View Full Forums : making a moonkin movie lol

05-31-2007, 12:20 AM
ok ok ok, I know its been done, but mines gonna be different. everyone sees these movies that are like "omg look at my starfire crits yo'" or "yo whazup I got mads pvp skill lol uber"

not that I dont mind, I even have Lunar Fury downloaded onto my PSP!

but I'm going to make a moonkin PVE video, show my way of playing it, and how capable of being a DPS they really are. now, one thing I defiantly need to show, is a part where a shamen throws on bloodlust, and I throw out a good 30-40 wraths in thous 30 seconds on a boss monster, but then..that wouldn't be very epic on it's own, I mean its impressive, but its with help of others, I ask you this Druids Grove, where should I show off my skills? PVE wise.

06-07-2007, 03:05 PM
In videos people like big numbers for whatever reason.

It attracts attention.

So obviously a lil bit of that can't hurt.

Beyond that pve wise I'm not so sure how you could make it anymore interesting....

06-08-2007, 01:41 AM
Possibly some clutch 5man situations where you utilize your other forms but still have the main intention to DPS...?

06-08-2007, 09:15 AM
I think you should just fully buff up, and aim for the highest SF crit anyone has ever seen :)

06-08-2007, 10:56 AM
From what I've heard, noone is really doubting the boomkings DPS-potential in raids. The weakness of the moonkin is the lack of aggro manegement, that's why it's not as good as other DPSers.

And tbh.. who wants to see a PvE-movie with a guy spammin wrath for 30 seconds on a boss. YAWN anyone? :p

06-08-2007, 12:36 PM
From what I've heard, noone is really doubting the boomkings DPS-potential in raids. The weakness of the moonkin is the lack of aggro manegement, that's why it's not as good as other DPSers.

And tbh.. who wants to see a PvE-movie with a guy spammin wrath for 30 seconds on a boss. YAWN anyone? :p

They really don't thus why you don't see really any pve videos.

Only thing you can do as someone stated in do short clips of the rediculous crits.

Thats about it...