View Full Forums : Crit Caps/Hit Cap/Attack Tables

04-30-2007, 04:12 AM
I was just looking for some feedback on some numbers I've been tossing around. The question was, am I wasting any crit from agi/rating? The same question applies for +hit. Basically, I was looking to see if my choices to stack agi (since it was more readily available) were resulting in deceptive damage numbers. Ok, enough blabbage.

Ok, we had some pretty extensive fights on the prince where I was able to sample in dps mode. I had ~37% crit with pots and buffs and around 3k attack power (unfortunately, not every trial was identical. . . only the first 5). My hit rating was still 118. The following is for white damage only. I performed 1632 swings for auto-attack during the fight(s)

Data Count Percentage

Glancing Blow.......642.....39.338%
Ordinary hit..........276.....16.912

Ok, so lets just check here and see (because I rounded) if this comes to the 100% of attacks that I hope it does. 2.0833+6.0662+0.466+39.338+35.172+16.912= 100.0375. Close enough for government work! Just goes to show I rounded up =]

The Missing Crit
Regardless, it seems that some of my crit% is just not happening. My standard crit rate, unbuffed is around that value. Also note that I missed. This means that, despite my high amount of +hit, I can still use 1 more percent (did you know there was a 99% hit rate cap? you'll always miss 1% of the time. . . bummer).

Have I reached a crit cap? No. I have not pushed ordinary hits off the attack table yet. Unfortunately, I seem to be missing some of my crit. So how unlikely is it that I would show a crit list of 574 when I take 1632 swings? Well, lets estimate that I was at 37.2% crit for that fight (I was at 40.04% potted and 35.2% unpotted. I took 5 potted attempts and 3 unpotted attempts. In one pottted attempt I was wearing tank gear, greatly reducing my crit rate down to 31.86% I just took the weighted average of the three percentages). This percentage would yield 607.145 critical attacks on auto-swing. In essence, I lost 33 critical attacks during the fight. These would have to have been blocks from when I was in front of the mob (where I received those parries). I don't find this to be entirely unreasonable.

I have not yet reached a crit cap, although I seem to be close. I can add 1.0833% or 16 rating to +hit before it becomes utterly useless. Once I hit that, I will approach a crit cap, at which point, the usefulness of agi will be drastically reduced (as the additional crit will cease to benefit me). Until then, the benefits of agi will continue to be nearly equal to that of str, making the two stats almost interchangeable. Don't forget, we druids get 2.2 AP from each str in cat form and 1 AP from agi (but we also get 0.04 +crit % per agi). Silly rogues and your 1 AP from str. . . rofl Grin

04-30-2007, 05:57 AM
what is the official crit cap?

04-30-2007, 06:23 AM
Silly rogues and your 1 AP from str. . . rofl Grin

I love my rogue! Even though the cat has higher AP, the rogue does insanely much more damage. It's more about what weapon you have and what attacks you use tbh. :p

04-30-2007, 08:03 AM
what is the official crit cap?

So it LOOKS like this mob would have a crit cap of approximately 65%. But this would also yield no regular hits, only glancing blows and criticals. Keep in mind, this table only applies for white damage, not instant attacks.

05-01-2007, 03:22 PM
Since you say you were in your tanking gear for one fight, that skews all the results. You would be better off throwing that out completely, and then using your weighted crit average for the potted/unpotted fights in the same gear set. There's no way you have the same +hit in tanking vs. dps gear, so the 2% miss number is meaningless. Likewise, if you were in tanking gear, does that mean you were in bear form or cat? If bear, the number of attacks for that round will be significantly lower, further contributing to the skewing of your data.

05-03-2007, 01:37 AM
I was in catform . . . our tank got a little overzealous and engaged before the ready check came back positive. Needless to say that was a short fight. Yeah, you're correct about the miss rate being skewed. However, my guess is that I got very few hits off that round, as it lasted less than a minute. That's kinda what happens when the raid is afk. Anyway, I have long since deleted that data set, so I can't remove the tanking. I can however build a new one. . . which I will do next fight.

05-04-2007, 03:24 PM
Also keep in mind, your tooltip percentage for crits and such are against a level 70 opponent. Mobs on a given raid can vary from that.

06-26-2007, 08:00 AM
I have not yet reached a crit cap, although I seem to be close. I can add 1.0833% or 16 rating to +hit before it becomes utterly useless. Once I hit that, I will approach a crit cap, at which point, the usefulness of agi will be drastically reduced (as the additional crit will cease to benefit me). Until then, the benefits of agi will continue to be nearly equal to that of str, making the two stats almost interchangeable. Don't forget, we druids get 2.2 AP from each str in cat form and 1 AP from agi (but we also get 0.04 +crit % per agi). Silly rogues and your 1 AP from str. . . rofl Grin

You're ignoring the dodge and armor benefits from agility. Str is only AP as far as druids go.