View Full Forums : help vs shadow priests!

06-29-2007, 06:06 AM
im lvl 59 now and having big problems vs shadow priests in pvp/duells!
all other classes no problems!

i cant get 1 heal through cause of his f.... silence and fear!

im feral btw.

my question now:
is it normal that shadow priest is stronger at this lvl maybe?

and another thing:
are the stun durations of bash and pounce shorter in pvp than in pve??
i cant get a regrowth through when i bash my enemy...

maybe i'll farm me a anti-fear trinket!
but unti now i didnt do much pvp so i dont have one right now.

06-29-2007, 09:14 AM
my question now:
is it normal that shadow priest is stronger at this lvl maybe?At that level, and every level after.

and another thing:
are the stun durations of bash and pounce shorter in pvp than in pve??There are diminishing returns on stuns in pvp, but you shouldn't be effected by them.

maybe i'll farm me a anti-fear trinket!I highly recommend that.

06-29-2007, 11:26 AM
Shadow priests (and locks) are by some called the (feral) druid nemesis.. and I pretty much agree. :(

Always have the pvp-trinket equipped if ready (trinketmenu and outfitter are handy for that).. Primal Tenacity high up in the feral tree might help at times.. but it's pretty random.

As a small comfort though, both shadow priests and locks have a very hard time vs rogues nowadays (and rogues are usually plentiful on all servers).. other casters like BOOMKINGS have it much easier there. :)

07-05-2007, 03:27 AM
I beat a shadow priest when i was around that level in a duel but haven't really tried since. I still remember the fight because it went for over 10 minutes and eventually I won because she ran out of mana and only had a wand left.

Anyway post duel the priest said that the only reason I won was because I ran away to heal out of range of silence. Probably this is true, it's the same tactic I use against warlocks as well, you have the speed use it I say.

I don't know what spec you are but I was feral at the time (and still are), but getting out of range to recover and then charging back in seems to be a good tactic. Shadow priest spells don't have a huge range, even with talents.

07-05-2007, 06:35 AM
i'll hit lvl 62 today and hope that OoC and Maim will help me beating the hell out of the priest^^