View Full Forums : Starcraft II

05-19-2007, 04:48 PM

'Hell, it's about time.'

Looking forward to it.

Btw, I believe SCII will NOT kill WoW...only add to the empire we call Blizzard.

05-19-2007, 05:57 PM
Well, it's not an MMO, just an RTS.

And yeah, it looks pretty awesome.

05-19-2007, 06:16 PM
Yeah. Starcraft was one of the best games ever, in my opinion. I flipped when I saw earlier today that they were making number 2. The graphics look incredible, and I loved the gameplay trailers that I saw.

05-19-2007, 07:46 PM
I agree, Starcraft was and still is one of the best games i played.
But it doesent mean they shouldnt make Starcraft 2 better, instead of just copying Brood wars gameplay into a new flashy engine.
I personally like relics games too, like
Warhammer: The Dark Crusade, and Company of Heroes, and i think that blizz should really take a look at them before creating new Starcraft ;)

05-20-2007, 01:28 AM
Yea. Starcraft I is still alive and healthy today so it'll be amazing to see how long SCII will go for. RTSs have a much longer lifetime than most MMORPGs imo so looks like Blizzard will have a good chunk of the RTS world fortified with the release of SCII

05-20-2007, 07:12 AM
But it doesent mean they shouldnt make Starcraft 2 better, instead of just copying Brood wars gameplay into a new flashy engine.

Well. We have no idea what else they're changing. Right now, there's no release date, and they've only showed us four units and one building. And, from the gameplay video, the abilities look awesome. My bet is that it will be as balanced as Starcraft was, but with a whole lot of new unit twists and strategies and whatnot.

Also, there could very well be a new race; they only said the current three races would be coming back. They never said "There will only be three races." I wonder if they'll pull a BC and tell us about a new race (probably the Xel'naga, or something. Duran's Hybrids?) as they're closing in on release.

Gameplay Trailers (

05-21-2007, 06:50 PM
In the pipe, five by five :D

I totally worshipped SC1 when it launched in 98 and played with the best players here in Sweden. And just to brag I won over the Swedish Champion many times in casual 1v1's. :p

Favorite race: Zerg all the way baby. 8)

05-23-2007, 02:09 AM
I still play SC while the server is down on wednesdays.