View Full Forums : Improvements of my gear?

04-08-2007, 05:13 PM
I'm recently hit 70, about a week ago. I feel like doing some arena, so im going for pvp gear. Most of what i use now is from quests and i would like to improve it, but i have gone over the instances over and over, and can't find many improvement at all. Since I'm going for pvp I want a about an equal share of crit, hit, dodge and ap in my feral gear. I have therefore gone for mosly agi gear, and some hit rating and some feral combat for more hit. From the pvp i have done this far i am pleased with it, and do well against most classes, but i would still like to improve it when my arena team mates can't or won't play.

Here is my profile:
I would like to add that there is a "+ 6 crit rating gem" in my hat, and a "Meta Socket" availible in it and the bonus is "+ 4 resilience".
y green ring has a "20 agi and 20 dodge rating enchant".
And there are two "+ 6 agi gems" in the belt, and a "+ 3 dodge rating bonus on it.

In cat form, unbuffed, this puts me at:
30.43 % crit
30.52 % dodge
1731 ap
6854 hp

04-09-2007, 10:25 AM
For PvP you want alot of resilience and alot more stamina. Some of the best items you can get are the epic rewards from honor grinding in EotS/AV/etc. I'd dump +12 stam in all my sockets too. I remember the difference when I shifted into this mentality was enormous. I was usually something like 9-6 (kbs-deaths) in EotS, but after picking up around 1500hp and 80 resilience, I averaged 16-4.

Replace that crapping def ring with the Sha'tar rep ring as well. Otherwise, you're on the right track. Keep in mind that you want a fair amount of strength instead of focusing completely on agility. Agility doesn't do much for you in bear so you need some strength to ensure you can still put in a few good hits from bear. Luckily, damage from ap scales much better in bear, so you don't have to overload it.

04-09-2007, 11:31 AM
Ofc I'm on my way to replacing that ring, but as i said i recently hit 70 and havn't had much time to work on my faction rep. I don't wanna gimp my dmg though. Surviving never seems to be a problem for me. I play 2 vs. 2 arena and i can take most classes head to head. My problem is getting them down before my team mates is dead or someone start healing them again.

04-09-2007, 12:37 PM
The Moonglade set is actually a decent pvp set until you start getting arena gear. It lacks a little in crit, but it can be made up elsewhere. There's also a better staff in Botanica(I think). Hit rating and feral combat skill is nice, but the combat skill will really only come into play in pve or against people wearing tanking gear..paladins, prot warriors, and some druids maybe, but I don't think it's worth focusing on for pvp, specially with as much hit rating as you have.

Same advice as Chloee, I think the honor rewards are best bet, maybe the Dreamer's Dragonstaff from Botanica til you get a Staff of Natural Fury(or not, I can't get one) or the arena 2h Mace.

These four are all fairly easy to get and give you a nice mix of dps stats and huge armor gains in bear form.

At any rate, you crit looks more than high enough, but AP is lacking(not sure if ctprofiles' stats are accurate), so you can prolly worry about strength a little more...the way I've done it is to focus entirely on strength/AP totals and let the crit work itself out and it's still around 30% unbuffed. My line of thinking is that I want to crit hard when I crit. Doesn't do me much good if I crit alot for crap damage...that said Stamina's still the biggest pvp stat...

04-09-2007, 02:16 PM
Ofc I'm on my way to replacing that ring, but as i said i recently hit 70 and havn't had much time to work on my faction rep. I don't wanna gimp my dmg though. Surviving never seems to be a problem for me. I play 2 vs. 2 arena and i can take most classes head to head. My problem is getting them down before my team mates is dead or someone start healing them again.

This is a common pvp misconception. Most people will make huge sacrifices in order to bump their DPS so that they can spike someone down. "Spiking" is a strategic solution, not a gear one. You set up the person, then call for the spike in which everyone fires all of their high DPS abilities/cooldowns on someone all at once. In our case, it is putting up the Mangle and FF debuffs and building a full energy bar before the spike.

Against good teams, fights are based on endurance and survivability, not on zerging. It is certainly important to have the potential to finish someone off quickly, but you need to play to your strengths as a hybrid. You need enough mana to be able to shift frequently for heals/cc and enough defensive capabilities to absorb an alpha strike. Dead players do 0 dps.

I believe I logged in my pvp gear, so you can check that out if you wish (link in my sig). There is a substantial difference between my gear sets for pve dps and pvp. I sacrifice roughly 4% crit and 200ap for the extra hp and resilience. The plus side is that pvp gear is well-balanced stat-wise and takes advantage of the non-linear single-stat point value growth on the item formula (ie, 12 agi is similar in item lvl to 8 agi and 8 str).

04-09-2007, 02:28 PM
I think the Natural Fury staff is over rated. I have never gone out of mana in a arena fight. And the only time I acutally shapeshift is when I am up against a mage and no mage has managed to make make me shift and heal myself.
And it my crits do good dmg, on a clothie about 2.5 k shreds, 4-5k 5p bites. Plus every yellow crit grants me an extra combo point which mean a faster or longer maim if i need it or a faster bite if they are low. And for the record more crits = more dps in the end. Since i use the hourglass trinket crits are even more wellcome as well. I think i could use a little more ap though, around 2k buffed would be nice, i have about 1.74 k now.

Edit: I just read Zhoe's post and I can agree in 3 vs. 3 fights as well as 5 vs. 5 fights. But i play in 2 vs. 2 fights, and as you said a dead player equals no dps at all. That is the key to our play style, cc on one of them and take the other one down. I play with a moonkin and a shadow priest, none of those can last long fights.You're probably right on the fact that i could use more health though.

04-09-2007, 07:17 PM
Yeah, I don't know if you covered this, but the fastest way to increase your damage is to get enchanted. Enchants play a huge role. Make and enchanting friend and be their slave for instance runs. Not only do you have a chance to upgrade your own gear, but you help them farm for mats, which they'll probably use on you!

That said, you have some of the upper end dps pieces already. Fortunately, you play a poorly itemized class so some rare/uncommon drops are very good dps for us.

Don't get too stuck on those gloves. I know I was for a long time, but the fact of the matter is, that feral combat skill wasn't really doing that much for me. Not compared to what I was sacrificing to retain it. Boots and bracers are where I see significant upgrades. The Master's Treads ( are BoE world drop you can pick off the AH and Ruuan Weald Wristguards ( are a quest reward from You're Fired! (