View Full Forums : Dreamers Dragonstaff enchant

05-01-2007, 03:47 PM
So after 11 runs in Bot, I finally got my Dreamer's Dragonstaff to replace the Fleshling Simulation Staff. Gonna have to find something to get my +hit back up, but the ap increase is huge with Dreamer's.

What do you guys think: enchant Dreamers with +70ap or +35agi?

I'm at about 30% dodge 30% crit 2050 ap in cat right now.

I have the mats for both.

05-01-2007, 05:53 PM
I did 30 agi at around the same stats as you, agi just seems to benefit us more than straight AP, plus I wike crit.

05-02-2007, 02:21 AM
On 2H-weapons ALWAYS enchant +35 agi. AP is nice, but agi gives us so much more.

05-02-2007, 06:41 PM
Yeah, I agree with Abies. Agi gives crit, AP, and even some dodge and armor. 70 AP is nice, but it's much better, imo, to settle for half the AP and get about 1.4% crit.

05-02-2007, 10:52 PM
Hey I have this too.

Didn't realize it was worth enchanting?

05-03-2007, 05:04 AM
Well, if you ask me it is, unless the staff from Kara or the one from heroic what is it, underbog are within your grasp easily. We're only up to curator in Kara and I don't do heroics as often as I'd like, so I went ahead and enchanted this thing, been very pleased with it thus far.

05-03-2007, 07:55 AM
There's only a handful that are better, imo.

Gladiator's Maul
Terestrian Illhoof's Stranglestaff
Feral Staff of Lashing

aybe there's one other, but I think that's it. Illhoof's staff refuses to drop, and no one ever wants to run Heroic Botanica, so I've had mine for about two, maybe three, months. It's well worth enchanting; Dreamer's staff will last for awhile, but that's just my opinion.

05-03-2007, 08:01 PM
Btw speaking of enchants...

I wish Blizzard would implement something that changes our physical appearance in forms when we have our weapons enchanted...

05-04-2007, 10:28 AM
Hey Guys, just taking all of this in, and not to get off topic, but can you tell me how to get trained for 2 handed weapons? I love my staff, however, are there some other weapons that I should be considering?

Not up on all the technicalities, so can you tell me why I should always enchant my two handed weapons?

Plus, can I use a wand?

05-04-2007, 02:33 PM
Druids can train: Daggers, 1h maces, 2h maces and Staves. Talk to a guard at any major city, and he can direct you to the weapon trainer. Generally Pre Outland, 2h maces will have the best feral stats, while staves will have the best caster stats.

You shouldn't always enchant your staves, or any weapons for that matter, while leveling. Worthwhile enchants tend to be expensive, and considering you will be getting a new weapon from questing / instancing every 3-5 levels, enchanting them each time isnt worth it. Wait until you get to the outland to think about enchanting weapons. And while on that topic, only enchant your weapons with things that increase stats. Anything that has a chance on hit (i.e. crusader, firey, icey) or +weapon damage doesn't work in feral forms, and is therefore useless.

Druids cannot use wands. Or shields. Or axes. Or Swords.

05-04-2007, 02:35 PM
And thanks for the replys.

I just got +35agi on my Dreamer's last night, and it puts me at 2087 or so ap, 32% dodge 31% crit in cat form. Slightly less depending on whether I'm wearing my hybrid gear as opposed to straight dps.

05-04-2007, 04:53 PM
Druids can train: Daggers, 1h maces, 2h maces and Staves. Talk to a guard at any major city, and he can direct you to the weapon trainer. Generally Pre Outland, 2h maces will have the best feral stats, while staves will have the best caster stats.

Thank you so much for information. I am feral, so 2h mace it is.

05-07-2007, 08:52 AM
Druids can train: Daggers, 1h maces, 2h maces and Staves.

Don't forget fist weapons. There are none with good stats for druids, but still ... ^^

05-08-2007, 02:45 PM
Don't forget fist weapons. There are none with good stats for druids, but still ... ^^

Oh yeah good point. I always thought that druids primary weapon should be fist weapons... and that they should show somehow in feral form.

Oh well.

07-19-2007, 10:52 AM
I am stoked to say that I got Illhoof's stranglestaff this past weekend. I got the 70AP enchant, but am considering switching to the 35 agility. Sucks to have blown the money without doing the research, but the benefits of agility seem to be a bit more important than the miniscule difference the AP has made.

07-24-2007, 01:48 PM
save your gp on the enchant, work the Cenarion Expedition to get exalted.

then get Earthwarden and toss a +35 agility on it. so far the best i have used so far. only thing... its a 2 handed mace.. spent about 3 hours in deadmines skililng up the 2hand mace

07-24-2007, 01:53 PM
Earthwarden is more of a tanky weapon than a DPS weapon (although it certainly benefits from +35 agi too). Dreamer's Dragonstaff is a great DPS weapon. If you're going to enchant it, I'd agree that +35 agi is the way to go. The mats aren't that bad compared to some. At least it doesn't require primals. :)

07-24-2007, 06:50 PM
its a 2 handed mace.. spent about 3 hours in deadmines skililng up the 2hand mace

Just curious but why skill up? Unless you are using it in caster form then got you, but in forms weapon skill don't matter no?

But can understand if you like to see those skills capped, fishing/cooking will one day get capped by me as well just cause I hate seeing something not capped ..yeah yeah I know weird:crazy:

07-25-2007, 02:35 PM
yeah i know. still working on fishing, now that i got my bash your head stick i am just running baby zones to max out all my weapon skills

07-25-2007, 02:48 PM
A good way to work on melee weapon skill is to attack the Servant of XXX mobs in the Blasted Lands. ( As they don't die unless you use a quest item or something like that. So, just beat on them until you run out of mana healing yourself. Then run away. Drink. Repeat. Shouldn't take too long to get your skill to a respectable level.

07-25-2007, 03:05 PM
I was raising -something- on my warrior one day and I found the netherweb victims in Terrokar to be quite fun. If your skill is low you can hack at them webbed for a long time without taking any damage, and once there is an actual mob there you can beat on it for a while.. it will eventually despawn though if you haven't killed it after a couple minutes.