View Full Forums : Resistance Gear End Game ??

05-29-2007, 03:48 AM
Hey guys,

Long time lurker, noob poster,

Im currently tanking instances and getting attuned to Karazhan and my guild is looking to at least have a look at Kara this week. It is likely I will be MT at least some of the time and either OT or DPS. Will I need to start collecting resistance gear for Kara and or for some of the end game instances? If so can you guys give me a little advise?

I have a little Fire resistance but nothing else, also is it worth trying to keep Defence up to as near 415 as possible.

05-29-2007, 06:51 AM
Well you'd need Fire Resist gear for The Eye(Tempest Keep raid instance), and nature for SSC. Fire/frost resist I suppose wouldn't hurt for Shade of Aran in Karazhan but I don't use it really.

05-29-2007, 09:51 AM
As said above.

There's really no need for resist gear in Kara, and my guild has cleared it numerous times ( though this weekend was a first having 2 groups clear through Prince :) )

05-29-2007, 11:15 AM
If you are MT or soak for Curator, you need Arcane resist. I've done both sitting at around 220 AR.

05-29-2007, 01:17 PM
also is it worth trying to keep Defence up to as near 415 as possible.

Necessary. Becoming and staying uncrittable should be the first thing you do. Then start to build up stam and dodge.

05-29-2007, 01:56 PM
Thanks Guys,

I have the Defence rating just starting to swap out items for +Stamina and Agilty as said, but thought I should find out about Resistance, is there a magic number (i.e 415 for defence) or is it more a case of what gear you can find that dosn't gimp your Stamina and Defence and armour too much.

I still have a way to go, still need rep to get earthwarden and still need to work on my gear, but time is something I don't have much of atm.

Loving being a Druid

05-29-2007, 03:45 PM
God I can only dream about Earthwarden. Its so many SteamVaults runs for me that I don't even like to think about them. I think I estimated it around 10-15 more runs for me. Ugh.. probably more because most people don't like to take the time for a full clear for rep.

05-29-2007, 07:02 PM
Try Heroic SPens or Underbog. People <3 heroics.

05-30-2007, 04:01 AM
Remember that if you can't get good defense rating just replace for good resilience.To us druids its quite a nice addition to the game.

05-31-2007, 07:57 AM
Remember that if you can't get good defense rating just replace for good resilience.To us druids its quite a nice addition to the game.

+def should be easier to get than +resil though 8)

05-31-2007, 08:41 AM
+def should be easier to get than +resil though 8)

Naw... just form an arena team. Then play 10 games per week. Wait 6 weeks and you get decent +Resilence. If your winning in Arena, you get it sooner.

Arena is nice.. its just pretty much free epics if you do the minimum and are patient. its pretty much how I made up the difference on my +Defense. I think mine sits at like 405 defense, but I have a 44 resilence which pushes me way over the top.

05-31-2007, 11:09 AM
Naw... just form an arena team. Then play 10 games per week. Wait 6 weeks and you get decent +Resilence. If your winning in Arena, you get it sooner.

Arena is nice.. its just pretty much free epics if you do the minimum and are patient. its pretty much how I made up the difference on my +Defense. I think mine sits at like 405 defense, but I have a 44 resilence which pushes me way over the top.

I have a feeling you are a PvE:er.

05-31-2007, 12:12 PM
I have a feeling you are a PvE:er.

Indeed. However, I find that I really enjoy Arena, but I'm just not effective in it. I'm getting better. I'd like nothing better than to be on a dedicated arena team, but most of the people who I know and do it with are just in it for the free epics. Its fairly easy for a casual player to get decent epics if they take their time.

I like the BG too. AV is still my favorite place to go.

05-31-2007, 12:39 PM
Indeed. However, I find that I really enjoy Arena, but I'm just not effective in it. I'm getting better. I'd like nothing better than to be on a dedicated arena team, but most of the people who I know and do it with are just in it for the free epics. Its fairly easy for a casual player to get decent epics if they take their time.

I like the BG too. AV is still my favorite place to go.

Nothing beats being on a good team as a druid tbh. After some fights.. people realize you are a valuable class. ;)

07-22-2007, 08:10 PM
Hi there, I have the same question as the original poster.. Is there a comprehensive list of druid tank/dps resistance gear somewhere? I would appreciate any help, a link or a couple of key items I should aim to get.

Thanks a million. :)

07-23-2007, 05:30 AM
I'd like that too. As we approach SSC, I was looking for frost/nature gear on Thottbot. But there is none to speak of. There is no leather gear that is close to the plate gear that warriors/pallies get. Some items from before BC, an lots of greens. That's all.

At least I couldn't find anything else.

08-12-2007, 09:44 PM
y name is Morpholic and im a feral druid
I have currently cleared SSC TK and anything before
I did the old attunement way for these instances aswell
I am currently 4/9 in black temple and 4/5 in hyjal

From my experience in these instances u hardly need any resist at all

(KAR)CURATOR: bit of arcane for curator is ok but not really needed unless healers are heavily undergeared
(SSC)HYDROSS: about 175 frost and nature mix is required for tanking hydross adds
(EYE)ALAR its a rumor and nothing more that u need fire resist for the eye. U need NONE. I tank Alar in 0 fire resist. on ocassion i equiped about 70FR and it did help but really isnt necessary for the fight.
(EYE)SOLARIAN: Max arcane resist is required for tanking the arcane debuff/mark in this fight. Usually ferals tank her tho.
(HYJAL) None required here. Altho if you are tanking the adds from anatheron u will require about 200 FR
(BLACK TEMPLE)Mother Sahara: Max Shadow resist is required for this fight.

Hope this info helps you up and coming druids out there
dont stress too much about resist gear until u start pulling magtheridon.