View Full Forums : Feral to Resto

08-15-2007, 01:57 AM
OK, guys. Been a strong feral kitty all my druid existance...and have been running dungeons constantly since making it to Outlands (better XP imo). I much prefer dungeons over solo questing, but, let's face it, ya gotta play solo sometimes.

90% of the time, I am asked to be healer rather than kitty or bear for Instances (I am a horrible tank :ohwell:)

I can hold my own as a healer because I quite like to heal.

So....when do you think I can go resto? I can't wait to be a full time healer, but I am not looking forward to losing my strength. And, leveling in Outlands is NOT easy without muscle.

08-15-2007, 04:19 AM
Hm, difficult.

Well first, when you're healing these instances as a feral, are the runs not going well? I remember 1-60 (well, more like 18-60), I main-healed everything as a feral spec with no problems, and 60-70 I think I did a mixture of healing and tanking (it was kind of odd being asked to tank, now that I remember it).

Soo... Unless you think you have a problem healing and it matters that much to you (until you're ready to go all-out healer, if that's what you pick), I'd recommend staying feral.

But if you just have to switch, you could either try a feral/resto spec or a balance/resto spec to finish off leveling--or just go ahead and go resto. I don't know if there is exactly a right time to do it; it's basically whenever you're ready/want to.

As a footnote, if you're concerned about being able to solo, stay feral. My opinion is that once you can be a good feral healer, then you can truly appreciate the tools resto gives (I noticed it when I began healing for raids).

Hope that helped some. ><

08-15-2007, 10:22 AM
Just adding another opinion here. On my server (burning blade) druids are assumed to be feral. Everyone wants a paladin as a main healer and then a priest if they can't get a paladin. As a resto druid, my guild has confidence in my abilities and I have main healed heroics for them. But I have yet to get asked to fill the healer role with a pug.

Therefore, I would recommend you get to level 70 and get all the important faction reputations up to revered before you make the switch to resto.

Another thing to consider if you are going resto for pve, start collecting the materials for the primal mooncloth and whitemend armor sets. That means grinding out tailoring to make the primal mooncloth set since it's bop. But those two armor sets are arguably better than the T4 restoration set and easier to obtain.

With feral gear, you can still farm as a resto druid. It takes a little longer, you will have a harder time with multiple mobs or gankers. But you can still do it.

08-15-2007, 11:04 AM
My feral healing in instances goes well - most of the time, depending on the group of course. And, I agree, staying feral is definately the wise choice for leveling.

I consider Resto because, on my server (Misha) as opposed to Elziban's, Druids are much preferred as healers. We must have a lack of priests. Strange how servers can be so different. On Misha, Paladins are considered tanks. In fact, now that I think about it, I have never ran with a healing paladin.

You wouldn't believe how many whispers I've had that went like,

"Are you Resto?"
"No. Feral Kitty"
"Crap - nm"

08-15-2007, 12:14 PM
My feral healing in instances goes well - most of the time, depending on the group of course. And, I agree, staying feral is definately the wise choice for leveling.

I consider Resto because, on my server (Misha) as opposed to Elziban's, Druids are much preferred as healers. We must have a lack of priests. <b>Strange how servers can be so different.</b> On Misha, Paladins are considered tanks. In fact, now that I think about it, I have never ran with a healing paladin.

You wouldn't believe how many whispers I've had that went like,

<b>"Are you Resto?"
"No. Feral Kitty"
"Crap - nm"</b>

Funny you mention about server differences...
I was resto until lvl66 ... now feral and tanking or dpsing on most instances.

A lot of groups in Eredar would rather have a priest or pally ...

At Eredar ... it goes

"Are you feral?"
"Yes ... "
"Awesome... tank or dps?"
"Either one ... "

08-15-2007, 12:21 PM
It only costs 50g max to become a healer for a week.. if you have a cool group to PvE with that wants you as a healer.. why not just specc resto for a while and then back? I'm also a pretty crappy tank (but I'm learning).. I always played kitty/combat healer in both PvP and PvE.

Anyway.. all druids should learn to heal good imo. No matter of specc. :)

Still.. feral is the sh!t! ;)

08-15-2007, 06:08 PM
*whimpers at the thought of druids in primal mooncloth/whitemend*

08-16-2007, 11:57 AM
Funny you mention about server differences...
I was resto until lvl66 ... now feral and tanking or dpsing on most instances.

A lot of groups in Eredar would rather have a priest or pally ...

At Eredar ... it goes

"Are you feral?"
"Yes ... "
"Awesome... tank or dps?"
"Either one ... "

i know the feeling... only on Dark Iron its more like.

"want (insernt instance name)?"
"uh... can you heal?"
"sure but i bandage faster with first aid"


"uh.. maybe"
"can you tank"

lately due to lack of population on DI i dont even bother with using the LFG option now that the lfg channel is there

just toss in

/5 feral druid tank bored and wanting to beat on stuff

then accept first invite.. normally takes about 10-20 seconds.

course you get those often group of lvl30 turds that send the invite then ask you to run them thru some instance somewhere

08-17-2007, 01:02 PM
course you get those often group of lvl30 turds that send the invite then ask you to run them thru some instance somewhere

LOL - I love this crowd! :p

08-21-2007, 12:52 AM
hi just a bit here worth nothing but i was balance i hate fighting feral and did mainly healing anyway im now full resto and get ask to be main healer all the time and if not off healer in big instances i love to heal but still can look after myself when solo

aman'thul server and guild wants me for kara :(

08-21-2007, 10:57 AM
Ya. Balance is fun. I like my strong kitty form, but when I am healing an instance, and it's not a stressful healing situation, I love throwing in some balance spells to contribute something from afar.

I've never been balance, but I suppose it gets to be quite strong 60+?

08-21-2007, 11:30 AM
I'm betting if you go Balance the trick is to be prepared to wear cloth gear. Most people get stuck in the mind set that they have to wear leather. Well the itemization isn't there.... so aim for cloth with your spell crit, damage etc... One of these days I'd love to try it out, but I know its a totally different mindset.

08-29-2007, 06:29 PM
course you get those often group of lvl30 turds that send the invite then ask you to run them thru some instance somewhere

Dude, all you have to do is pull then Swipe till the cows come home.

It's oh so easy.


09-12-2007, 08:13 PM
hi just a bit here worth nothing but i was balance i hate fighting feral and did mainly healing anyway im now full resto and get ask to be main healer all the time and if not off healer in big instances i love to heal but still can look after myself when solo

aman'thul server and guild wants me for kara :(

I started my raid career as resto also.. resto is also the Sh!t in raiding. If you like playing resto.. you'll be a gem for raiding guilds. :)