View Full Forums : Battlefield / Battleground Tips

06-08-2007, 09:06 AM
Never had much luck in either of these situations.

In WSG, I never have any problem capturing the flag, it's the getting back to base part that brings me down. :(

I love trying, but, my success rate is rather low....What's a druid to do?

Anyone have some good strategies I can use?

By the way, let's assume I am solo, whereas, every group I have been in has mostly broken up and done their own thing in the middle of the field. No matter how much the group plans it's strategy before the competition starts, it always ends up in a chaotic mess.

06-08-2007, 11:27 AM
When coming in, I like to stealth in from the tunnel. If you have time, go to the roof and use tracking to see where people are. Not just the people in the flagroom, but also look to see if there are people outside the FR. Then when ready, use a free action pot, grab speed boots and hightail to the flag. Grab flag and head out the front door or 2nd floor. Don't go tunnel, you lose the advantage of your travel form speed. If the gy is clear, go gy. If not, go ramp. Communicate to the rest of your team which way you are traveling (not easy when running, but do your best). Hope that someone meets you at mid-field to help you back to base. One trick I like to use when I don't have help is to go back up your ramp, but go on the outside of the fence (the side towards mid-field, not the side of your base). It lets you out at your gy, or if you have a lot of pursuit up the ramp you can drop down at the tunnel and go up that way.

Also, be sure to disable the dummy "feature" in options that prevents your from shifting without a cooldown. I'd much prefer to be able to shift in and out of travel form to drop snares and accidentally double shift once in awhile.

06-08-2007, 12:26 PM
Never had much luck in either of these situations.

In WSG, I never have any problem capturing the flag, it's the getting back to base part that brings me down. :(

I love trying, but, my success rate is rather low....What's a druid to do?

Anyone have some good strategies I can use?

By the way, let's assume I am solo, whereas, every group I have been in has mostly broken up and done their own thing in the middle of the field. No matter how much the group plans it's strategy before the competition starts, it always ends up in a chaotic mess.

Free Action Potions
Free Action Potions
Free Action Potions

They are cheap to buy and even easier to make.

If you are solo running the flag they make your job 100x's easier. The only thing that you have to worry about then is fear so have your trinket equiped.

Keep in mind FAP are dispellable now and have been for quite awhile but I can count on one hand the amount of times I had one dispelled.

Also - The any PvP set with the 15% increased speed is a good idea.

Also since you are probably not interested in killing thing sin wsg - you group is your gear selection should be all high stamina / ac items. +12 stam gems in everything you can get.

Have barkskin hot-keyed now. It's great to reduce the dmg from those 3 minute mages you might run into trying to burst you down.

These are some tips I have used when I did quite a few hwl grinds with friends and they always worked well.

IF you run a group with a shadowpriest - Have him grab the flag with you if you want even easier mode. AOE fear + silence ='s you will get out every single time.

06-08-2007, 12:56 PM
Free Action Potions
Free Action Potions
Free Action Potions

IF you run a group with a shadowpriest - Have him grab the flag with you if you want even easier mode. AOE fear + silence ='s you will get out every single time.

Wow, Thanks. Free Action Potion it is. And it just so happens that one of my Raid buddies is a very talented Shadow Priest.


06-08-2007, 01:42 PM

06-08-2007, 03:32 PM
Also, be sure to disable the dummy "feature" in options that prevents your from shifting without a cooldown. I'd much prefer to be able to shift in and out of travel form to drop snares and accidentally double shift once in awhile.

Which feature is that? Never seen anything like that in the options.

06-09-2007, 07:50 AM
By the way, let's assume I am solo,

That is 90% of why you don't return the flag to your base. On a few battleclusters I frequent, the horde does an excellent job of sticking together even in pugs. The allies just can't seem to get it together.

You don't need a full premade group. You can do well working together with one or two friends. Any class has the tools to run interference for the flag runner, but the player needs the mindset of supporting someone else rather than getting the killing blows.

One thing that will help is announcing what you are going to do and what routes you are going to take. As you run into the base say tunnel, ramp or graveyard and then go that way. Same thing as you approach your base. If you tell your teammates, they can help clear the way.

06-10-2007, 07:40 PM
That is 90% of why you don't return the flag to your base. On a few battleclusters I frequent, the horde does an excellent job of sticking together even in pugs. The allies just can't seem to get it together.


06-11-2007, 11:01 AM
Which feature is that? Never seen anything like that in the options.
ain Menu
Interface Options
Secure Ability Toggle (unchecked)

06-11-2007, 06:24 PM
Have a skilled palla or two run behind you :p

06-11-2007, 07:03 PM
Nifty Stopwatch imo. =D

06-19-2007, 11:52 AM
I've had good luck hiding with the flag on the opposite team's roof for a few minutes before leaving their base. Sounds odd, but so far it's worked pretty well.

06-19-2007, 02:42 PM
Another tip is to hide sitting down behind the big rock at the GY. But I guess you all knew that by now.

07-05-2007, 03:46 AM
I've had good luck hiding with the flag on the opposite team's roof for a few minutes before leaving their base. Sounds odd, but so far it's worked pretty well.

This has worked for me as well, you don't have to go to the roof but just hide in their base and wait for your team to arrive and escort you back. I never have much trouble getting out of the base but getting across midfield solo is almost impossible when there is any sort of defence on the oposing side.

07-12-2007, 05:17 PM
Time your grab so that a GY res wave has just left. Then take the flag out towards their GY. There's a stump after their relief hut that you can jump onto and then run over. most people get caught up on it, but if you practice a little, its cake. Then you're covered visually by the wagon, your damage hut, and the fence. It's a fast route with low visibility. Have a healer friend waiting by the stump and generally you're good to go.

y best advice is ALWAYS know what's in the flag room waiting to get you. If there's a rogue in there, make sure you're ready to trinket and you have abolish posion running. Otherwise, just have that trinket ready to get you out of the fear or immobilizing effect. And never trinket out of deathcoil. There's either a fear on its heels or you're getting away anyway. So just simmer.

07-13-2007, 04:01 AM
Love that signature.... ^^^