View Full Forums : Peddlefeet (rant)

10-17-2007, 06:29 PM the most annoying creation in WoW.

For those blissfully ignorant of this travesty, peddlefeet is a non-combat pet that people can "assign" to you with some specific item. Once you've received a peddlefeet, it won't disappear until you relog. It's a little flying goblin, and it pisses me off _so_ much...

I really dislike non-combat pets, particularly in raids and instances, because it's a random piece of text floating about my screen, serving no useful purpose but getting in the way. Peddlefeet is by far and away my most hated because you can't just dismiss it - you actually have to relog and interrupt your game experience to get rid of it.

Someone's rogue alt gave me a peddlefeet this evening while I was tanking sethekk halls for them. I relogged immedietely to get rid of it, when i logged back in i was at teh entrance. I started walking back to where the group was, then the 2 starting mobs spawned right on top of me. I turned to run for the entrance and saw i was in heroic mode - by relogging I had not only been teleported back to the start of the instance, but degrouped and dumped a heroic version of the instance. The 2 mobs ate me alive and I died. Deaths cost me 3g each. I had agreed to go to Sethekk because i thought it would be easy money and a good way to help pay my repair bill. That death sent half my gear into the red and when I hearthed to shattrath to repair, my total repair bill was 33g.




10-17-2007, 06:39 PM
Daily quests FTW!

I average somewhere around 130g a day depending on which quests I get to. That doesn't even include the farming and such.

The "racing" quests as part of the Netherwing rep....freaking AWESOME! Difficult, but awesome.

10-17-2007, 07:28 PM
I never knew you could assign pets to someone else D=

Farming instances for gold only works when you know few (if not all) the people you are running with are capable of doing their job.

10-18-2007, 05:05 AM
I spent a few minutes at elemental plateu afterwards, made a primal air, and it's now on the AH. Hopefully it should be enough to pay my repairs for tonight..

I've thought about doing daily quests and you aren't the first to recommend them, but I actually prefer grinding over questing. Still, I should at least check it out sometime I suppose..


10-18-2007, 09:40 AM the most annoying creation in WoW.

For those blissfully ignorant of this travesty, peddlefeet is a non-combat pet that people can "assign" to you with some specific item. Once you've received a peddlefeet, it won't disappear until you relog. It's a little flying goblin, and it pisses me off _so_ much...

That death sent half my gear into the red and when I hearthed to shattrath to repair, my total repair bill was 33g.


OK, Annikk, talk about bad experiences!

10-18-2007, 11:16 AM
I've thought about doing daily quests and you aren't the first to recommend them, but I actually prefer grinding over questing. Still, I should at least check it out sometime I suppose..

The daily quests are like grinding though.

The Ogi'la "Banish The Demons" is like a grind.

The Netherwing quests are definate grinds.

Plus if you're a skinner, the Netherwing dailys will get you a TON, I mean a TON of Heavy Knothide Leather stacks.

I usually had to go dump my bags before reaching 35 Leather and 40 Crystals.

10-18-2007, 12:20 PM
Plus the dailies get you rep with other factions so you can get rep gear from them. You may be past the point of needing any of it, but some of the Ogri'la (Shard-bound Bracers ( Sha'tari Skyguard (Skyguard Silver Cross ( pieces are really nice for feral druids. I was exalted with both in no time flat as I ground out their dailies and got epic flight form.

Now that I'm doing Netherwing dailies my rep with them is coming fast, but the only rep rewards they have are the mounts, and I'm not interested in anything by my instant cast. Still, the money comes awfully fast...