View Full Forums : Rolling for Loot........

06-07-2007, 09:08 AM
Hi all. This is not necessarily a Druid topic, but I just have to hear feedback....

I ran (4) Instances this past weekend, and NOT ONCE did I win a Roll for Loot. NOTHING! I get general corpse loot, of course, but I can't seem to win any rolls. Is it just me? Am I doing something wrong???

(2) Were with a raid group and the other (2) were with a standard group.

If it matters, the dungeons were Uldaman, Zul Farrak (twice) and Sunken Temple.....

06-07-2007, 11:12 AM
Its just random dumb chance. I've had streaks like that. It also sucks when you are looking at the blues drop going .... yep another pally healing plate. Just what the world needs.....

06-07-2007, 12:36 PM
Pretty much luck, or well bad luck.

y T4 shoulders have dropped every week for the last 4 weeks from the High King. Every week I have been out rolled, with this week mocking me with a roll of a 1. *sigh* Eventually I'll get them because everyone else will already have them! LOL

06-07-2007, 01:16 PM
Ya, I tried for the Staff in SM for, oh, about 5 Wks...missing every one. I've moved on.

Honestly, I really hate it when people "need" things....although, they are always polite and ask first, we all "need" things....I've never actually done it. Perhaps it's time I try.

06-07-2007, 01:24 PM
My general rules for any BOP is to have everyone pass. Unless its a situation where the person will use it immediately and they are the only one there (i.e. the only priest, pally etc...) Then I always let people discuss. Two people can need that way and just roll off. it keeps it nice and fair for everyone.

On BOEs, I always roll need if its an immediate upgrade and I'll equip it that second.

06-07-2007, 07:01 PM
Ya, I tried for the Staff in SM for, oh, about 5 Wks...missing every one. I've moved on.

Honestly, I really hate it when people "need" things....although, they are always polite and ask first, we all "need" things....I've never actually done it. Perhaps it's time I try.

This is how things have gone for me in groups at least....

Pick "Need" if it is an upgrade to an item you are using currently and ask before picking "Need"

+( I will only need for Feral/tanking items and even if it is an upgrade to my dps or healing set I will "greed" it unless the group, which happened a few times, told me to "Need" it.)

Pick "Greed" if it is going to be vendor trashed or disenchanted.(Have had enchanters go need then disenchant for folks to /random 100 for the resources made.)

Anyone that "Needs" an item that they can not use(good example was a group mate hitting Need after everyone hit "greed" on a healer type item and the person was not a healing class. They were asked what was up and they coudl not give a reason and thus kicked from teh group adn quickly replaced.