View Full Forums : Druid Notes In Patch 2.2

09-25-2007, 02:30 AM
I've culled Patch 2.2 just for the notes affecting Druids. You can check them out here (

Highlights include new craftable leather chest piece for cat druids that rivals T4 and new potion that adds +80 to Arcane and Nature spells for 2 hours.

09-26-2007, 02:28 AM
That is definitely a nice chestpiece but yea..the stam is lacking..even with the shuold have a base stam a bit higher imo.

09-26-2007, 09:09 AM
Do you really need sta on a RAID level cat piece? You should never draw agro so the STA is only needed for AoE damage. Though, AoE can be be significant in some encounters...

09-26-2007, 04:16 PM
One item of note that I'm not sure was included in the patch notes (I skimmed over it, but didn't readily see it) is that druids can once again herb in Flight form and Swift Flight form. Except, now you have to be on the ground to do it, but you can still herb. So, while there's no haxing it by hovering and gathering, you can still pick the herbs.

09-26-2007, 05:22 PM
I saw on another board something about AH 1-hour delay??? But I have no idea what they were talking about. Any ideas?

09-26-2007, 05:55 PM
A one hour delay was added to the time before a seller receives the cash from an AH sale. Some gold-sellers were using the AH to instantly transfer gold to their customers (i.e. the customer puts a major health potion in AH for 1000G and the gold-seller buys it). This delay gives Blizzard time to check the transaction for a possible gold-sale, and if necessary put a hold on the transfer. It is much easier to prevent the gold from being spent than to remove it from the economy afterward.

09-26-2007, 06:57 PM
Also worth noting some of the changes for 2.3 have been released ( and confirmed by blue.

•New Arena Relics have been added for more talent specs, and existing Relics have been renamed to create a more consistent naming convention
•Cure Poison and Abolish Poison may now be cast in Tree of Life form
•Remove Curse may now be cast in Moonkin form
•Rebirth cooldown reduced to 20 minutes
•Intensity increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration
•Blind now shares the Diminishing Returns of Cyclone

09-26-2007, 06:58 PM
OK. That's fairly minor. Wonder why folks were complaining about it?

Raging Epistaxis
09-26-2007, 10:07 PM
That would explain the two sales I've had that when I checked the mail box were labelled 'pending' and I couldn't get my cash at first.

09-26-2007, 11:00 PM
A one hour delay was added to the time before a seller receives the cash from an AH sale. Some gold-sellers were using the AH to instantly transfer gold to their customers (i.e. the customer puts a major health potion in AH for 1000G and the gold-seller buys it). This delay gives Blizzard time to check the transaction for a possible gold-sale, and if necessary put a hold on the transfer. It is much easier to prevent the gold from being spent than to remove it from the economy afterward.
Ah. I was wondering why they did that. A bunch of people in Trade channel earlier today were all mad about it and saying there was no reason for it. :P

Now I know.

09-27-2007, 10:34 AM
To add to Veriden's post

Spell damage added to Healing gear. This was hinted at during Blizzcon and confirmed today: All +Heal gear will receive one-third of the healing bonus as +spell damage. So a chest piece with +750 healing will now also have +250 spell damage. The addition of spell damage is a bonus and will not lower any other stat on the equipment. (

Intensity is changing. Currently, this Restoration talent increases your mana regeneration in combat 5%/10%/15%. After Patch 2.3, the mana regeneration will increase to 10%/20%/30%. (

Innvervate will not be changing, but Tranquility will be receiving the benefit of +Heal gear. (

Druid combat rez is having its cooldown reduced from 30 minutes to 20 minutes. CM Bornakk went on to confirm that the cooldown will not be reduced any further since that would seriously imbalance PvP. (

Zul'Aman is ready to go in Patch 2.3. This is important news for druids as some Balance spec itemization issues were promised to be addressed in this 10-man post-Karazhan instance.

New relics for Druid, Shaman and Paladin PvP players. Blues didn't have specific details but promised they would be tailored for many different specs. (,

oonkin's PvP viability will get a boost: they will be able to cast Remove Curse while in Moonkin form. (

Tree of Life form will be able to cast Cure Poison and Abolish Poison. (

No changes planned for feral druids in this patch. (

09-27-2007, 11:07 AM
No changes planned for feral druids in this patch.
That's because we scale so well in end game.

09-27-2007, 11:35 AM
That's because we scale so well in end game.

The sarcasm is strong in this one. :p

10-12-2007, 12:58 PM
Cure Poison and Abolish Poison may now be cast in Tree of Life form

That's music to my ears!!! I've never understood the reasoning behind not allowing trees to abolish poison (or decurse, for that matter). Why, when a player specs all the way to heal, then remove two of their healing capabilities?

Roll on patch 2.3


10-15-2007, 10:40 AM
Cat Form (Night Elf) melee attack range was too short compared to Tauren Cat Form and other attack ranges. It has been increased.

This is the one I was really excited about. Its been an acknowledged (by players) bug since WoW was released in 2005. Now I don't have to run "through" people to be able to hit them :>


10-15-2007, 11:29 AM
That was only for our "white" auto attack. "Yellow" special attacks are still affected by the cat range bug.

10-15-2007, 11:38 AM
Really? :\
Oh well.. it's still an improvement, I guess..
