View Full Forums : How do your druids look?

07-10-2007, 11:09 AM
Ok, early levels to nearly end game, my druid looks hilarious. Ok, I just don't know how Blizzard could design such funny and tasteless gears! And don't get me started with the seems like a lot of the gears don't fit druids nicely in terms of style than mages and warriors. I just wanna know how many are you are contented with your druids look stylewise.:tongue:

07-10-2007, 11:57 AM
Early leveling I think I was referred to as looking akin to a homeless person.

The early gear is absolutely HORRIBLE. Tier 4 I really like the look of. Teirs 5 and 6 well...

07-10-2007, 05:39 PM

Speaking of tier sets...I've always been impressed with most the druid sets.

Tier 1 (Cenarion) - Tbh I didn't really like it that much. Maybe because I was Tauren but I just didn't like the helm so much and I thought the rest of the set was just plain.

Tier 2 (Stormrage) - One of my favorite tier sets. I really like the helm and shoulders especially.

Tier 3 (Dreamwalker) - This tier set really took a turn in terms of design and feel. Nothing really nature about it but more like lightning or the 'greater' nature (if that made sense). It wasn't too bad though.

Tier 4 (Malorne) - Really liked the set but it was our first tier set that had pants instead of a kilt so it looked out of place a bit at first but it seems fine now.

Tier 5 (Nordrassil) - Similar to tier 4 but darker tones and the kilt again. I'm not sure if this was supposed to mean anything but the way I see it is that tier 4 is similar to a young tree whereas tier 5 is a great and matured tree (even the name Nordrassil which was the orignal world tree iirc)

Tier 6 (Thunderheart) - Very totemish with a feel of Mulgore and the Tauren buildings. I think it's quite fitting but not so sure about why NElfs would wear it =/...Maybe their version shouldn't have the tribal feathers.

07-12-2007, 04:26 PM
I have lots of black with all my arena gear. My tabard is a black one with gold piping and the medical symbol in gold as well. The only complaint is that my stylish purple hat is not so stylishy. But in a week, merciless helm will fix that!

08-07-2007, 10:37 AM
Funny how my druids looks just great, i collected these items all random, i didnt take them for the looks, i took them for the stats, but somehow they fit in, so i look like i have some kind of a set.

08-15-2007, 10:45 AM
My resto gear makes me look like a green ninja. Hood of primal life, moonglade shoulders, and then lime green pants and boots. Add in my mace and lamp of peaceful repose and there you have it.

My feral gear is mostly rogue gear anyway - other than a staff. So it looks just fine.

I am actually hoping the expansion comes out in time for my night elf to skip the tier 6 set. It looks great for the taurens though. Tier 3 looked cool even though it didn't really scream 'druid' to me.

10-15-2007, 06:32 AM
im a level 14 druid and i look like a hobO! I buy the best gear i can every couple of levels ( all green gear ) and my pants are to short, my boots look like ski boots, and my chest amour is also to short, it looks hilarious, so i just stay in bear form lol

10-15-2007, 11:19 AM

Here's me at lvl 34 in my "hobo gear"

Here's me at 60 outside Dire Maul with my NE twin!

He has the Tier 0 pants while I was wearing....crap, can't remember right now.

10-15-2007, 07:25 PM
At very very early game I looked n00b, but then so do all classes. At around 25 or so I was starting to look kinda cool, but that disintegrated totally after level 30. It took until 56 or so for the image to start improving again, and at 60 I looked like some kind of inbred warrior/rogue crossover.

At 70 I look very....druidic :>


10-22-2007, 09:25 AM
I think this is the most recent pic of my druid. Not sure.

As you can see, he doesn't really match. :P

10-22-2007, 05:35 PM
I would just like to say that the closer I get to 70, the more terrified I get because I swear all the high level Tauren female gear I've seen looks atrocious.

And you know, I understand the fanservicey scantily clad armor or whatever on other female characters but...why on Taurens? I mean the developers really must be on some sort of crack to think that a cow in bikini armor is hot.

On the bright side, I'm glad I got a tabard and don't have to worry about such things for the moment.

10-22-2007, 06:59 PM
I would just like to say that the closer I get to 70, the more terrified I get because I swear all the high level Tauren female gear I've seen looks atrocious.

And you know, I understand the fanservicey scantily clad armor or whatever on other female characters but...why on Taurens? I mean the developers really must be on some sort of crack to think that a cow in bikini armor is hot.

On the bright side, I'm glad I got a tabard and don't have to worry about such things for the moment.

Hehe. I just created another Tauren druid for the heck of it (I want the challenge of leveling it Resto. :P ), and I've already convinced myself I'm gonna be as priestly as possible and roll on cloth and whatnot for the sheer heck of it. :P

The best part is Cloth looks hilarious on male tauren. :P
This'll be fun.

10-23-2007, 04:35 PM
More or less like my signature :)

12-28-2007, 01:07 PM
My druid is a sexy female NE, she looks hawt regardless of what shes wearing...she makes it all look good...hehe.

12-28-2007, 03:48 PM
My druid is a sexy female NE, she looks hawt regardless of what shes wearing...she makes it all look good...hehe. I've heard us called "the whores of world of warcraft." :ange:

12-28-2007, 09:30 PM
Tauren or diaf.

12-29-2007, 12:18 AM
Tauren or diaf. Don't get me wrong, I lurve teh hoard, but I just can't personally force myself to play a cow. I love you big guys, it's comforting to see this huge towering fuzzy thing especially when they're a drood. I know I'm... protected I guess. But I can't be a cow! I'll spam you all the /hugs you can stand and then some though. :)

12-29-2007, 01:34 AM
My girl looks good. I got the Robe of Doan, and with my guild tabbard, it doesn't look bad at all. Take the robe off, however, eeeech.

12-30-2007, 02:07 PM
My druid looks okay, I think. My PvP gear doesn't really match yet, as I'm using some Kara loot, some S1, and some S3. I'm hoping she'll look better when I finish off the Vindicator's and S3 gear. >> (

My druid looked a lot better in her tanking set, though. (

I love riding around on my Talbuk with that set. Makes me feel like a true druid.

01-01-2008, 09:31 PM
On the first picture what items did you have?:o It looks kind of cool:P.

01-02-2008, 05:03 AM
i look rather odd with such a mixture of gear.

i guess pre bc i looked ok in the SR stuff.

but now its a mix of everything i can get for best stats - esp in bear / kitty !

tb hi dont mind - its more about what the stats are than how i look !

bit like a car colour choice - my wife would worry about the colour rather than make / model, engine size or if the alloys are big enough :p

01-08-2008, 04:25 PM
but now its a mix of everything i can get for best stats lool.

01-10-2008, 03:30 AM

luckily i dont wear pink :lmao:

02-21-2008, 08:15 PM
Here's the most recent picture I have. (

I would take another screen for the most up-to-date, but I'm not logging in right in the middle of the SW AH. Wayyy too much lag.

02-22-2008, 05:02 AM
On the first picture what items did you have?:o It looks kind of cool:P.
From the looks of it the first picture is dps/pvp gear.
Gloves are Gladiator's Dragonhide Gloves, shoulders Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders and dps pants from Netherspite, Skulker's Greaves, and the exalted Kurenai tabard.

Second picture is her tank gear so to see with 4x T5, exalted CE tabard, Belt of Natural power and Wildfury Greatstaff

02-26-2008, 11:44 AM
My gal Magellan looks good. Plain and simple. My healing set is just dead sexy hot! :wink:

02-29-2008, 01:21 PM (

This is how Pookies looked last week (like a rogue with the shoulders from The Curator and the helm from Gruul). I liked this outfit, except for those horrible Chess boots that make it look like I'm wearing leg warmers.

I recently upgraded Pookies' shoulders to the badge shoulders which I think are ugly as hell ... but what can ya do, I wanted the stats and was sick of waiting for my tier stuff.

05-08-2008, 05:01 PM
Here is Annikk. (
Click for full size


05-12-2008, 06:29 PM

05-14-2008, 01:49 PM
I used to love the way my druid looked in S1 or T4 gear, it fit taurens really well i thought...

Why the hell do the S2, S3/T5, T6 outfits have skirts? I HATE it... reminds me of the super duper hippies at Grateful Dead shows wearing the unisex stuff... I ended up breaking down and buying the S3 skirt yesterday because My 5v5 arena team has turned out to be pretty competetive, and i can use all the stats i can get... I really wanted to wait until S4 released and see what the Brutal Galdiator stuff looked like, but then heard a rumor that you need to have a personal rating to be able to get ANY S4 gear, so again, i'm gonna need all the stats i can get my big furry paws on...

08-07-2008, 08:55 AM
The skirt looks awesome of female nelf druids :> I love it ! It makes me feel like a real druid, instead of a pretend rogue.. :>
