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09-06-2007, 09:18 AM
HA! Told ya I'd ask!

Will my Druid trainer give me the quest?

Is it at level 68?

Did you all solo it? Or should I grab a buddy?

I need to train my riding skill to 150 + be exalted with Darnassus (Night Elf)?

Finally, after you received your flight form, did any of you bother to get another mount (for outside of Outlands)?

Think I'm done now :thumbsup:

09-06-2007, 09:28 AM
It's pretty easy to solo.

- Walk up to the trainer
- Pay Gold
- Go to Outlands
- Fly

;) There's no quest for flight form, just for swift flight form ( epic flight speed ).

Yes you need your epic ground mount training first, but you should have easily made enough gold for that by now. No, you don't need to be exalted with Darnassus, you only need exalted with a faction that is NOT your home to get a mount from them.

Finally, you can't use the flying mounts or flight form anywhere besides Outlands ( ie. no flying in Azeroth ), so you'll have to keep that ground mount around for a while.

09-06-2007, 09:53 AM
It's pretty easy to solo.

- Walk up to the trainer
- Pay Gold
- Go to Outlands
- Fly

;) There's no quest for flight form, just for swift flight form ( epic flight speed ).

I still have 3k gold to go for the 300 riding skill so I can begin the epic flight form quest :(

09-06-2007, 10:07 AM
OK, I feel like a goof even more than usual! But somehow, I feel comfortably goofy around you peeps. :p

3k??? For Epic??? NO Way! Seriously?

09-06-2007, 10:16 AM
Epic flight skill costs 5000g ( or is it 4800g and 200g for the bird? I never remember that right ).

And we're all a little goofy....which is why we get opposed to the offical forums....YIKES.

09-06-2007, 12:31 PM
And we're all a little goofy....which is why we get opposed to the offical forums....YIKES.

Got that right!

As for 5000g for Epic - I'd better get started!

Sigh, I will miss my family though.:p

09-06-2007, 12:53 PM
It is 5k for Epic flight training. It was recent enough for me that I still whimper thinking about it. :)

09-06-2007, 12:54 PM
Daily quests FTW! Do the Sons of Gruul quests (starts in Shatt at the big ogre by the reagent vendor in Lower City, requires group of 5 for an hour or so), get your Ogri'la rep started and start doing the four dailies there (after some other quests). Every day you do them you'll net almost 50g, 45 Apexis shards, and about 700 rep with Ogri'la and Shat'ari Skyguard (both have some good rewards at exalted) in addition to whatever drops that you can sell in the AH. You can also start doing the Shartuul event, which can drop the Badge of Tenacity but is very difficult.

I also do the dailies in Skettis- the bombing run and the escort quest when it's available- for another 12-24 gold. What other dailies do you all do that are worthwhile?

09-06-2007, 12:56 PM
Netherwing dailies are also good for cash. :)

09-06-2007, 02:22 PM
Can't do Netherwing Daily quests until you have Epic Riding Skill though....

If you aren't 70's a good way to make the cash.

DO NOT DO ONE QUEST in Shadowmoon Valley or Netherstorm before hitting 70.

Should be able to get to 68-69 in Nagrand alone. Then just run Shadow Labs a few times for loot+experience.

Then blitz through every quest you can pick up in SMV and Netherstorm.

Netherstorm itself yields over 3000G at 70 if you do every single quest.

Enjoy Epic Flight Form.

09-06-2007, 03:31 PM
DO NOT DO ONE QUEST in Shadowmoon Valley or Netherstorm before hitting 70.With my hunter I hit lvl 70 after completing only 1/3 of the quests in BEM. At that time I had only made 3-4 instances runs in the Outlands.

That leaves 2.5+ zones worth of quests yet to complete. I'm sure something similar will happen with my Druid. My biggest fear is that the next Xpac will be released before I reach lvl 70.

09-07-2007, 01:32 AM
Gold tip: Running instances with good groups can also be a good source of income (especially if you're grinding rep at the same time).

09-07-2007, 09:12 AM
Gold tip: Running instances with good groups can also be a good source of income (especially if you're grinding rep at the same time).

Yeah I have worked my self to exalted in a couple of factions by grinding instances ...

09-07-2007, 12:51 PM
epic riding skill - 5000gp
epic flying mount - 200gp

skygaurd quests - 2 in skett (escort, bombing) 2 blade (bomb, wrangle)
ogri'la quests - 1 attunement (simon says crystals) 1 slay the demonds (kill demon types near portals)

skygaurd quests - 4 total - 12gp each = 48gp
ogri'la quest - 2 total - 12gp each = 24gp

bored person with 2 hours (give or take a hour based on server and evil anal turdmongers that ambush you durring quests) you can clear 72gp on average a day, only 2 quests involve actual combat, so subtract the 2gp for repairs and you clear 70gp a day just doing dailies.

now on the same note, there are 3 repeatable quests (group quests) that pay between 15-20 gp each. (dragon killing is my favorite, kill all 5 dragons in blades edge, combine scales, turn in for Apex Crystal, and get about 300-1000 rep and about 20 gp in loot if not better)

09-07-2007, 01:39 PM
Plus killing the Dragons and Elites in BEM gives you a shot at the Depleted Badge!

A Druids Dream!

09-07-2007, 06:55 PM
Plus killing the Dragons and Elites in BEM gives you a shot at the Depleted Badge!

A Druids Dream!

dont remind me... i lost that to a crappy ass clothie lock ..

5 of us... i am the only melee... feral... everyone passed i greeded, and that fooker needed then tried to sell it to me for 2k...

his answer was being kicked from the group

09-08-2007, 07:11 AM
I made money for mine by farming clefthoof bulls for clefthoof leather and selling it on AH, took forever but at the time it was selling for 75g a stack. With that and my daily quests and a few instances it was easy :)