View Full Forums : agility vs. strenght

07-22-2007, 10:48 PM
im a feral druid on whisperwind is it better for me to have strenght or agility for cat form. everyone say agility but strenght is what gives me my attack power for him not agility. agility gives me armor increase and crit chance :deal:

07-23-2007, 03:11 AM
It all depends on your level and how much AP you already have in cat.

As a general rule I go for str over agi.

07-23-2007, 05:45 AM
When you have both Heart of the Wild and Survival of the Fittest:
1 point str gives you 2,5 AP (in cat form) / 2 AP (in bear form)
1 point agi gives you 1 AP (in cat form), 0,04% crit, 0,066% dodge and some armor.

Basically you should go for both. At the beginning focus on str, until you have around 2,5-2,6k AP. Then it is better to go for agi primarily.

07-23-2007, 11:29 AM
When you have both Heart of the Wild and Survival of the Fittest:
1 point str gives you 2,5 AP (in cat form) / 2 AP (in bear form)
1 point agi gives you 1 AP (in cat form), 0,04% crit, 0,066% dodge and some armor.

Basically you should go for both. At the beginning focus on str, until you have around 2,5-2,6k AP. Then it is better to go for agi primarily.
2.4 AP with 5/5 HotW

07-23-2007, 12:10 PM
2.4 AP with 5/5 HotW
2,5 with HotW ans SotF.

07-23-2007, 01:18 PM
I'm seeing on my druid with feral spec that's it's less then 2Ap/1str something close to 1.9 3125105500001000000000000

07-23-2007, 01:19 PM
ahh, right. missed that you included SotF

07-24-2007, 04:25 AM
I'm seeing on my druid with feral spec that's it's less then 2Ap/1str something close to 1.9 3125105500001000000000000

This 2.5 AP are in cat form, not elven/tauren form.

07-24-2007, 12:49 PM
yes I get that but while in cat or even bear the wow charater screen states 1.9AP for each cat and bear

08-10-2007, 04:38 AM

One important thing to note about this graph is that +weapon damage is not included in the attack power display. You will have to convert +weapon damage to ap and add it manually.

If all else is equal, threat-wise, it is better to have many small crits than fewer large ones.

08-10-2007, 10:21 AM
One thing to think about that hardly anybody mentions in the agi/str discussion (which happens about once a week :)) is that when you have gear that is shared between bear and cat form, agi is more beneficial to bear form for the increase in dodge and armor. Most feral druids have different sets for each role, but when in cat form any good druid will be prepared to pop into bear form to OT a mob that gets loose. "Bear" in mind that you can't change your armor in combat, so having the extra agi on your DPS gear has that added benefit as well. It sucks to get two shotted in bear form because your DPS gear gimps your armor too much.

08-15-2007, 06:12 AM
Agility all the way to it make a higher crit point but obvisouly u need ur strength to be quite close!! :thumbsup: