View Full Forums : PTR Patch Notes 2.2

07-14-2007, 07:00 AM
The 2.2 content patch is now on the public test realms!

From (;jsessionid=1FA2394661AC0EE1B073B730E34 E933D?topicId=174505927&sid=1):

• Cat Form (Night Elf) melee attack range was too short compared to Tauren Cat Form and other attack ranges. It has been increased.
• Cyclone: It is no longer possible to Cyclone two targets at the same time in the outdoor world.
• Cyclone: Paladin Auras, Trueshot Aura, and Aspect of the Pack will now be automatically reactivated when Cyclone wears off of a victim who had one of the abilities active.
• Enrage: If this buff is clicked off early, the armor penalty it causes will now be removed as well.
• Enrage and Furor should no longer initiate combat, though it will prevent rage decay for the duration.
• Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible to have Entangling Roots on two targets at the same time in the outdoor world.
• Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible to have more than one rank of this spell active on a player.
• Force of Nature: Using this spell in a neutral town will no longer cause its victim to be attacked by town guards. It also will no longer cause nearby party members to lose stealth.
• Hibernate and Entangling Roots duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds.
• Hurricane: This spell is now affected by area damage caps. Its bonus damage coefficients have also been increased.
• Hurricane: A tooltip error in rank 3 has been corrected.
• Lacerate: The damage from this ability will now stack properly when two different characters are applying Lacerate to a target.
• Mangle: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Mangle after it has been refreshed on a target. It will also no longer sometimes apply the Mangle debuff to nearby targets when the Mangle victim is killed by Mangle.
• Nature's Grasp: This ability can now trigger while the Druid is sitting.
• Tree of Life: The party aura from this shapeshift now extends the full 40-yard radius as stated in the tooltip.

Finally they are fixing that damned range bug that has plagued us NE for over a year.
I am not sure how much the 10 second cap on Hibernate and Entangling Roots will affect me. Actually I rarely sleep another Druid, so it may even be positive for me (getting hibernated often).

All in all a good patch for us Druids. There are a lot of necessary bug fixes in it.

07-14-2007, 10:04 AM
Added one sentence to the beginning of your post and moved it to the news forum. Hope you don't mind. :)

The full patch notes are available here, as well.

07-14-2007, 10:19 AM
Meh... it's alright ^_^

07-14-2007, 05:24 PM
Nothing really major about this patch I'd say except they're fixing the NElf bug =(

Looks like they're doing the right things though.

07-16-2007, 09:51 AM
Mangle: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Mangle after it has been refreshed on a target. It will also no longer sometimes apply the Mangle debuff to nearby targets when the Mangle victim is killed by Mangle.

Have you guys ever had that happen? I'll just said it made for a VERY interesting pull in a Shadow Lab run one time. I got blamed for pulling too early ( healer mana issues ). I thought maybe I had pressed the wrong button just as the mob died and I had Faerie Fired or something, but when I saw a mob at 20 yds running at me with the mangle debuff, I knew something was amiss :(.

07-16-2007, 04:33 PM
Yea I've never experienced that Mangle aoe bug thing.

07-17-2007, 08:05 AM
Well, they at least made NE cat form as craptastic as tauren cat form form, now all they have to do is fix both of them...

07-25-2007, 02:59 PM
I try to be objective about PvP related druid nerfs. Usually I tell myself it's Blizz's game and they've got to keep things balanced and such.

I think I'm losing my objectivity, though...after being so excited about being a druid after BC came out, each subsequent patch has been a bit of a let down - like little by little they're letting the air out. Continuing with that imagery, I felt so deflated about the Hibernate/Roots nerf...

I know a lot of PvP is skill - I certainly don't claim to be the Best PvP Druid Ever, but I'm not terrible either. I just keep looking at the tools in my bag and wondering which of them will still be useful after the next patch....