View Full Forums : Druid alt's profession choices...

08-20-2007, 02:14 PM
I have a lvl 70 hunter with Skinning and Mining. I'm currently leveling a Druid (now 33) with leatherworking and herbalism. Since my hunter has plenty of money ~3800g and since I'll save ~500g to gain a flying mount vs. flying form, I figured I'd just buy my low-level mats for leatherworking. But after spending ~35g (and 1.5 hours) last night to go from 170-191 LW, I'm having second thoughts. I want to keep LW on the Druid.

Should I drop herbalism for skinning on my Druid? And have my hunter drop skinning and pick-up herbalism? It just seems like skinning is "best" when combined with leveling rather than as an "end-game money maker".

I'm thinking my Druid will become my "main" as I'm tired of having to beg for a spot on instance/RAID groups. So, does it make more sense to have a money maker (herbalism) on my main? Or use my hunter has my rep (signets anyone?) and money (mining and herbalism) mule character?

If I make the switch to skinning on my Druid I want to do it now, so I don't have to waste too much time going back grinding on 150+ "grey" mobs to skill-up skinning. Plus grinding herbalism up as a lvl 70 hunter shouldn't be too bad (is it?!!?), and I can do that whenever I need a break from leveling the Druid.

Same question, fewer words...

Should I level Skinning with LW in lieu of Herbalism and skill-up herbalism on my hunter? Or continue to buy leather from the AH as I level LW on my druid?

As of this post, I'm leaning toward the former, though I don't know how much having skinning on my Druid will actually "save" me in terms of gold as I'm sure I'll need significantly more leather to skill up LW than what I can obtain from questing. But it just seems like a waste to not skin while leveling. :banghead:

Though it certainly seems like it will be easier to grind to obtain leather with my hunter than with my Druid which I will probably do for the high-level patterns. I could be wrong as I'm a bit biased since I have a lvl 70 hunter but only a lvl 33 Druid.

For some stupid reason I lost quite a bit of sleep over this last night. I don't want to do that again.

Any thoughts? It probably doesn't matter....

08-20-2007, 03:04 PM
Since you mention that funds are not an issue ... I would recommended dropping Herbalism and going with Alchemy ...

08-20-2007, 03:23 PM
Since you mention that funds are not an issue ... I would recommended dropping Herbalism and going with Alchemy ...Interesting. I always assumed there wasn't much mark-up on potions to justify buying mats in AH and selling the potion. In fact, I sort of assumed I'd lose money at it.

Also, I have no problems getting free potions (if I supply the mats) from guildmates.

Raging Epistaxis
08-20-2007, 03:42 PM
So far as I've found (lvl36 with ~240 alchemy) it's not a real money maker if you have to buy the mats from the AH. Unless you really like watching for deals, then you might get by with a profit.

But, since you're set with guildie alchemists, then why not have the druid learn skinning, and have the hunter use the proceeds from mining to buy herbs for your alchemist friends to convert to pots?

I may be biased as well, as I've never had a LW that didn't skin his own leathers, and on principle dislike the idea of giving up a profession at endgame.

08-20-2007, 04:21 PM
So, can I level LW to 375 just from skins I collect while questing? I know I'll need to grind/buy other mats (primals, etc.).

08-20-2007, 05:02 PM
Interesting. I always assumed there wasn't much mark-up on potions to justify buying mats in AH and selling the potion. In fact, I sort of assumed I'd lose money at it.

Also, I have no problems getting free potions (if I supply the mats) from guildmates.

For the current end game profit ... I was thinking more about transmuting mights or diamonds ... even if you purchase herbs thru AH ...Alchemy gives u the ability to make ur own pots.

Also a nice trinket Alchemist's Stone ( gives the edge from those pots ....

08-21-2007, 12:14 PM
I have long considered leatherworking or tailoring. But, at this point I love my Herbalism / Alchemy combo too much to give it up.

I make decent money from selling the herbs I don't need;


I've decided that when all is said and done, being able to always make my own mana or battle potions outweighs the annoyance of purchasing gear at the AH.

08-22-2007, 02:08 AM
My currently main char is Skinning - Leatherworking. And its a pain to lvl Leatherworking i think.
I have some alts around lvl 30-40 with many different professions . I personally dont benefit from anyone of these.
Because of that i tried now on my 2nd druid just collecting-professions(Skinning-Herbalism).
And i cant believe how much gold u make with it.
Im currently lvl 23 and have about 74G O.o
Dont ask me how.... i couldnt believe it myself how the cash goes up.
On my main i had always just enough money to train my abilities...

But i have to say im on a server (Azshara) which was one of the first servers of the game and he is full of 375 professionists(<- is this a word?? ^^).
So its easy to find someone who makes stuff u need at endgame.

08-22-2007, 08:54 AM
I started out skinning/leatherworking so that I could get the windhawk set as a balance spec. But now that I'm resto, I picked up tailoring for the primal mooncloth/whitemend sets.

Once I can get the tier 5 resto set, I will drop both tailoring and leatherworking for herbalism and enchanting. That will enable me to provide materials for the stacks of mana potions and mana oils I go through in raids.

Enchanting is fabulous as a druid. You stealth in and kill the lower level bosses for blue items to disenchant.

08-22-2007, 09:36 AM
On my main i had always just enough money to train my abilities...

Same here. With Herbalism / Alchemy (which I new would eventually pay off) - I ONLY had enough money to train. In fact, a fellow (Druid) Guild member felt my pain and loaned me the money for my mount. But, of course, upon hitting Outlands, my money problems were over.

08-22-2007, 09:38 AM
Enchanting is fabulous as a druid. You stealth in and kill the lower level bosses for blue items to disenchant.

OK - I fully confess that I am a total noob Re: Enchanting.

Can you explain disenchanting? And what does "shard" mean?

08-22-2007, 09:58 AM
Any green, blue, purple, orange item you own can be "disenchanted" into shards, dust, etc. Shards, dust, etc. are the basic ingredients for creating "Enchants" on other items (Ex. +12 Str on Bracers).

See for more information.

01-01-2008, 04:49 AM
Hmm. it's a tricky one this - so many useful and nice profs for us druids.

I too am a druid alt (Feral who may play with respecs at 70) so here's my personal, Proffesions history in case it offers any extra thoughts

I started out Herb/Skinning for the first 20 lvls or so with the coin-generating plan (just love the Tauren herb bonus for those starting skill-ups) and the whole 'earth will provide' philosophy..

Dropped skinning for Alchemy as i wanted to train up my alchemy (the lvl70 trinket, pots also) and as a peace-loving druid, messing around with dead corpses just seemed so urrghh..

Then very soon after dropped herbalism for enchanting as i started running WC etc. i wanted to be able to disenchant my quest rewards, old items and any nice won rewards - also aim to craft Smoking-Heart-Of-The-Mountain trinket before i hit lvl60..

I'm currently Lvl 54 and have Alchemy(290) / Enchanting (215)

found both rather useful.. having pots (agi elixir, armor, str or troll's blood easily available to use while grinding the large numbers of mobs while levelling is great as well as the mana/health pots ofc) and being able to disenchant stuff or cheaply enchant new gear with minor enchants etc is great bonus.

Future Plans :

After having done most of the quests and run the general instances at 70 i'll swap Enchanting for LW and start power-lvlling LW for the Drums (awsome now we can use them in forms) and hope to pick up nice epic patterns etc.

Keep Alchemy for raiding (pots.. pots.. pots and the alchemists stone trinket) until after having run Kara. and moved on to the higher end-game raids then swap Alch. for JC perhaps for the very final leg of the end-game(the alch. stone will have been replaced i hope, having the unique gems and the extra ring enchants to get the tiny bit extra)

That's the plan - as you can see, lots of swapping of profs. but this is an alt i want to take it slow with so no rush or money worries i hope :)


Alchemy/Enchanting - til Post Kara
LW/JC - final.. final end-game (possibly ;))

01-01-2008, 06:48 PM
Am I the only one who uses my Philosopher's Stone to make at least 10g pure profit every single day from skill 225 and up?

01-01-2008, 08:41 PM
Am I the only one who uses my Philosopher's Stone to make at least 10g pure profit every single day from skill 225 and up?

No lol, you wish >.>

Like lots of people have used Philosopher's Stone o.0

01-02-2008, 05:53 AM
No lol, you wish >.>

Like lots of people have used Philosopher's Stone o.0 No wishing about it. 3g for the mats for arcanite bar, which sells for between 12.5 and 20g. 23 hour cooldown.

01-02-2008, 02:50 PM
No wishing about it. 3g for the mats for arcanite bar, which sells for between 12.5 and 20g. 23 hour cooldown.

But like most of the alchemists, I've seen used it :o.

01-02-2008, 03:17 PM
But like most of the alchemists, I've seen used it :o. wat

01-02-2008, 08:36 PM
hmmm...whatever toon has epic flyer would be ideal for a double farming unit...nothing busts my chops more then being on my slow flyer and some clown on his epic beats me to a mining node he full well knows I am going for.

01-03-2008, 04:50 AM
hmmm...whatever toon has epic flyer would be ideal for a double farming unit...nothing busts my chops more then being on my slow flyer and some clown on his epic beats me to a mining node he full well knows I am going for. Yeah but. What's the point in farming once you have your epic.

01-03-2008, 05:16 AM
i'm farming for epic and then more farming for the Hippogryph from CE.


01-15-2008, 10:18 AM
hmmm...whatever toon has epic flyer would be ideal for a double farming unit...nothing busts my chops more then being on my slow flyer and some clown on his epic beats me to a mining node he full well knows I am going for.

Offer to roll for it in /s

99.9% of the time they will just ninjaloot it anyway, but at least this way you have the moral highground.. :P
