View Full Forums : Hit Rating

05-24-2007, 07:43 AM
So, I've had a very lucky day today.

I got ahold of my Tier 4 Shoulders and Leggings, as well as the Belt ( off the Raven God (Anzu).

Problem is, I'd take a major fall in hit rating were I to equip all of them in my DPS set (Currently using: Sun-gilded Shoulders, Clefthoof Hide Leggings, and Socrethar's Girdle). Right now, I have 132 hit rating (8% chance to hit, roughly). Obviously, I want to equip Tier 4 for the 2pc bonus. So, just with those, I'd go down to about 105 Hit Rating, and with the belt I'd go down to 85(ish).

Here's what I'm curious about: I've kept looking all over Druid Forums and WoWwiki and no one really seems certain. Some say 100 hit rating, some say 8.6% chance to hit, others say 5% chance to hit (100 hit rating, I believe), etc. Ex-feral in my guild has a little less than 100 hit rating, I believe, and he said he didn't miss much that he could recall.

So, does anyone know how much hit rating to aim for?

05-24-2007, 09:00 AM
Unless something has changed, cat form isn't treated as dual wielding, so you only get a 5.6% base chance to miss a lvl 73 mob typically, so I'd say it's safe to drop some hit rating.

05-24-2007, 01:36 PM
Unless something has changed, cat form isn't treated as dual wielding, so you only get a 5.6% base chance to miss a lvl 73 mob typically, so I'd say it's safe to drop some hit rating.

You are 100% correct.

05-24-2007, 08:45 PM
Alright, awesome, thanks. Definately dropping the excess, then. Goes to show you, I should have come here first, rather than search all over the place.

05-25-2007, 02:57 AM
The Grove is always the place to be ;)

05-29-2007, 07:12 AM
5.6% is the crit reduction cap. For hit, its 8.6%. That stat is, of course, if nothing has changed in the lately :p

While on raid, your most important dps stat is +hit. There is very little that can make up for losing it. That being said, with the 2pc t4 bonus, if you are otherwise gaining some crit% with those pieces as well, it's probably worth it.