View Full Forums : Feral or Resto

05-15-2007, 06:29 PM
Hey guys,

I need some help with choosing what spec im going to be when i hit 70. Im 63 right now but my friend got me into a really good raiding guild. I'v been thinking about going resto for a while now but Im worried about PvP'ing. Resto druids dont make much damage so how can I compete in PvP'ing and PvP is one of my favorite aspects of the game. I aslo thought of combining Resto with balance so i can still make some damage. I really dont know what to do. Your suggestions would help me greatly.

05-15-2007, 08:40 PM
Welcome to TDG sardon.

Well I'm assuming you've been feral the whole time up until now (or at least for leveling anyways). It's definitely possible to level resto specced. Most people find it has a lesser damage output and choose feral/balance for leveling. It's totally up to you but I've always went feral.

For PvP you can go a resto/balance build. I haven't PvPed as a resto druid at 70 but at 60 I had one of the best survival in the game with Swiftmend.

ps. next time just post in normal font =D

05-16-2007, 08:24 AM
Feral druids don't have much survivability in PVP. Your tank form is unkillable, but then you do no damage. I think the best teams I've seen use a resto druid. Its amazing because they can start the game stealthed. So you don't hone in on the healer instantly. Then they pop out of nowhere, do some damage then start healing..... toss a cyclone and move on.

05-17-2007, 10:07 AM
Resto druids are good in team PvP, they are useless solo or casual.

Do you have a good team that benefits from you staying resto, please do so.. if you don't, well, PvP will be hard as resto (however there are some resto/balance speccs that are pretty decent).

05-20-2007, 06:36 AM
If you're worried about PvPing solo, I tried a 27/0/33 build for awhile(gets you Moonglow, Lunar Guidance, Nature's Grace, Vengeance etc). You're able to put out pretty solid damage if you have the right gear for it, and if you have some decent healing gear, you still have most of the healing tools you need, including swiftmend. My balance gear sucked or I may have enjoyed it more.

05-21-2007, 03:25 PM
In my past experiences, PvPing as a resto druid solo is just have to learn how to fight.

When I was resto I think I shifted about 3-4x more than I do PvPing as a feral druid. Resto PvP is all about chipping away at your opponents health and learning to use your stuns against healers (helps that I've got warstomp). Resto you can hold your own for a LONG time but if you can learn the style, you can become a lot better than most other players because there are a ton of people who run around just hitting their top rank of X spell to do dmg in pvp.

05-22-2007, 02:03 PM
Well I can explain it like this since when the game first was released I played resto and leveled from 1-60 in it.

Resto: Originally druids could outlast opponents when the game was released as resto. This is not so true anymore. Resto pvp is possible but you basically do little to no damage. Think of a holy paladin fighting someone and you get the idea. As I said it's possible but any 1v1 pvp will be very long and drawn out. Resto druids are better served in groups.

Balance:I have always liked balance and been intrigued by it but still due to lack of itemization and synergy between moonkin and other forms balance still isn't where it should be. Damage wise balance is utterly great. Survivability , spell interrupts are still issues. Balance druids just like resto fair better in groups and if you want to dps as well as heal this might interest you if you like ranged. Leather +damage itemization is still WAY OFF and I myself am not a fan of cloth wearing moonkin in pvp.

Feral: Honestly atm - feral is our strongest tree with the most synergy. Good survivabiliy , Good damage, good pve viability all in one package. It's obviously a melee based build so if you aren't interested in melee try either balance or resto. Itemization for feral is literally everywhere so there is always something to get. Good for solo pvp.

Group pvp and arenas honestly with the current ruleset druids do not excell regardless of spec.

05-22-2007, 06:55 PM
More PvP talk *sigh*

Azreell is definitely hitting the point though. Feral is our strongest tree for solo play atm but you still need to learn how and when to shift out and what forms to use. You are NOT a rogue...learn to get out of catform when you're taking a beating~!

05-23-2007, 02:53 AM
This should show you all you need to know :P

But serriously ... id say oomkin works well in pvp.

Then again ... I usually get owned by lvl 60s. (Done battlegrounds about 4 times in my life :P )

05-23-2007, 01:11 PM
More PvP talk *sigh*

Azreell is definitely hitting the point though. Feral is our strongest tree for solo play atm but you still need to learn how and when to shift out and what forms to use. You are NOT a rogue...learn to get out of catform when you're taking a beating~!

Trixtaa couldn't be more right.

The mistake I see many druids make is they forget they have more then 1 form.

05-25-2007, 12:06 PM
Barkskin is your friend.

05-25-2007, 12:32 PM
Barkskin is your friend.

The new barkskin is nice.

AP/Pom/Pyro mages in arenas aren't such a pain now in arenas.....

05-25-2007, 12:50 PM
The new barkskin is nice.

AP/Pom/Pyro mages in arenas aren't such a pain now in arenas.....

I think it's awesome tbh! It's one of our best PvP-skills now imo. :)

Sad thing is.. you don't see druid use it at all (well maybe once a day).. and it's only on a 1 min CD now.. makes me sad. :cry: