gems sell for about as much as the uncut gems. It isn't that grand of a profession really. As a note, thorium is selling for over 1g a bar, and the diamonds/emeralds you need for the hike from 280-300 go for 15g a pop. Not a cheap profession right now.

Your other choice is to keep leatherworking. As Cloee said there's some nice BoP items you need LW to use.

It's a nice set.

All in all, herb/alc is probably the best... not to mention a great money maker. You can sell the herbs straight, or you can make some pots... not to mention selling transmutes. If you farm up the mats, earthstone/skyfire diamonds sell for 80-100g a pop.

03-22-2007, 05:32 PM
I leveled herb / alch, then after a while at 60 I dropped herb for enchanting to make my SHoTM. Since I put so much effort time and money into enchanting (and I have a few rare / difficult to get enchants, pre bc: +55 healing +15 agi to 1h) I cannot bear (no pun intended) to drop it.

Enchanting those two recipies made me decent coin pre bc, though now they are worthless. I'm still working on getting some of the more desirable BC enchants, but I get bored grinding for world drops. Gonna be real expensive getting the next 30 points (345 enchanting atm), but it'll be cool to get there.

Alchemy is amazing. So is herbalism. My priest alt is alch herb, and she's sending all the herbs that she can get to Clari to lvl his alchemy. Slow going, but eventually I'll get him up to 375 there, make my trinket, and become a transmute master.

All in all, I'd recommend herb / alch as well.

Or.... you could go the cool route and pick up engineering and mining, and make that polymorph trinket. 3 forms of CC for druid = pwnage in arena ^^

04-02-2007, 02:54 PM
AFAIK, the chicken trinket is unusable in Arena... no explanation why.

04-02-2007, 05:19 PM
AFAIK, the chicken trinket is unusable in Arena... no explanation why.


Hmm. I just heard some druids talking about this in guild chat. Seems like it'd be OP in Arena... probably a good thing they disabled it.

04-02-2007, 06:58 PM
I personally started as skinning/lw and then dropped LW for Herbalism and went that way all the way to 60 and picked up alchemy in place of skinning.

I highly recommend Alchemy (still haven't got around to leveling mine to 375) or Leatherworking (because crafting gear is just so cool).

04-23-2007, 03:38 PM
Alchemy's nice to have, but there's no real key reason your MAIN should be your alchemist. The key recipes don't take faction to get, so if you're going to work an alt up over 60, it's easy enough to make THAT your alch.

I was an Enchanter/Herbalist, but dropped Herb a couple weeks ago for leatherworking. There's enough LW stuff that's handy to have, and a lot of it takes faction to get the patterns. Enchanting was just what I took to get Smoking Heart of the Mountain, and I've stuck with it largely due to boredom, but it's nice to have.

04-24-2007, 06:56 PM
Alchemy's nice to have, but there's no real key reason your MAIN should be your alchemist. The key recipes don't take faction to get, so if you're going to work an alt up over 60, it's easy enough to make THAT your alch.

I was an Enchanter/Herbalist, but dropped Herb a couple weeks ago for leatherworking. There's enough LW stuff that's handy to have, and a lot of it takes faction to get the patterns. Enchanting was just what I took to get Smoking Heart of the Mountain, and I've stuck with it largely due to boredom, but it's nice to have.

Well many of the flask recipes can be acquired in the Outlands by getting Exalted standing with different factions. But yea I see you're point on having an alchemist alt.

I used to regret being an alchemist and thought about leveling LW instead but it's all cool.

04-25-2007, 06:36 AM
I enjoy being alchemist, always have a pot ready to increase stats when needed I find great. Its good with the fact that adaption is our main attribute. Can see your point tho with making a alt alchemist, but then again theres not that many good LW made items that are BoP.

Not to mention Alchemist's stone (, which is just really good for any hybrid class.