View Full Forums : Versatility and Gear

10-23-2007, 11:41 AM
I remain feral for solo strength reasons, but I find myself unexpectedly having to switch roles quite often. It's happened to everyone, I'm sure, when they show up at a Summoning Stone expecting to MT, when the MH drops out, and everyone's roles switch around.

In one WoW marathon playing run, for example, I was Tanking Headless Horseman, DpS / Backup Healing The Arc, Healing Black Morass, DpS / Backup Healing Kara, then back to Tanking Headless Horseman again.

I love a Druid's versatility, but I'm not a fan of having to run back and forth to the bank to switch gear, and definately not a fan of having to travel around with another set of gear in my bags. I just don't always have extra room. Okay, I never have extra room. :eusa_booh

10-23-2007, 11:47 AM
Once I hit lvl 70 on my Hunter, I found bag space a non-issue as most instances/raids don't fill your bags with junk (questing fills your bags with junk). As a Druid you have even more bag space (no quiver). You should have at least 5 16-slot bags. Keeping 3 sets of gear (kitty, tank, healing) on your person at one time should only consume 1.5-2 bags. That shouldn't be much of an issue.

10-23-2007, 11:56 AM
...and get the addon Closet Gnome or ItemRack. Then create a tank, instance Kitty, solo Kitty and healer set. This allows you to switch roles (and gear) in seconds.

10-23-2007, 12:13 PM
Lets see...
3 sets of gear ( minimum ) @ 17 pcs each ~ 51 spaces.

I have 18 slot bags for my 4 bags ( I wish they would upgrade that initial backpack >.< ) and I STILL run out of room constantly. If I really clear stuff out, and my bank is also packed, I have about 15 slots free, which is amazing for me.

I am a self confessed pack rat though. I have all the little pets I can get my hands on. I wonder if there's a WoW Pets anonymous. I think I need help :(

10-23-2007, 12:31 PM
3 sets of gear ( minimum ) @ 17 pcs each ~ 51 spaces.You are wearing 1 set. And I suspect there are few Cat and bear pieces that are common. Which should allow you to fit them in 2 bags. Does flight form take up a bag slot? I don't think it does. Which means in your backpack you probably have more space than what I have on my hunter.

2 stacks of healing pots
2 stacks of mana pots
2 stacks of food (1 stack for Druids???)
2 stacks of water (put conjured water in another bag)
1 hearth stone
1 land mount
2 stacks of bandages (1 stack, if any, for a druid)
2 stacks of reagents (GotW and rebirth)
1 - profession tool A (skinning? mining?)
1 - profession tool B

Put raid consumables (not typically needed for 5-mans) in another bag. That should give you at least 1.5-2 empty bags. Again, trash rarely drops in end-game material so you don't really need the bag space.

10-23-2007, 12:36 PM
I am a self confessed pack rat though. I have all the little pets I can get my hands on. I wonder if there's a WoW Pets anonymous. I think I need help :

LOL - I don't think you are alone on that! I've spent more time with Mr. Wiggles than my own pet IRL! :biggrin:

I'm a Potions-aholic. I've got potions for everything. I can't stop myself. You never know when you are gonna need'em! I have all 16 slot bags, and Potions take up 1 1/2 of em, and more in the bank! And where there are potions, there are herbs.......

10-23-2007, 01:02 PM
I love a Druid's versatility, but I'm not a fan of having to run back and forth to the bank to switch gear, and definately not a fan of having to travel around with another set of gear in my bags.
No way around this if you want to be an effective druid. Get the biggest bags you can afford, adn plan on carrying tanking, dps, pvp, healing and maybe even a resist set (depending on what you are raiding).

ItemRack makes swapping the gear a non-issue.

10-23-2007, 01:15 PM
You are wearing 1 set. And I suspect there are few Cat and bear pieces that are common. Which should allow you to fit them in 2 bags. Does flight form take up a bag slot? I don't think it does. Which means in your backpack you probably have more space than what I have on my hunter.

2 stacks of healing pots
2 stacks of mana pots
2 stacks of food (1 stack for Druids???)
2 stacks of water (put conjured water in another bag)
1 hearth stone
1 land mount
2 stacks of bandages (1 stack, if any, for a druid)
2 stacks of reagents (GotW and rebirth)
1 - profession tool A (skinning? mining?)
1 - profession tool B

Put raid consumables (not typically needed for 5-mans) in another bag. That should give you at least 1.5-2 empty bags. Again, trash rarely drops in end-game material so you don't really need the bag space.

Raiding is the only time I have about a bag worth of open slots. The rest of the time I have less due to carrying around healing, pvp, bear, & cat ( and I think my bear & cat gear have 1 or 2 common pieces )

When I was resto I always had at LEAST 1 stack of bandages. I'd prefer to heal myself with a bandage than use the mana on myself when I'd hopefully not get hit normally anyways...again, I'm more a pack rat than not. So I'm sure I have stuff I just don't need anymore...but getting rid of it mades me :crazy: b/c I always figure there's goign to be a use for it....eventually.

10-23-2007, 01:46 PM
I throw out everything in my bag/bank that's not Blue or Purple.

I'm High Society.


10-23-2007, 01:47 PM
My issue with bag space is more with the quest items ... I have a bag load of just quest items ...

10-23-2007, 03:18 PM
I have three sets on me at all times, one set in the bank. I wear my restro set, I have a full swapout balance set and a full swapout tank set. My cat/dps set is in the bank and yes, it does share pieces with my tank set. But since it's in the bank, it's irrelevant.

When I was resto I always had at LEAST 1 stack of bandages
teehee. I'm a level 70 Restro druid with a First Aid skill of ... wait for it ... 0! Yes, I didn't even train it. Have I needed it? In my whole time raiding, there were a couple occasions I could have used a bandage; however, outside of that, no use what so ever. I regen enough mana in a single tick to heal myself with a Regrowth or Lifebloom. Why waste bag slots on bandages? Not to mention bandages break if you have a DoT on you or you move.

No way around this if you want to be an effective druid. Get the biggest bags you can afford, adn plan on carrying tanking, dps, pvp, healing and maybe even a resist set (depending on what you are raiding).
That's not completely true. For starters, if you PvP, you might be able to use most of your PvP gear for raiding depending on gear (I use my PvP Merciless helm as my main helm cause it's WAY better than Tier 4). If you're not feral, there is no reason to keep a tank and cat form gear on you. Your "DPS" set could be a Balance set -- if you're restro and don't give a **** about your DPS (only required for soloing) then you can ditch that. I do suggest keeping a Tank set on you though.

If you're feral, you need to keep a Cat form and a Tank form set on you at all times (just ask raiding feral druids how many times they swap gear raiding). You can stow the Balance set and Healing set if you're just raiding. If you're PvP'ing, having some key (not an entire set) healing pieces have proved useful when shifting out of forms for quick heals.

If you're Balance, stow your cat form gear but keep Tank gear and a full set of +healing gear on ya.

The only time you should worry about PvP gear is if you PvP.

Resists? Highly situational -- You can totally get away with just leaving all that **** in the bank until you raid a zone/boss that would require it. Then you can move around gear from your inventory (tank/cat/healing/balance) based on what you would need that night.

I do agree you should at least 1 full set for each form, whether you keep them in your bank or your bags is entirely up to you. The reason is simple; if you decide to switch specs later on, you're not completely gearless. So many feral druids switch to Restro at level 70 and have absolutely no healing gear, making them quite useless.

Anyway, that's just my two cents on the subject.

10-23-2007, 04:27 PM
The only time you should worry about PvP gear is if you PvP.

I know what you are saying but I'm in a PvP server and when I travel around I am wearing my PvP gear...LOL

10-23-2007, 05:47 PM
I do believe I'm gonna have a horrible time with bags in a few levels. >_<

From what you guys are saying, I should have plenty of bag space, but unfortunately, I'm an herb/alch, so I fill 16 slots with herbs and another 8-12 with random potions. :(

I literally have about 12 spaces left in my bag WITHOUT any other gear sets (the one extra I hvae is in the bank =/ ).


10-23-2007, 06:16 PM
Use the bank to store your herbs. ^_^

And don't care so many potions. Try to also save up for the 18 slot bags. They are well worth it. Too bad we can't switch out the backpack for an 18 slotter. :(

10-23-2007, 06:17 PM
I know what you are saying but I'm in a PvP server and when I travel around I am wearing my PvP gear...LOL
Yeah, well. Life on a PvP server is quite different. lol

10-23-2007, 06:41 PM
Another thing for you gathering people. (I'm a skinning/LW)

ake an alt and send all your mats there.

Use the alt to sell them on the AH if you so choose.

Keep your alt in one of the major cities so if you have to access things quickly, you can get a buddy to meet up with you instead of mailing it (as that takes an hour).

I only keep a stack of each of the Outland Leathers in my bags though.

All scales and Fel Hides are in the bank. They don't drop enough to warrant carrying around.

10-23-2007, 07:48 PM
(as that takes an hour).
Only to other people. It's instant sending items to your other chars.

10-23-2007, 07:54 PM
See, that's why I love this site.

I learned something new today!

10-23-2007, 08:58 PM
Gah. Why didn't I think of that? I send my alt greens and money all the time for the AH. :(

10-24-2007, 09:43 AM
I'm an herb/alch, so I fill 16 slots with herbs and another 8-12 with random potions. :(

Ditto. I used to be that way, until I could FINALLY afford the extra bag slots at the bank. If you are new to WoW (we all were at one point) and only have one character, it's certainly not easy (pre-Outlands) to obtain enough gold for those extra bank slots while trying to save for a mount.

Of course, the extra bags, I've found, really aren't a full necessitiy until Outlands, when you start gathering Rep Items. I'm pretty much obsessed with Rep, so I try to accumulate everything. Unidentified Plant Parts, Fel Armament, Arakkoa Feathers, Marks of (whoever), Obsidian Warbeads, Gun Powder, the list goes on! Unless you are farming them one at a time, and turning them in immediately, all these things add up! And, it's not just Rep items you want to keep around either. Motes of (whatever), anyone?

After a daily "grind" I place all these goodies in the bank. Then, every Friday or Saturday, I have my SW run where I see what I've accumulated to turn in for Rep or to sell at AH. Resulting in some empty slots (at least for a little while :redface: )

But I gotta say, Kauroth's Alt Idea is DA BOMB. Cheers to that.

Raging Epistaxis
10-24-2007, 10:02 AM
I'm not sure I'd play WoW if I couldn't have my bank alt(s).

y 70 hunter and 40ish druid just sell the vendor trash, then mail all the stuff worth keeping to my bank alt who's parked at the mailbox/AH in Orgrimmar. That usually frees up at least 5-10 slots in the bags, if not a couple of whole bags. Consumables and quest items are about all I keep in the bags regularly.
Then once a week or so I log into the alt, DE the stuff that didn't sell last week, and put this weeks' stuff up for sale.

And the Bank alt's bank slots are full of trade supplies and rep items that one of my characters or the other will eventually want.

I'd hate to know how much I've spent on mail fees over the years but then again, I've saved so much time running back to a mailbox vs back to a major town for the bank I'd say it's worth it. Not to mention the (usually) greatly increased amount you get for an item on the AH vs vendor price and the convenience of having a single character handle all the transactions.

10-24-2007, 10:14 AM
I'm not sure I'd play WoW if I couldn't have my bank alt(s).With the next patch (2.3) you will be able to mail up to 12 items in a single email. That alone will make banking alts so much easier to deal with.

10-24-2007, 10:24 AM
With the next patch (2.3) you will be able to mail up to 12 items in a single email. That alone will make banking alts so much easier to deal with.

:wiggle: Happy Dance!

10-24-2007, 10:39 AM
Too bad a lot of my stuff is Soulbound. I have kept my level 60 FR and NR gear and things like Nifty Stopwatch =). Think I have like 7-8 mounts too D=

WTB more bank slots

10-24-2007, 11:38 AM
How can you have a bank full of Soulbound items? I have 18 slot bags on everything but 1 slot and the only reason my bank is even remotely full is because of my dechants. If I were to put those onto an alt, I'd have tons of room.

I can't see how you can accumulate so many soulbound items.

10-24-2007, 12:48 PM
Oh it's easy. Tanking gear, dps gear, healing gear, pvp dps gear, pvp healing gear, fire resist gear, nature resist, shadow resist.. not to mention the heaps of various trinkets that do different things that I might need someday for something (but probably will never use). I have so much gear, on a good day I have 16 bag slots free.. (my bank is permanently full).


10-24-2007, 11:16 PM
It's from all the special events, non-combat pets, mounts, overpriced materials from preTBC (CURED RUGGED HIDE LOLZ..i should vendor that sometime), and a bunch of other random collectibles.

Oh btw I have multiple RP sets (ex. Secret Cow Agent set, Brewfest outfit, Farmer outfit, Tauren Rogue Wannabe...etc) yea....

10-26-2007, 05:38 AM
I also carry a [Durid Leaf] ( with me at all times :>


10-26-2007, 04:13 PM
I also carry a [Durid Leaf] ( with me at all times :>

I'm going to assume that's just like a Druid Leaf....but different ;)

11-14-2007, 11:43 AM
Wow, all of you guys with bag space gotta tell me how to do it! On me at all times I have a solo Kitty Set and a Raid kitty set (they share about 10 items, thank goodness), and a tank set (shares only 1 item, bracers). I also carry around a few alternate peices (such as 4 different idols depending on my role and what we're fighting).

In my bank:
Full healer set (18 slots),
Full Hydross set (16 slots),
Arcane set (for the Eye) 10 slots,
pvp set (10 items, should be like 15 in a week),
Fire resist set (all TBC FR gear these days).
Alternate Tanking Set (items with a different mix of stats that might be useful, such as my old clefthoof set with plus defense)
Alternate DPS set (same as tanking, but usually focussing on +hit and other stats)
Some balance set peices (i got rid of most of them, but i had 4 or 5 really nice peices i didn't want to part with).

I am looking at having to pick up a shadow resist set when kael dies. I keep no non-bound items in the bank, ever and I haven't had an empty slot in months. I don't keep anything less than blue quality for gear. I do keep some old keys and stuff (staff of celebras, transporter controller, etc), but it's generally just sets and sets of gear taking up space.

But think about it. PvP medals, 4 slots. PvP tokens from Thrallmar and Nagrand and research tokens and shards from Ogri'la and scales from the dragons and the occasional holiday reward. I am working toward replacing my 18 slot bags on my belt with 20's and finishing filling my bank with 18's. That might give me enough room for the shadow resist set i need.

11-14-2007, 12:00 PM
Blizz? You getting this? Extra bank bag slots for next patch?
