View Full Forums : Maces

06-27-2007, 10:21 AM
Hey. JUST trained for maces. I know I'm quite late at getting around to it, but I've had really good staffs and daggers since the beginning and I've become rather addicted to them.

Anyway...while in Feralas, I finally received a decent two hand mace drop so I decided to try it for a while. I can't hit ANYTHING! It's completely useless to me. Kind of funny to watch actually, lol! (Except for the part where I am getting my butt kicked)

So, I figure my mace isn't working because I am not skilled enough to be fighting higher level beasts yet? Should I return to Darkshore perhaps and beat on a few bears?? :)

P.S. After reading my preview, I realized there should be a "Well D'uh!" category to post questions like these! :)

06-27-2007, 10:24 AM
Should I return to Darkshore perhaps and beat on a few bears?? :)
Yeah, but pick a spot where the mobs won't kill you but you won't kill them too quickly as your skill gets higher and higher and you do more and more damage. Maybe mobs in their 30s.

06-27-2007, 12:32 PM
I've always liked going to a lower level instance to melee some stuff.