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10-16-2007, 11:27 PM
Thank u! I figured I'd have a while to wait! I'm new to the druids, but have some xp in other fields...still trying to figure this website out. It's almost all QA ...all very interesting....but mostly seems to be geared for the upper echelons! I would like to find assistance but not sure where exactly to look! Right now I'm trying to collect defias gear...hope that's a good move. Don't even know if I should be posting this here! I've never done it before. If u can help me would be greatly appreciated!

10-17-2007, 02:04 AM
Hi Moonfalil!

Stop trying to collect specific gear while lvling up.
It will slow u down big times.
Just finish all the quests and get your XP.
Start collecting gear when u reach outlands.

10-17-2007, 10:49 AM
Hi Moonfalil!

Stop trying to collect specific gear while lvling up.
It will slow u down big times.
Just finish all the quests and get your XP.
Start collecting gear when u reach outlands.

Same goes with farming instances for certain gear (except really good pieces that'll last you more than a couple levels)

10-17-2007, 11:00 AM
I'm currently lvl 50 (yeah Mangle! [love the sound effect]).

At first I tried to keep 3 sets of gear around, but it was pointless. I knew I wasn't going to run instances (until I'm lvl 62) plus pre-BC quest rewards (mostly) suck. I know once I reach the Outlands the drops and quest rewards will allow to build a couple sets of gear rather quickly.

I do hang on to a few +sta pieces to use against easy "group" quest mobs.

10-17-2007, 07:17 PM
Thanks for the info everyone! It gives me a little more insight
on what I need to concentrate on! I appreciate your time.

10-18-2007, 10:40 AM
You probably already know this with your other character XP, but don't neglect your Outland / Shattrah Reputations.

I did, because I was absolutely consumed with reaching 70, and boy, am I paying for it now. :frown:

10-18-2007, 11:28 AM
One other little piece of advice that you probably already know- don't blow through leveling so fast that you don't enjoy the process or the content. My druid was my first 70 (and 60 pre-BC), and I found a ton more neat stuff to enjoy as I leveled my priest to 70 with a friend who was new to WoW. It's not a race, it's about having fun. You're paying to do this for fun, so don't bypass grouping and instances and experiencing content you might find enjoyable just because it isn't the fastest, most efficient way to level.

10-18-2007, 11:35 AM


10-18-2007, 11:23 PM
I really appreciate hearing from eveyone of you! I log on every day to see if something new comes up. The help you guys (general term) give is awesome!!! My post has only been up a short time and I'm getting lots of good info, THANK YOU ALL!!
Of course I'm sure I'll need more help! Let me ask you this...I'm left handed...I primarily use my mouse for eveything...I can't type with my right for can I compensate?

10-18-2007, 11:26 PM
By the way Magellan, I've already figured out about reputation, and I totally agree that you really need to take note. THANKS!

10-18-2007, 11:33 PM
Avearis, Annik, I agree too! I personnally enjoy instances because I HATE grinding! Slowing it down does make it more enjoyable, I'm still contemplating not worrying about my equipment while lvling! (That bugs me for some reason!)
Thank you SO MUCH for giving more to look at!!!

10-18-2007, 11:40 PM
tlbj6142, I'm lucky if I can keep 1 set straight, much less 3!
Hopefully, I can figure all that out. How can u keep 3 sets to use at a given time? How do u have the space?

10-18-2007, 11:59 PM
s3Rgio, Trixtaa, Thanks u guys! Ya'll obviously are into power lvling! I'm from Texas and things are a little slower here....including thoughts! I'm interested in everything....not sure how I feel about power lvling! How can u blow thru the game and NOT worry about armor? U don't run ANY instances?
I understand about doing all the quests, and some grinding (although I hate it!)

10-19-2007, 12:43 AM
It occurred to me that u guys might not have info on me, sorry! I'm a lvl 14 Druid and have LW and skinning ( I also cook and fish) I also have a lvl 45 Pally (so I'm not unfamiliar in SOME things!) but I never duel, which in some ways I think puts me at a disadvantage.

10-19-2007, 01:47 AM
I'm no power-leveler. Took me 7 month to get my first druid up to 70. I said do all the quests for the XP and dont go straight for specific items.
U will get many quests for all the instances way up to 70.
So go in there for the quest XP and the items will come along themselfes. I just ment dont run instances over and over for an item.
(Friend of mine wanted to collect T0-Set cause he thought it was awesome-> he was about lvl 56 O.o -> i just told him to make 2 lvls and booom ^^)
I enjoy doing instances myself and i love pvp. So i spend most of the time in instances or bg's. And thats very time consuming.

I agree totally with Avearis. We are paying for the game so i try to enjoy it as much as possible.

10-19-2007, 04:09 AM
Moonfalil, a common misconception is that the game is pretty much finished when you reach level 70. This is not the case at all, most players will tell you that the game only really begins at 70.

Collecting the defias set means you will have great gear until about level 30 or so, at this point there will be much better stuff available to you. If you really enjoy collecting the gear then by all means do so, the reason everyone says to not bother and just get level 70 as fast as possible is because once you're level 70 the gear you obtain won't become obsolete, because you've stopped levelling.
At level 70 most of our efforts focus on obtaining better gear, so there is plenty of this type of thing to come. With all this said it's your choice of course and you should play the game however you like. :>


10-19-2007, 10:13 PM
Thanks s3Rgio! I'm sorry! It was my misunderstanding! I've read lots of these threads, but have never posted one. I've got a friend who is pretty sharp at the game, but I wanted to learn more from others. (there may be more than 1 angle!)
I am picking up a few things from u guys & gals that I'm giving more thought to! I appreciate all the help everyone is giving! The more input I get, hopefully will make me a better player all the way around!

10-19-2007, 10:22 PM
Annik, I really appreciate you hanging with my thread! I don't read between the lines very well (apparently!) and it makes me much happier knowing about the armor! With me it's not so much collecting gear, as it is survival and trying to get whatever will help me the longest! With my Pally, seems like I'm always having to buy new stuff! I was hoping the Defias stuff would last for a little longer! Thanks for telling me about lvl 70...that was the impression I had! Now I'll have to get there!!!!

10-22-2007, 08:49 PM
moonfalil. about playing left handed... here is the set up that i use and it works quite well for me. use the 2,4,6 and 8 number pad keys for movement (as well as your mouse) then set up your hotkeys on 1,3,7,9 and 5. I use the / to move to a new target (like the tab key) the arrow keys to the left of the number keys are for the primary things i do (attacks) these are very easy to find and you will never hit the wrong button. finally i use the delete (bear) and page down (kitty) keys for my shapeshifts. Ohh and the zero is to jump, very important key that. The only drawback to this is that its hard to type (talk) and play at the same time. makes you seem the large silent type.

10-22-2007, 09:01 PM
and the most unusual UI ever award goes to...


10-22-2007, 09:04 PM
Uttercup, thank u!! I will give that a try, funny how they never seem to make stuff easier for us lefties! I noticed u recently joined also! Welcome! A lot of good info here and I am learning a good bit just browsing around. Most people think I'm the silent type anyway! (not a typist!) :)

10-22-2007, 09:17 PM
Hey Annik! When u get your butt kicked enough by other players, u have to look at other options! :D I'm ready to try almost anything at this point! (I have even tried to play right handed! LOL!!)

10-23-2007, 04:45 AM
You might also be interested to try


10-23-2007, 07:55 PM
Annik, Thanks! I was checking that stuff out last night...I like the idea! I've also been looking at that Nostramo N52 gamepad I saw in the forum! Then I read a story about a guy getting banned from WoW, that might have been because of a programmable keyboard! Anyway thanks for tip! I'm definitely looking at these ideas!

10-24-2007, 11:51 AM
There's a G15 ( I think ) LogiTech keyboard that allows for some programmable actions. Using it to do what you could do in game is not against the ToS and will not get you banned. Using it to automate your play ( making water while you afk, keeping you from "afk" in a battle ground, farming, etc ) WILL get you banned.

10-24-2007, 01:05 PM
As a left hander, I just re-mapped just about every key. Movement is IJKL (UO for strife), etc. I have key bindings used in each form to P;'NMY678, etc. H is set to the same function as the tab key. This allows for 95+% of all the functionality I need on my right hand. Leaving my left hand for the mouse (targeting, camera, some movement, etc.).

Other keys W == World (map), D == Dudes (social), Q == Quests, etc.

I switch forms with simple macros on F5 (Cat), F6 (Bear), F7 (Aquatic).

10-24-2007, 07:44 PM
Big9erfan, tlbj6142, thanks ya'll!! I'm definitely gonna spend some time messing with re-mapping keys! I am also gonna check out the keyboard advice! I really appreciate your help!

10-26-2007, 05:04 AM
When designing your keybindings layout, I recommend trying to organise it such that you never have to move your hand from the movement keys. This allows you to cast your instant cast abilities whilst on the move (steering with the mouse).

any things can be used for key bindings. Mouse buttons are a good place to put your most commonly used abilities.


11-07-2007, 01:33 PM
As a left hander,I switch forms with simple macros on F5 (Cat), F6 (Bear), F7 (Aquatic).

Now as new to the forum today .. a leftie ... and just hit 70 with my druid (which I think is an excellent char for a Welshman such as moi) bags of interesting stuff here.

In particular tlb I'd love to know how to set these macros up please.

eantime carried out slight talent respec after reading some tanking advice on here and picked up a couple of nice recommended pieces of gear from the AH

11-07-2007, 03:19 PM
I don't have them with me right now. I'll post back later.

I will tell you that after the 2.3 patch is released you will be able to just once click between forms. So, my double click macros will no longer be needed. Except to "power shift".

11-07-2007, 03:25 PM
Here's an old copy of my macro file, I think I had to add "#show Cat Form" as the first line in each of the stance macros as with 2.2.2(?) the macros no longer showed the form icons.

ACRO 16777217 "Bear" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [nostance] Dire Bear Form
ACRO 16777218 "Cat" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [nostance] Cat Form
ACRO 16777221 "FF" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
#show Faerie Fire
/cast [nostance] Faerie Fire; Faerie Fire (Feral)()
ACRO 16777219 "Melee" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
#showtooltip attack
ACRO 16777224 "PPS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [stealth] Pounce; [nostealth, combat]Shred;[nocombat] Prowl
ACRO 16777222 "Swim" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [nostance] Aquatic Form
ACRO 16777220 "Travel" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [nostance] Travel Form

11-08-2007, 03:24 AM
Many thanks for that .... and also the note on 2:3 patch ... that's certainly good news