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05-21-2007, 04:39 PM
Greetings again,

I just rolled another druid, Night Elf this time. What gear do you suggest for a young druid?

Mind, I'm only asking about lower levels. He's 12 atm, but only thinking ahead to level 25 or so. I really enjoy playing low level characters for PvE.

I don't have access to any enchants or armor kits, unless I start LW. I am putting all my talent points into Feral. Should I concentrate on AGI, or balance STA and AGI? I'm thinking of like green "of the monkey" or whatnot gear.

05-21-2007, 04:47 PM
Or is STR better to look for at lower levels?

05-21-2007, 05:09 PM
I'd have to look up the link, but there is a pretty good article on that shows that at lower levels till you get to a certain AP, that strength is way more valuable than agility. Now don't ignore agility, but agility and strength are most important. Until you get to Outland and get into a zone where itemization is better, you pretty much have to follow the "take what you can get" theory. Most of the gear pre BC is not well itemized for Feral Druids in leather. Agility is your key for critical strikes. Its invaluable, but without strength, you're critical might be half of what it would be with a decent amount of strength. Your weapons don't affect your damage in feral form. So the only way to bump your damage is to up your strength.

05-22-2007, 11:40 AM
At lower levels you should get:
Leggings of the fang, from WC
Tunic of westfall from a q in DM
and Smite's Mighty Hammer also from dm.
This gear should benefit you very much at the start ;)

05-22-2007, 02:08 PM
Strength is a more valuable stat at lower levels then agility.

Agility only comes into play after a certain amount of attack power.

Get as much str as you can atm and it will make leveling easier.

05-22-2007, 06:50 PM
At first your will want to look at STR and STAM gear. AGI becomes more valuable to your AP starting at 1200AP which is when 1 point of AGI is equal to 1 point of STR in terms of AP.

05-23-2007, 10:03 AM
Alrighty, thanks!

05-23-2007, 01:25 PM
RIP Erollisi Marr


Are you from emarr?

I played a druid for god knows how long there before quitting.

Oakendale was my druids name. Was in affliction at the time but I am now in Da'kor.

05-23-2007, 03:40 PM

Are you from emarr?

I played a druid for god knows how long there before quitting.

Oakendale was my druids name. Was in affliction at the time but I am now in Da'kor.

Yep, it's true. Emarr born and raised. But I was stationed in South Korea for most of my time playing. So, I hooked up with the Aussie's. Was in Order of Magus Tytalus, Hearts of Fenris then Cruentus, and then joined Whit's End when I hit the states again.

Now I transferred over to Saryrn to join a guild that fits my West Coast schedule. I play WoW while I raid. =)

05-24-2007, 05:34 PM
Ahh I remember Order of Magus Tytalus.

Good to see some old eq druids still playing druids in wow.

I will admitt though I do miss quad kiting lol............... :rolling: