View Full Forums : New druids updates on PTR

11-03-2007, 03:18 PM
There have been a few updates to the druid class on the PTR servers:


Challenging Roar: The chance for this ability to land successfully on its targets is now increased by hit rating.
Entangling Roots: This ability will no longer be overwritten when the new Entangling Roots would do less damage.
Feral Charge: It is now possible for the interrupt and root effects from this ability to be resisted separately.
Growl: The chance for this ability to land successfully on its target is now increased by hit rating.
Natural Perfection (Restoration) - Now also grants the Natural Perfection effect after being critically hit, reducing all damage taken by 1/3/5% for 8 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
Natural Perfection: This talent can now trigger while the Druid is sitting.
Tree of Life: It is no longer possible to have the bonus healing aura from this ability while not actually in Tree of Life Form.

Nice to see some loving coming to Natural Perfection. At its current setup, it's pointless. However, with the new update, it might be worth while. What do you all think? I don't play Feral, so I can't really comment too much on those changes -- but they do look good.

11-04-2007, 02:10 PM
The changes to feral are good for tanking... I've had many bad resists at the worst times. Though, I'll only have 30ish hit rating on my gear once I make my boots of natural grace. But anyway, it's a good change nonetheless.

Feral charge is good, too. I hate it when I used it right on the mark to interrupt a cast, but it's resisted as a whole. /gr.

11-04-2007, 04:32 PM
Looks like some bear love!~

I'm hoping that since the Feral Charge Effects can be resisted separately, the number of full resists go down =)

11-04-2007, 07:49 PM
I'm hoping that since the Feral Charge Effects can be resisted separately, the number of full resists go down =)Is this primarily a PvP or a PvE issue? IOW, do mobs often resists FC?

11-04-2007, 08:21 PM
Well, I've noticed it happening sometimes in arenas

11-05-2007, 10:43 AM
I haven't heard anyone talk about this Druid change...

"If you are in a shapeshift form and try to use an ability that may only be used in caster form, you will leave the form and use that ability. This means that you can shift from one form to another in one action. If you don’t have mana to shift form, you will get an error message and remain in your current form. This can be disabled with /console autoUnshift 0"

Does this mean I can one-click heal in Cat form (after the auto-shift to caster form)? That will speed up questing quite a bit. Plus now I can instant shift from Cat to Bear form? Maim-->Bear (Furor)-->Feral Charge, yikes! This has to be a huge change to Druids in PvP, as well.

Anyone with first-hand experience on the PTR?

11-05-2007, 11:08 AM
Does this mean I can one-click heal in Cat form (after the auto-shift to caster form)? That will speed up questing quite a bit. Plus now I can instant shift from Cat to Bear form? Maim-->Bear (Furor)-->Feral Charge, yikes! This has to be a huge change to Druids in PvP, as well.
That is what that means.

11-05-2007, 12:56 PM
Great! So, now I cast barkskin while in form. So, I can heal easier against elite mobs, etc. I suspect this change will make Druids quite powerful in PvP. Cyclone while in form! The player will be CC'd before they realized we've shifted out of form.

Will I be able to one-click drink pots in form (after the auto-shift)? If so, that will rock!

Also, I will no longer need to use "/cancelform" macros for shifting. I can just map keys to the existing buttons. Won't really need a cancel form button at all, as I can just cast thorns or something in lieu of "/cancelform".