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06-19-2007, 06:27 PM
total newbie... looking for a decent Fero/Resto build. Want to use in PvE, cat form, and for healing 5 mans. i have done lots of reading, but am now just totally confused. :banghead_ Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

06-19-2007, 08:30 PM
Are you looking for a Feral/Resto leveling build? or one to use @ 70?

06-20-2007, 12:56 PM
Are you gonna be primarly a healer..? only go for 11 points in feral (to get feral charge) and the rest in resto.

DPS? You need 41 points in feral to get mangle.

There are some silly 30/31 builds though that people play around with in PvP that acctually works pretty good (HoTW is and INSANELY good talent).. but I think it's a matter of playstyle. :)

06-20-2007, 03:42 PM
For PvP a hybrid resto/feral build is deadly. You have enough survivability to outlast most anyone. It's pretty scary really.

If you want to be excel in PvE as a healer, then as goa suggested, a few points in feral and then sink the rest into resto.

06-20-2007, 03:52 PM
hehe.. ya I got my ass handed to me by a 30/31 druid the other day. It's a wicked specc if you know how to play it! :)

Some Resilience on top of that and you'll be a powerhouse in PvP, believe me. Not the biggest DPS:er.. but you're a good healer (and everyone always try to kill the healer first) that's IMPOSSIBLE to kill.. and you can acctually fight back in feral form.

It's not really a good PvE specc if you want to raid only though.. :(

06-20-2007, 06:19 PM
thanks, i am looking for a leveling guide. I play PvE, not PvP, and am usually either soloing or running with my usual group of about 3-5 of us, in which i get stuck healing, which i don't mind really, 'cept always running outta

i am now level 32, and really don't know how i made it this far without a proper build. i personally suck using my bear shape, and prefer cat when soloing, as i like the sneakiness rogue-like abilities, but I do want my bear to at least be enough to keep me alive when i am getting pounded on as healer--which can draw a lot of aggro as you all well know. Hard for the "boys" to keep the aggro off of me when they run outta mana. I also usually run with another druid, so we can switch out when my mana is low, but with all my healer gear, my bear is getting a lowly 36 crit... LMAO! But at least it lasts long enough to pull us through until my mana builds back up and we switch out again. Not enough moolah yet, to have back-up feral gear in bags.

So, long story short, I solo quite often, and when soloing, I prefer stealthy kitty. Then late night, i am usually in a 3-5 man group, where i am cast as the healer in the instances.

I have read up a bunch on all of it, but i still am really confused, maybe due to the fact that only been playing this for 3 weeks? lol or maybe i just need two different chars, one fo rthe boys and obne for soloing? but i sure would like to just stick with one char. Needless to say, any specific advice would be greatly appreciated:wiggle:

ps, i would love to see the specs for a 30/31 build, just curious:-)

06-21-2007, 02:09 PM
thanks, i am looking for a leveling guide. I play PvE, not PvP, and am usually either soloing or running with my usual group of about 3-5 of us, in which i get stuck healing, which i don't mind really, 'cept always running outta

i am now level 32, and really don't know how i made it this far without a proper build. i personally suck using my bear shape, and prefer cat when soloing, as i like the sneakiness rogue-like abilities, but I do want my bear to at least be enough to keep me alive when i am getting pounded on as healer--which can draw a lot of aggro as you all well know. Hard for the "boys" to keep the aggro off of me when they run outta mana. I also usually run with another druid, so we can switch out when my mana is low, but with all my healer gear, my bear is getting a lowly 36 crit... LMAO! But at least it lasts long enough to pull us through until my mana builds back up and we switch out again. Not enough moolah yet, to have back-up feral gear in bags.

So, long story short, I solo quite often, and when soloing, I prefer stealthy kitty. Then late night, i am usually in a 3-5 man group, where i am cast as the healer in the instances.

I have read up a bunch on all of it, but i still am really confused, maybe due to the fact that only been playing this for 3 weeks? lol or maybe i just need two different chars, one fo rthe boys and obne for soloing? but i sure would like to just stick with one char. Needless to say, any specific advice would be greatly appreciated:wiggle:

ps, i would love to see the specs for a 30/31 build, just curious:-)

I am not a fan of the 30/31 builds at all.

Especially if you are leveling you will be gimping youself. IMO for the fastest leveling stick all points in feral. Some have done it via balance but I have little experience with leveling and that build.

As far as 30/31 when your 70 - Once again I'm not a fan of it. Druids by nature being hybrids we are a bit watered down version of anything we mimic. If you water yourself down even further imo you loose effectiveness.

Granted some druids use this build as an arena spec, but for an all around build I would suggest going either a full resto, feral or balance build which will yield you much better results.

06-27-2007, 11:03 AM
If you're just PvE, I'd suggest just going feral. I'm 1/49/11 and I can heal any standard 5-man fine with moderate (about 1000 +heal) healing gear.

The funny thing is, I almost never NEED to -- groups are much more desperate for tanks than healers.

06-27-2007, 12:51 PM
I started out with a balance/resto build. Not only did I discover that I was weak, but I also felt that my leveling was rather slow compared to my other WoW friends. So, around level 30, I switched to 100% Feral, and it was worth every penny. I level SO much faster now and I am NOT afraid to solo within mobs.


I heal 90% of the time for my friends in dungeons. I take a lot of Juice and Pots with me (herbalism/alchemy - very useful for healing), and in general, I have no problems keeping my group alive. I have no points in Resto whatsoever.

For those reasons, I love being Feral. However, when I reach 70, I do plan to switch to Resto. At that point, leveling will not be an issue, and I love healing - looking forward to Tree of Life.

Good luck with your decision.

P.S. - I am not big on PvP. So, I should mention that being Feral has NOT worked well for me while in PvP mode. :) I'm sure there is a way to make PvP work for me if I just experimented with it more.

06-27-2007, 01:21 PM
I have been 100% resto from day one and I have to say it is VERY VERY hard. If you have patience running instances all the time and questing with groups level 70 will eventually come to you.

I have contemplated on re-speccing but never really had time ...

The only PVP besides doing battle grounds is getting killed while trying to solo quests.

Its a hard life for a 100% resto druid out there....

06-28-2007, 03:04 AM
my advice to you for leveling is 100% feral!
im lvl 58 now and i had not a bit of a problem while questing alone. as feral u can take 3-4 mobs easily alone!

and if you wanna do pvp feral is nice as well!
tried out some bg's this week and i have to say "FERAL RULEZ"!
i kill almost all lvl 58-60 (average equipped) in the 4 secs of pounce-stun.
my equip is not very good i think (see for yourself here ('lor&n=Razzil))
but i have no problems at any point of the game.
instances i mostly tank or dps. and with a heal-equip u can do the main-healer in group 5 instances easily.