View Full Forums : Raid healer LF advice.

09-24-2007, 09:33 AM

y guild is 5/6 SSC and 2/4 TK. With our rate of progress I believe we will be starting Hyjal inside of a month. I am the only resto druid in the guild and having no one else to trade info with or compare myself to on the heal charts, I have a few questions.

1) My spec. I am a tree healer, and as much as I love my leaves when the fight permits them, I have found myself wondering if there isn't something more in the balance/resto hybrid spec. I have been toying with the idea of trying it out on some of the bosses that we have on farm but I'm reluctant to do so until I have more info. I don't *always* find myself in the MT group, so often my aura is being put to a lesser use. I find wonder if the left over benefits of having it is really worth keeping tree form.

2) Macro's. I am hearing more and more about macro's and while I'm undecided on how I feel about using them, I would like to know for knowledge sake, are there any macro's that druid healers use? Are there any that I really just should not be without? I am usually #3 -#5 in the heal charts, so I know I hold my own but I have heard cases where hunters who weren't using macro's found a huge dps improvement after starting to use them and it makes me wonder if the same can be applied to druid healers.

In the interest of keeping this semi-short I'm gonna stop myself here. Thanks in advance for any and all responses!


09-24-2007, 11:19 AM
So, you don't use any sort of addon to help with healing? Weird, I sort of assumed addons were required for healing, even in 5-mans.

09-24-2007, 11:31 AM
I use CTraid as I like that clean frame best. And Clique. I don't have to target to heal, which I like. Hot timers, ect. Basic stuff.

09-24-2007, 11:33 AM
Balance/Resto is nice and you can do more than just heal. But if you are serious about your role as healer in a raid, you just have to go for full Resto.
Like this: 0000050551351531522531351

At least that's what the Restos in our guild are doing, and they regularly dominate healing meters

09-24-2007, 11:50 AM
I did a lot of old world raiding as resto, and only through Kara in new world as resto, so take this for what it is worth.

The difference between bal/resto and full resto is more healing style preference. Are you a pre-cast healing touch and cancel if the target doesn't take the damage or are you a rolling HoT type healer? Pre-BC the rolling HoT healer was not all that viable due to lack of burst healing, but with lifebloom, swiftmend in conjunction with regrowth, it's become viable.

Neither healing style is right or wrong, and both will be competitive on the heal charts ( though, the healing touch style will have considerably more over heal due to long cast times and HoTs do not heal when a target is at full health, though Lifebloom blooms still over heal ).

I do suggest you get Quartz and look into making /stopcasting macros, as it can greatly increase the speed at which you get heals off ( though it takes a bit to learn not to spam the button anymore XD ).

Healing charts are of pretty low importance in my experience. While you can use the information to see who is casting what on who, when, etc ( Wow Web stats FTW ), the actual output numbers and rankings are, IMO, of much less importance. Did your assigned group(s) live? You did your job, more or less.

Ok, I'm done babbling now.

09-24-2007, 11:50 AM
No, full resto really is a waste of points. There are things that a raid healer doesn't need, such as ooc, and even natural perfection can be skipped. I'm less curious about how to better do the resto tree and more wondering if there are any raid healers bal/resto hybrid out there with anything to share.

09-24-2007, 12:05 PM
I did a lot of old world raiding as resto, and only through Kara in new world as resto, so take this for what it is worth.

The difference between bal/resto and full resto is more healing style preference. Are you a pre-cast healing touch and cancel if the target doesn't take the damage or are you a rolling HoT type healer? Pre-BC the rolling HoT healer was not all that viable due to lack of burst healing, but with lifebloom, swiftmend in conjunction with regrowth, it's become viable.

Neither healing style is right or wrong, and both will be competitive on the heal charts ( though, the healing touch style will have considerably more over heal due to long cast times and HoTs do not heal when a target is at full health, though Lifebloom blooms still over heal ).

I do suggest you get Quartz and look into making /stopcasting macros, as it can greatly increase the speed at which you get heals off ( though it takes a bit to learn not to spam the button anymore XD ).

Healing charts are of pretty low importance in my experience. While you can use the information to see who is casting what on who, when, etc ( Wow Web stats FTW ), the actual output numbers and rankings are, IMO, of much less importance. Did your assigned group(s) live? You did your job, more or less.

Ok, I'm done babbling now.

Thank you for your take! I really hadn't thought about it being a style issue. When I think about it I'm not sure how I would deal with not being able to move and cast. I'm almost always on the run.

Also, ty for the stopcast info and quartz. I have heard about stopcast but (and don't lol at me) I just figured since most of what I cast is instant, it didn't apply. Ok, maybe a little laughing would be alright. :p

09-24-2007, 12:48 PM
I do suggest you get Quartz and look into making /stopcasting macros, as it can greatly increase the speed at which you get heals off ( though it takes a bit to learn not to spam the button anymore XD ).Show me an example of using a "/stopcasting" macro for healing. I just don't see the use, but obviously there must be something, or else you would not have mentioned it.:thumbup:

09-24-2007, 02:37 PM

When you're on the MT and expecting big burst damage you're likely playing the pre-cast and cancel game, if the damage isn't taken. I used the quartz with /stopcasting to see when I could safely cancel my cast and start another ( it's amazing what those few extra seconds can do...or save ) With Warrior tanks going through parry/dodge/block streaks and then going through streaks where they get crushed this was imperative to keeping my mana pool at it's highest and reducing unneeded heals.


Stopcasting is useless for instants like lifebloom & rejuv. With quartz you will really see how much your lag to the server varies from moment to moment and how drastic a change it can make for "real" cast times.

09-24-2007, 03:44 PM
I used the quartz with /stopcasting to see when I could safely cancel my cast and start another ( it's amazing what those few extra seconds can do...or save ) So, do most of your healing macros begin with "/stopcasting"? This way when you click on the button, it will first cancel any existing cast? Do you have to double-click buttons to get them to actually heal in this case?

09-24-2007, 04:14 PM
So, do most of your healing macros begin with "/stopcasting"? This way when you click on the button, it will first cancel any existing cast? Do you have to double-click buttons to get them to actually heal in this case?

Yes, they start with /stopcasting, no you don't have to double-click.

You only have to multi-press on macros with items that trigger a global cooldown. /stopcasting does not trigger this.

09-24-2007, 10:09 PM
I set up everything with /stopcast, added trinkets in, got quartz working. I noticed improvement tonight with this system. Not *huge* improvement as we are new on vashj, but improvement overall. I'm looking forward to seeing the change on bosses we have already done.

Thanks again Kyane for your advice!

09-25-2007, 09:50 AM
Glad I could help :)

09-25-2007, 12:25 PM
Hmm. That /stopcasting sounds extremely useful for both my druid and my priest...

Gah. I wish I wasn't so used to spamming the button until it's almost done casting. >_<

09-25-2007, 11:23 PM
Well, today my macro's don't want to work after the patch. If you happen to figure out how to adjust please share. Thanks!

09-26-2007, 02:16 PM
Try this:

/cast [] Healing Touch

*Edit: I should note that the [] is for spells that can use the multiple target options, target, targettarget, mouseover, etc

12-14-2007, 07:35 AM
No, full resto really is a waste of points. I disagree. Unless you're speccing for (raid healing -and- solo play) or raid healing -and- killing stuff) or (raid healing -and- pvp).

There are things that a raid healer doesn't need, such as ooc, and even natural perfection can be skipped.I agree with this. The pure raid healer may certainly skip Furor, Omen of Clarity, and Natural Perfection. Natural Shapeshifter is not an absolute necessity but does save some mana those times you decide to shift back into tree. Okay, improved MOTW is a joke but it's more useful than Furor for our base talent. =)

I'm less curious about how to better do the resto tree and more wondering if there are any raid healers bal/resto hybrid out there with anything to share.There may be but I'm not one of them. There are a grand total of zero low-level talents in the balance tree that help with healing. FWIW I'm 1/0/60 with Natural Shapeshifter. Now if I'm speccing out for pvp or solo play then that's a different story. I'll go 8/11/42 or 20/0/41. =)

12-14-2007, 07:36 AM
No, full resto really is a waste of points. I disagree. Unless you're speccing for (raid healing -and- solo play) or (raid healing -and- killing stuff) or (raid healing -and- pvp).

There are things that a raid healer doesn't need, such as ooc, and even natural perfection can be skipped.I agree with this. The pure raid healer may certainly skip Furor, Omen of Clarity, and Natural Perfection. Natural Shapeshifter is not an absolute necessity but does save some mana those times you decide to shift back into tree. Okay, improved MOTW is a joke but it's more useful than Furor for our base talent. =)

There are a grand total of zero low-level talents in the balance tree that help your healing in raids. Now if I'm speccing for resto pvp or resto solo play then that's a different story. I'll go 8/11/42 or 20/0/41. =)

12-14-2007, 08:49 AM
Don't get discouraged if it takes you more than a month to get down both Kael and Vashj. My guild got Vashj down without too many problems, maybe a week or two of work. Kael, on the other hand... Yeah, he was a three month ordeal with healers, warlocks and finally hunters (as a whole class) going EMO and quitting the game. It's a healing intensive fight and warlocks/hunters spend time tanking/kiting, which is what most of them have no interest in doing.

12-14-2007, 09:23 AM
this is the build I have on my druid 0000050500350501502001200

I am one of the main healers for the guild but also farm on my druid. So I needed damage buffed up and healing. I personally don't like ToL just because of the slow and i cant throw my healing touch. But as said before it is really your own personal healing style if you should go with ToL. Well thats my 2 cents.

12-15-2007, 02:13 PM
Using Healing Touch is extremely mana inefficient. I would advice any druids not to use this spell except in emergencies and only in conjunction with Nature's Swiftness.

12-17-2007, 11:34 AM
Unless you're speccing for (raid healing -and- solo play) or (raid healing -and- killing stuff) or (raid healing -and- pvp).

Now if I'm speccing for resto pvp or resto solo play then I'll go 8/11/42 or 20/0/41. =)

I've just switched to resto to heal Kara. It's pretty obvious (judging by my gear) that I've just started. Nonetheless, even with my +healing greens I've somehow managed to top the healing meters, and find healing pretty easy. I suspect ToL combined with my love of Hot's has a lot to do with that.

And, YES , I am aware that I am still running around with my Idol of the Wild. I know, I know.

Anyway, as per Sey's description up above, I would be classified as (raid healing -and- solo play). I'm still questing trying to save for my Epic Flight Form, and re-speccing (although I try NOT to do it) is getting expensive - d'uh. But I can't even imagine healing Kara with no ToL.

But, if it can be done, I want to try it. Can somebody link those specs for me (8/11/42 or 20/0/41)? If I can complete a quest without taking forever to kill an elemental :( and stay on top of the healing meter I'll be quite happy. I believe that's called having my cake and eating it too.


PS - After re-speccing from Feral, you have no idea how many times I tried to use "mangle". It's true, you really don't know what you've got until it's gone. Sigh.