View Full Forums : Worst Experience - EVER

10-02-2007, 12:52 PM
Attempted The Black Morass the other nite. ATTEMPTED being the operative word. It was my first time, I had not done my homework on the instance, and nobody in the PuG thought they needed to explain it to me prior to running it. But believe me when I tell you, they had every right to be waving their :iamwithst signs at me.

That opening paragraph lists several reasons as to why I was doomed for this run. Pretty much my fault, to say the least. Without having to go into all the gory details of my humiliation, let me just say, it was, by far, my worst WoW experience ever. This goes without saying, but, I will not be attempting that Instance again until I've hit 70 and am equipped with more gear than the Space Shuttle.

I'm rambling....sorry.

y point is....anyone have nightmare WoW stories to share? I would love (and desperately need) to hear other people's pains. :shuffle:

Raging Epistaxis
10-02-2007, 01:45 PM
Hmm. Most recent painful experience was similar to yours, but Auchenai Crypts, rather than Black Morass.

A PuG, decent mix of classes and appropriately levelled, but none of us had ever been in the crypts, or even read up on it before heading in. In retrospect, a priest might have been useful...

It was quite the WTF experience when the ghostly adds spawned - here we were ready for a 2 or 3 mob pull and it suddenly turns into a 5-6 mob pull - chaos ensued, we never really wiped, but at least one of us died with every pull due to general confusion. After the 4th attempt it was obviously not working and we went our separate ways to lick our wounds.

orale of the story: Don't go to a new Outland instance without reading up on what to expect. :rolleyes:

10-02-2007, 02:11 PM
/tar Misha

Black Morass humbled me many a times when I was leveling my druid. That was the first instance to throughly kick my butt, excluding Mana Tombs which left such a bad taste in my mouth I have yet to revisit it.

10-02-2007, 02:23 PM
Ugh, yeah...I was fortunate enough to be DPS in my first Black Morass run. Our tank knew what he was doing and I watched closely and that made my first run as tank easier.

One of my worst WoW experiences was my first lvl 60 WSG. This was back when 60 was the level cap, turning in PvP tokens yielded experience and before cross-realm BGs. From level 40-60 I mainly PvPed since we had an awesome, consistent group of PvPers that worked well together. Not only was it fun but it yielded a lot of XP.

The day I dinged 60, I popped into a WSG thinking I might find more of the same...but, alas I was wearing greens (I didn't even know about PvP gear at the time) and didn't really understand my class at all. :cool:

y first act as a level 60 player in WSG was to get the Alliance flag, make it back to our base and get one shot by a hunter. :devil: At which point, someone in chat pronounced me the worst druid ever.

Oh well, at least I can say that because of this, I learned how to research gear and specs and ways to play my class better. :rolleyes:

10-02-2007, 02:56 PM
My first act as a level 60 player in WSG was to get the Alliance flag, make it back to our base and get one shot by a hunter. :devil: At which point, someone in chat pronounced me the worst druid ever. :rolleyes:

OK - Ouch. Not gonna lie, that makes me feel a LOT better! :thumbup: Thank you for sharing!

BTW - it's good to know that I'm not the only one who's had their Big Fat Bear Butt spanked by The Black Morass.

10-02-2007, 03:21 PM
I can't even get a decent regular Ramparts group. Every PUG dies at least 10 times and quits before we even get to the first boss. Mostly because they won't listen to me when I say pull them mobs back.

I want the staff from Ramparts sooooo baaaaad, but the 2 times I have actually complete it the bastard won't drop it.

10-02-2007, 03:43 PM
Don't bother with the'll be replacing it in Zangramarsh with a quest reward soon enough.

Trust me...I got it my first run into Ramparts (first Outlands instance too) and was so pumped.

Replaced it 3 days later...

Don't worry too much about gear on the way to 70. There's always something better.

10-02-2007, 04:17 PM
When I first entered the Outlands with my Hunter, I replaced my Chest piece 3 times the first day. Gotta love Outland quest rewards. Once you've had a taste, old-world quests rewards become total crap in comparison.

10-02-2007, 04:54 PM
Well this subject takes me back ...

When I first started playing WOW and was asked to tank BFD ... being a n00b I was; I started in Cat Form and attempted to tank the mobs ... after a couple of mobs ... one of the party members asked 'So when are you gonna start tanking?' ... I was like 'Umm .. . I thought I was already doing so...' Well so I went to bear and proceeded my way thru ... Then about halfway the instance we were not doing well so the group just gave up ... After discussing with a guild member what has happened he said asked 'Arent u resto?' and I said 'Yeah' ... He responded 'Dude you cant tank that!!!'

Well after that experience I continued being resto and enjoy it and made sure that before joining a group I made clear that I was a healer.

10-02-2007, 06:43 PM
Way back when in all my magnificent noobliness I told a party member "No, really, I tank better in cat form. In bear form I can't kill anything." Hmm. Well, we were all noobs at one time or another.

I still have noobish experiences. I got pst'ed a couple of months ago asking if I could tank heroic Arca. I'd never done it before, but I had tanked a few heroics so I said "Sure, invite me." By the time we got to the first boss we had wiped enough after I died prematurely that I offered to bow out graciously (didn't feel very gracious), and the group promptly took me up on it. As I took the Hearth of Shame I swear I could hear echoes of "NOOOOOB!" sounding down the halls.

So I guess it's a relative thing. When (if) I make it to BT I'm sure I'll be noobish about it. Live and learn.

10-02-2007, 09:55 PM
Show me on the doll...where the nasty dragons hurt you ;D

BM can either be extremely difficult or extremely easy imo. However, I've been on numerous Shattered Halls PuGs that went terrible because either people didn't understand not to hit CCed targets or didn't CC at all. After a while, I find it easier on me when I was the one tanking (real easy to find bad tanks)

Good luck in your future instance runs.

10-02-2007, 10:24 PM
First time to the Panther boss in ZG....I see a cog when I mouse over the gong.

"Hrm...wonder what this does..."

10-03-2007, 12:21 PM
By the time we got to the first boss we had wiped enough after I died prematurely that I offered to bow out graciously (didn't feel very gracious), and the group promptly took me up on it. As I took the Hearth of Shame I swear I could hear echoes of "NOOOOOB!" sounding down the halls.

y EXACT experience in BM - right down to the echoes.....THE HORROR! I still wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night because of it.......sigh.

10-03-2007, 01:23 PM
Maybe I'm wrong, but wouldn't BM be one of the easiest instances to tank? You only have to worry about 1 mob as all of the other mobs are someone else's problem. At least that's the way we've always done BM. Tank on primary mob, everyone DPS primary mob. At some point, someone breaks off and takes out an add or two. Once primary target is dead, everyone cleans up any remaining adds.

With everyone DPS'ing the primary mob, is threat generation the issue?

I know the final boss Frenzies, but any hunter can dispel that (have them shoot Tranquil Shot as soon as his claws burst into flames).

10-03-2007, 01:43 PM
Maybe I'm wrong, but wouldn't BM be one of the easiest instances to tank?

It is easy to tank if:
1. You know not to talk to the NPC until everyone is ready.
2. You know that this isn't your typical pull-n-spank; that instead the bosses/mobs come at you at timed intervals.
3. You know, that in between bosses/mobs, you have to be on the look out for the newest portal so you're the first one there.
4. You know that in between bosses you have to heal yourself quickly because you have to be ready for the next boss and your healers are sitting and drinking out of necessity.
5. You are part of a coordinated group.

I'm guessing Misha didn't know the first four (or did know but was unaware of how quickly this instance can go) and was unlucky enough to run into some PuGliness on the fifth.

10-03-2007, 01:47 PM
It is easy to tank if:Good point. Every time I've been part of a BM run, it has been very well done with plenty of DPS to spare.

10-03-2007, 01:49 PM
OK - Ouch. Not gonna lie, that makes me feel a LOT better! :thumbup: Thank you for sharing!

BTW - it's good to know that I'm not the only one who's had their Big Fat Bear Butt spanked by The Black Morass.

Glad I could help :D As you can see, you're in good company (and gratz to you for starting the Druid's Grove chapter of N00bs Anonymous) I felt better myself knowing I wasn't the only one.

And the nice thing about bears is that we're like Bumbles - we bounce!

10-03-2007, 02:12 PM
This is gonna be a long post...

Last night I had one of the worst experiences in quite a while... Tanking slabs for a guildie trying to get the second kara key fragment.
I had just completed running it and getting the second key fragment earlier that day and decided "what the hell? i need the rep for the heroic key anyway..."

I joined his PUG with 1 other mage, 1 recently-respec'd-to-shadow priest, druid healer and a lock...

Let me stop and preface this by saying that the only times i've run slabs is with guildies that are textbook with their playstyle... meaning every mob gets marked, people know what their marks are, and cc has NEVER been in an issue.

well... the mage and lock thought they were tanks, and the druid healer was "leader" and not marking... I died maybe twice on the pats, probably only because the healer knew that if i went down, then it was gonna be a wipe shortly thereafter...

After answering questions of "why aren't you tanking?" with "why aren't you cc'ing?" AND scoring THIRD on damage meters o.O behind the pug mage and the lock, everyone had pretty much had enough. The shadow priest decided he was better off healing, and hearthed to respec. That was pretty much the end of that...

A few nights ago, I ended up tanking a pug SV group... which i've done QUITE a bit lately while grinding for cenarion refuge reputation... (FINALLY got the earthwarden!)
me, resto shammy, lock, and 2 hunters that couldnt trap their way out of a wet paper bag... that group ended up going to hell in a handbasket right after the first boss... shammy was leading, doing a good job with marking, ended up kicking them and whispering to me that they were probably the worst hunters he had ever played with... that's saying quite a bit...

There was also the time that i was asked to tank SH halfway through it... No one bothered to inform me that it was a D/E run... upon getting kicked after the 2nd boss for "being a ninja" it DID teach me to ask if there was an enchanter in the group at the beginning of every run though...

thanks for this thread! it's taught me that i shoudl read up on BM and preferably run it with some guildies for the first time.

10-03-2007, 02:54 PM
Maybe I'm wrong, but wouldn't BM be one of the easiest instances to tank? You only have to worry about 1mob as all of the other mobs are someone else's problem.

Your right. In fact, I truly thought I could handle it. I own Mana Tombs (love that instance), so Tank only one mob? Cake! But as it turned out, I couldn't keep aggro to save my life. It was chaos. I hopelessly chased the boss around like a cat chasing an endless ball of yarn, trying EVERYTHING to keep aggro. I was clearly out of my league (tank, gear, experience - you get the point).

Had I have known anything about the instance, I would have suited up to heal or dps. It would have worked much better for me.

If and when I ever go back (and unfortunately I have to if I ever plan to progress in this game), that's exactly what I will do. And, hopefully, I will be able to take notes while a good tank does his job!

10-03-2007, 03:13 PM
I couldn't keep aggro to save my life. It was chaos.So, what was preventing you from keeping agro? Over aggressive DPS'rs?

I have yet to tank anything, and probably won't until I hit level 62+, so I'd like to understand what it is I'm getting myself into.:D

10-03-2007, 04:05 PM
So, what was preventing you from keeping agro? Over aggressive DPS'rs?

Well, honestly, I am probably the least knowledgeable WoW player when it comes to the technicalities of the game, but yes, kind of....

They weren't over aggressive, just doing their part, really. I simply could NOT generate enough threat to keep him off of them. I think that my insufficient gear combined with the fact that I was a level 68 in a group of 70's, may have been my doom factors.

As I've said, I have had great tanking experiences, and this was the first time I've been thrown off my game. Kind of took me by surprise.

Now, :smile5: If anyone can tell me how to generate threat.....

10-03-2007, 04:09 PM
As you can see, you're in good company (and gratz to you for starting the Druid's Grove chapter of N00bs Anonymous) I felt better myself knowing I wasn't the only one.

And the nice thing about bears is that we're like Bumbles - we bounce!

:D Your right! This post seems to be just what the doctor ordered! :beerchug:

10-03-2007, 04:28 PM
I think that my insufficient gear combined with the fact that I was a level 68 in a group of 70's, may have been my doom factors.That would do it. While Druids don't gain any more tanking abilities after lvl 68, the difference between most lvl 68 DPS'rs and lvl 70 DPS'rs could be significant. And the difference between a newly leveled 70 and someone who has a complete DS3 set (or equivalent) for their class is significant.

Gear wise, what would you have needed that would have helped generate more threat? I don't think there is all that much gear that helps with threat generation. Are the mobs in BM above lvl 68? If so, your miss-rate would have been significant which would have led to quite a bit less threat generation.

Coming from a hunter's experience +hit is the #1 stat until you reach the cap, I surprised it isn't an issue for tanks as well. As misses don't generate threat. +hit is never even mentioned WRT Druid tanking, but it has to be some concern. Wait a minute, does +hit even affect bear form attacks?

10-04-2007, 04:36 AM
Yes it does affect bear form attacks. But it is so difficult to get good (or even moderate) tanking gear with +hit on it that most tanks (Warriors and Druids alike) have given up on it.

10-05-2007, 03:08 PM
BM is actually very easy.
I usually look bosses up on before attempting them.

BM is about dps, if you dont have a good amount of dps your screwed.
Everything else you need to know really is mentioned on wowwiki really.
ake sure you remember also that there is time after the main bosses to eat and drink and if u have a lock have them give out more heathstones. Things like that. :biggrin:

I dunno my worst experience. Theres been many bad groups lol. If i remember something reeeeally bad I will post it later. :)

10-08-2007, 06:30 PM
My point is....anyone have nightmare WoW stories to share? I would love (and desperately need) to hear other people's pains. :shuffle:

Oh yea.. lots..

Blowing up myself with an exploding goblin mortar (critting myself for 9433 - pre BC).. durability loss.. I was standing outside IF Bank at peak hours.. Oh yea.. people saw it. *blush*

Another one (that is a little blurrier) is coming home from the pub totally sh!tfaced and being ninja invited to a guild-MC run as resto druid on Majordomo Executus..

Famous last words are´:
"WTF GOA!? Are you drunk or something!?"
"Maby.. but I'm also fuzzy.. and cuddly bear.."
"Lol.. ok, nn Goa.. someone get a sober replacement.."


10-09-2007, 04:55 AM

10-09-2007, 10:31 AM
Yes it does affect bear form attacks. But it is so difficult to get good (or even moderate) tanking gear with +hit on it that most tanks (Warriors and Druids alike) have given up on it.
From the Kitty to hit thread...
Also if you use Earthwarden (, the feral combat skill on it really helps in reducing your miss chance.After doing a bit of reading, Feral Combat Skill appears to be Blizzard's answer to +hit for Feral tanks. I often wondered how Bear tanks dealt with an 8.6% miss rate on RAID bosses. Now I see the answer. FCS!

That 24 points of FCSR == 6.15 FCS. ~6 FCS is +3.1% hit. That reduces Bear miss rate against RAID boss mobs to 5.5%. That is still quite high, but much better than 8.6%.

There appears to be several items with FCSR (

10-09-2007, 10:57 AM

But I really would not worry too much about hit/miss in bear form.

We druids generate enough threat that the occasional miss is no problem. The only thing that could be a problem is missing the first 2 hits or so, which happens sometimes. But that you can easily fix by having your group wait a few seconds longer with dealing damage in that case. Or you could simply taunt the mob if that happens and gain the few seconds you need to build solid aggro.

I'd rather get more AC, agi or sta instead of getting a mediocre tanking item only because of +hit or feral combat skill. If it is on a good tanking item however (like earthwarden), that is great.

10-09-2007, 01:34 PM
Another one (that is a little blurrier) is coming home from the pub totally sh!tfaced and being ninja invited to a guild-MC run as resto druid on Majordomo Executus..

Famous last words are´:
"WTF GOA!? Are you drunk or something!?"
"Maby.. but I'm also fuzzy.. and cuddly bear.."
"Lol.. ok, nn Goa.. someone get a sober replacement.."


LMAO!!! Now THAT'S good times!

10-11-2007, 03:10 PM
I was just reading the Rebirth thread, and it unlocked a memory of which I had every reason to on, you'll understand....

I was a very new member to my guild and they were having a "just for fun" raid on Mauraden. I was invited along, and absolutely thrilled about it.

Three members of our party could heal. Our Main Tank (feral druid), myself and a priest.

Well, somewhere along the way, the Priest died. I was supposed to rez him, but I had literally never done it before, and didn't know how. So, the Druid Main Tank explained rebirth to me while he rezzed the priest.

Later, in a moment of crazy stupid bad luck (I still don't like to think about it) the Priest falls over the edge and into the water, draws aggro, so two hunters jump in for the rescue while myself and the other Druid heal.

So there I am, in all my noob glory, healing like crap....when soon enough they are all dead.

Here's the verbal (and painful) replay:

(Long pause as party members wait for me to take action, not realizing that I am frozen in fear because I don't know what to do)

Druid MT "Hey, Magellan?"
agellan "Yeah?"
Druid MT "You gonna Rez? My Rebirth's cooling down."
agellan "Sure! No Prob!"

(Another pause, as a very nervous Magellan, fully aware that all eyes are on her, runs into to water looking for bodies for her first-ever Rez)

Druid MT "Uhm, Maggie? Did you just rez a Hunter?"
agellan "Yup! Wait! Should I have rezzed the Priest?"

(long, uncomfortable pause)

Hunter "Sorry guys, I honestly thought she had a plan."
Priest "OMG! I'm on my way!"
Hunter "Hey Mags! Thanks for the rez! Very nice of you!"
agellan "Sigh, anytime"

(couple minutes pass as we wait for the Priest to run back)

Priest "Oh, for crying out loud! Respawns!"


10-11-2007, 03:38 PM
I was just reading the Rebirth thread, and it unlocked a memory of which I had every reason to on, you'll understand....

Priest "Oh, for crying out loud! Respawns!"


We have a WINNER!

Great story. Literally ROFL!

10-11-2007, 03:40 PM
Thank you! Thank you very much! :devil:

10-11-2007, 04:22 PM
First few hours of playing WoW.... spent a couple of minutes chatting with a player. I figured that English wasn't his first language as the replies were at a tangent to what I was saying. Later discovered that I'd been trying to chat to an NPC!!

A classic 'dingo' moment :dance:


10-15-2007, 07:50 PM
(Another pause, as a very nervous Magellan, fully aware that all eyes are on her, runs into to water looking for bodies for her first-ever Rez)

Awe, poor durid.. :>

I have to say, reading over all your horror stories it suddenly seems like I've had a very easy ride. I was lucky enough to level in a really great raiding guild with lots of friendly, experienced druids to teach me The Way. I do have one story, though, that might amuse... but it's not about me.

Oh well, here we go anyway.

In this particular raiding guild, there was a Raid Leader who was renowned across the server as being extremely aggressive and harsh, and sometimes even unfair. He was also respected as one of the most successful leaders.

One evening we were raiding Blackwing Lair and trying our luck on Vaelstraez. After the first wipe we ran back, and all 40 of us gathered in Vael's room to rebuff. At this point a new recruit Hunter who had literally just joined the guild that afternoon (after waiting 6 weeks or something to get a trial) fired off a random arrow at the boss. Vael immedietely turned around and toasted the entire raid - everyone was dead in 3 seconds flat.

Leader: ...
Raider1: What was that?
Raider2: omg..
Raider3: wtf..


Hunter: oh my god !

a moment passed..

Hunter: im so sorry guys
Hunter: something fell on my keyboard and hit my autoshot button :S


Leader: yeah, i think something's about to fall on my guildremove button..

At this point I took pity on the guy and whispered him..

e: hey man, don't sweat it.. we've all wiped the raid sometime, i seriously doubt you'll be kicked over this one incident :>

Him: oh my god.. i cant stop shaking..

poor guy :>
He got memberified a month later or so tho, so it has a happy ending.. :p


10-16-2007, 12:51 PM
Leader: yeah, i think something's about to fall on my guildremove button..

Wow. That's pretty intense. And a little sad!

I'm pretty much a full-time goof (can't be helped) who's done some pretty stupid things. Even if I was miraculously accepted into a Raid Guild, I wouldn't last a minute.

As a matter of fact, just last night my Guild Master offered - out of pure kindness - to help me get my second key fragment for Kara. Of course I accepted his help.

Jumped off Aldor Rise on my way to meeting him in Coilfang, when my Flight Form didn't take, and I died. Not only did I die, but I got completely and utterly stuck in the wall.

As a spirit, I actually had to jump from Aldor Rise, and, while falling, watch for the Rez prompt, accept it, and fall to another certain death - TWICE - before I could finally access my body in Lower City.

All the while, my ever-so-patient and highly entertained GM is flying around the city trying to find my wall-encased body to rez me.

Oh yes....If "unlucky and unlikely" can be done, rest assured, Magellan will find a way to do it. :bonk:

BTW - After my "series of unfortunate events", I did get my 2nd Key Frag! :thumbsup:

10-16-2007, 08:08 PM
Magellan- you win the prize- again! Too funny.

02-07-2008, 04:03 AM
Druid MT "Hey, Magellan?"
agellan "Yeah?"
Druid MT "You gonna Rez? My Rebirth's cooling down."
agellan "Sure! No Prob!"

(Another pause, as a very nervous Magellan, fully aware that all eyes are on her, runs into to water looking for bodies for her first-ever Rez)

Druid MT "Uhm, Maggie? Did you just rez a Hunter?"
agellan "Yup! Wait! Should I have rezzed the Priest?"

(long, uncomfortable pause)

Hunter "Sorry guys, I honestly thought she had a plan."
Priest "OMG! I'm on my way!"
Hunter "Hey Mags! Thanks for the rez! Very nice of you!"
agellan "Sigh, anytime"

(couple minutes pass as we wait for the Priest to run back)

Priest "Oh, for crying out loud! Respawns!"


roflmao, just found this thread.

this Mag is pure class.


i'm not having a great week but glad i found this thread.

Tis funny but i 'forgot' i could res the other day in Mech.

Being in a small guild of 2 :tongue: we start with me as tank and my guildy with his priest and look for more so usually a sorta PUG depends if any friends we know in proper guilds have time to join us.

So there we are near the end in the corridor leading to the Calculator and we get into a spot of bother and end up losing the priest and a rogue.

i'm thinking this will be fun as its Calculator time and we're down to me, another rogue and a mage......unless the other 2 run fast !

when all of a sudden the priest says 'you better hurry up and res me K' :rolling:

lol, there is me all in bear waiting to tank and spank :whistle: forgetting i've got a little icon on my bar with a rebirth symbol and a number of flintwood seeds sitting quietly in my bags :cool:

so shift out, quick res, heal, innervate and away we go :lmao:

Oh and i found all the talk in here of BM being tough surprising.

I thought initially that BM was some high level big 5 man. Finally when i realise what it is and head along there to tank it for the Dark Portal quest i'm like is this it ? I just keep the bosses locked on me and then whilst everyone else is healing, drinking, bandaging etc i run off wiggling my big bear butt to the next portal.

Its actually a lot of fun and getting to KoT revered was easy and quick.

Next is to do it heroic i guess and see what changes.

02-07-2008, 04:12 AM
Jumped off Aldor Rise on my way to meeting him in Coilfang, when my Flight Form didn't take, and I died. Not only did I die, but I got completely and utterly stuck in the wall.

As a spirit, I actually had to jump from Aldor Rise, and, while falling, watch for the Rez prompt, accept it, and fall to another certain death - TWICE - before I could finally access my body in Lower City. Rez at the spirit healer?

02-07-2008, 06:03 AM
Hehe that rez story reminds me of my first time in SSC. Saw the elevator go down just as entered, thought to myself "eh I'll make it, I'll just shift into cat to take less damage", jump off the top, start falling... falling... keep falling... by this time I'm starting to worry. Hit the bottom, die, mutter something about "man, why didn't anyone tell me not to do that", then ask for a rez.

Well, my body was on the elevator, going up and down, up and down, while I was waiting for a rez. A few of you probably know what's coming next. >.>

A priest gets on the elevator with me, rezzes me, I accept, thinking everything's cool... when I start falling again. And falling. Then dying. Again.

And again. xD I kept thinking I could avoid not dying somehow if I was rezzed in juust the right place. But uh, no, I guess not. I just kept dying. By this time I was complaining in all-caps in raid chat.

If you want really terrible newb WoW moments... my first char was my hunter. I got to level like 11 through the help of my friend somehow WITHOUT learning how to shoot my gun. Just uh, yeah, had noo clue how to shoot. It was awesome.

First couple instances I did on her were disastors. xD Luckily my friends ran me through the first few with their 60s, just so I had some time to learn stuff. I managed to wipe the 3 of us (yeah, 2 60s) in SM with my pet though, it was awesome. He just kinda went charging off somewhere, I had no idea how, came back with 9287329289 friends.

I did that a lot. My trademark over vent quickly became "Oh look, I made friends" followed by the sight of 9723929 guys charging my way.

y first time in ZF my friend had to explain to me what "assisting him" meant, cause yeah, I had no clue why I kept dying.

In UBRS I used to kite Drakk into the room we didn't clear, so he'd bring back friends after I FD'ed. I did that god knows how many times, lmao, the funny thing is I didn't do it on purpose, I just uh, kept getting lost.

It's a wonder those same friends ask me to tank for them now, eh? :D

02-07-2008, 09:10 AM
First couple instances I did on her were disastors. xD Luckily my friends ran me through the first few with their 60s, just so I had some time to learn stuff. I managed to wipe the 3 of us (yeah, 2 60s) in SM with my pet though, it was awesome. He just kinda went charging off somewhere, I had no idea how, came back with 9287329289 friends.

I did that a lot. My trademark over vent quickly became "Oh look, I made friends" followed by the sight of 9723929 guys charging my way.

02-07-2008, 02:12 PM
My trademark over vent quickly became "Oh look, I made friends" followed by the sight of 9723929 guys charging my way.

I'm so using that line next time I run a low-lvl alt through an instance.

oonfire at the back, party at the front.

02-08-2008, 05:10 AM

Haha, thanks, that made my day. :D

Raging Epistaxis
02-08-2008, 09:46 AM
Thanks for my new desktop image. :-)

Now I just need to send it to my regular group's mage and hunter...

07-22-2008, 08:37 AM
I have one to contribute to this thread, finally :>

I just joined a new guild less than a week ago and I've been trying to put in some face time to show them what a goshdarned nice, friendly, skillful duriod i am.

So last night I found myself in an uber guild-only group. I donated flasks to each party member and we cleared Heroic Botanica in about 50 mins. We then took a 10 minute break and then started on Heroic Mechanar.

Shortly after opening the Cache of the Legion (with 2 bosses still to kill), my mouse broke.
It didn't break completely - the mouse wheel sort of fell inside the casing of the mouse, meaning I could no longer zoom the camera in and out or use the Middle Click button.

iddle click is assigned to the following abilities:
Bear: Feral charge
Cat: Maim
Caster: Entangling Roots
CTRL-Middle Click: Assign Skull to target.

I asked the group to hold on a moment while I desperately tried to fix my ailing peripheral. Tweezers and a lot of harsh language didn't do any good, so I hunted around my room for a spare mouse - there wasn't one.

So in the end, keen not to disappoint the group (which was composed entirely of members of my new guild), and very much aware I'd already kept them waiting for 5 minutes, I conceded to completing the instance without the use of those abilities.

The 2nd last boss is that one that makes all the fire elementals, randomly deaggroes, etc. Well that was interesting without feral charge... I spent quite a lot of time chasing uselessly after the boss whilst wading through walls of fire. Eventually the boss died and we were all miraculously still alive (no thanks to me!).

Then we took on the remaining trash mobs, and again it was extremely difficult - not being able to zoom the camera made it hard to see where mobs were disappearing to. At one point I think the healer tanked a mob for the entire fight.

Finally we took on the boss at the end, which mercifully wasn't too bad. I breathed a massive sigh of relief when he died though.... and then logged to go and find a screwdriver. :>

New mouse should arrive tomorrow:


07-22-2008, 09:18 AM
What is the mouse? Are there two buttons like that on the right side as well?

07-22-2008, 08:36 PM
Its the new Razer one.. i forget the name. I think it does have buttons on the other side but I won't know for sure until the morning when it arrives :>


07-23-2008, 09:20 AM
Switching gears a bit, how do you assign actions to your wheel up/down. Don't you need they default zoom in/out often?

I know quite a few hunters that use their mouse wheel up/down for actions. In an instance it seems as though I'm constantly zooming out (as the UI will automatically zoom in, but doesn't revert full out unless you do it yourself).

07-23-2008, 09:32 AM
Just set it up in key bindings. EG if you want the mouse wheel to activate whatever ability is in Bottom Right Bar Button 3, just find that entry in the key bindings, click to change it, then scroll up (or down). Mouse Wheel Up or Mouse Wheel Down will be entered for that key binding. From then on scrolling the mouse wheel in that direction will trigger that ability. :>

Personally I've always found the ability to zoom in and out invaluable. I really missed it when my mouse broke 2 days ago. Incidentally, the new one has arrived and it is super-awesome :>


07-23-2008, 09:37 AM
I guess I misunderstood your key bindings. I thought you had some actions bound to the wheel up/down. So, I was asking how do you put-up with not having zoom in/out if you have other actions assigned to wheel up/down.

07-23-2008, 09:38 AM
Ah no, I have zoom in/out bound to the mouse wheel up/down. I find zooming absolutely essential to playing well. I don't understand how anyone can play properly without it.. =P Hence my difficulties in Mechanar a couple days ago.


07-24-2008, 03:00 PM
Hehe that rez story reminds me of my first time in SSC. Saw the elevator go down just as entered, thought to myself "eh I'll make it"

Ha! You know, it's occurred to me, that elevator should, in the very least, reward you with a Badge of Justice for having survived it. AND, if the whole 25-man party makes it? It should throw in an epic drop simply for coordination skills. ;)

And while I'm on the topic, has anyone else noticed that when the party loads onto it, whether it's 5 or 25 people, they all just automatically start jumping up and down? :tongue:

07-24-2008, 03:24 PM
I have one to contribute to this thread, finally :> I just joined a new guild less than a week ago and I've been trying to put in some face time to show them what a goshdarned nice, friendly, skillful duriod i am.

Heck ya!

my mouse broke.



But, damn! Nice replacement mouse!

07-25-2008, 06:31 AM
my mouse although not broke is playing up atm :(

bout a week ago now the zoom in/zoom out facility accessed by wheel up and down just stopped working :(

and i cannot for the life of me see why or get it to reset to default or get it to accept that wheel up/down should once more do the zoom in/out i am so used to and in need of

dont u just hate computers etc sometimes !


its almost enough to make me buy a new dang mouse and consign this one to the big mouse house in the sky !

07-25-2008, 07:01 AM
Can you still use the mouse wheel for other things, like scrolling up and down web pages?

If you can't do that either it's probably a broken mouse :/


07-25-2008, 07:16 AM
no, now that you mention it it does not scroll up and down now either in IE.

i'll swap it with the one of the wifes pc and see if she notices :p

07-25-2008, 08:47 AM
Sneaky druid ! :p


07-25-2008, 10:37 AM
well it would be a shame not to use my stealth ability :p

07-25-2008, 05:42 PM
I breathed a massive sigh of relief when he died though.... and then logged to go and find a screwdriver. :>

Liquid kind? :thumbup:

07-25-2008, 05:47 PM
I was healign something on my druid the other day, and my wireless mouse ran out of batteries (:nerd:) mid battle, making it amazingly hard to click on party frames or mouseover to heal people.

I frantically searched my house for new batteries, but couldn't find any. And my girlfriend was watching TV, so i couldnt steal the remote batteries :(

I ended up finishing the instance using ctrl + shift + tab to target party members, keyboard turning / running ( /shudder) and not being able to look up or down the whole time.

The next day I went out and bought a 24 pack of AA batteries, which I now keep in my desk drawer.

07-25-2008, 06:01 PM
Maggie - The Skywitch Drape from Shatari Skyguard Revered is fun to use on that elevator. Just use the slowfall thing right before you crater. And its good practice for Archimonde ;)

Re: Key bindings - the actionbar mod Bongos2 makes that really easy. All you have to do is open the key bindings option, mouse over the the button you want to keybind, then click the key or mousebutton you want to use and it's bound. I've found this easier than the default UI keybinding system.