11-11-2007, 05:49 PM
ok now that your hear post your spec from the WoW site and rate the druid above you! my spec is 0000025003351431510501000

just copy and paste that to your browser and look at it and rate out of ten

whos ever above you rate their spec and so one and so

11-11-2007, 06:59 PM

Original...or maybe I just don't know too many popular specs.

it's the typical resto arena pvp spec.

EDIT:: @Veriden :: thanks for the tip! i just copied this spec from some random druid on a really high rated team =(

11-11-2007, 08:31 PM

Empowered Rejuvenation is more important to max than Nature's Focus; more healing.
(bear in mind, it was when I was in a guild [left yesterday], so it was a MT/Max DPS/Arena spec)

11-12-2007, 11:37 AM
@RESTOMANIA, what do you want to do? I'd give it an 8/10. You're missing an important talents for PvE raiding: Subtlety.

I get "up there" enough times without Salv and that's with -2% threat enchant and that talents, I would highly recommend getting it. Without it, you're asking to be kissed by bosses.

Nature's Reach may only be useful in PvP, but even then it's questionable since you're busy running around all the time. I don't have that talent, and I've never had any real issues reaching people with my balance spells.

Naturalist is also pointless. Even at 3 seconds, our Healing Touch is too long. It's not worth the 5 points just to drop it .5 seconds. And without being feral, you'll get no use from the melee attack bonuses.

Living Spirit is also useful if you're in Tree Form enough. Tree Form's aura grants additional healing based on your spirit. More spirit == larger HoTs.

Just my opinions.

11-12-2007, 04:16 PM
@RESTOMANIA, what do you want to do? I'd give it an 8/10. You're missing an important talents for PvE raiding: Subtlety.

I get "up there" enough times without Salv and that's with -2% threat enchant and that talents, I would highly recommend getting it. Without it, you're asking to be kissed by bosses.

Nature's Reach may only be useful in PvP, but even then it's questionable since you're busy running around all the time. I don't have that talent, and I've never had any real issues reaching people with my balance spells.

Naturalist is also pointless. Even at 3 seconds, our Healing Touch is too long. It's not worth the 5 points just to drop it .5 seconds. And without being feral, you'll get no use from the melee attack bonuses.

Living Spirit is also useful if you're in Tree Form enough. Tree Form's aura grants additional healing based on your spirit. More spirit == larger HoTs.

Just my opinions.

would this new one work

11-12-2007, 05:37 PM
would this new one work
What's your focus? You seem quite erratic in what you want to do. That spec is completely different (sans it being Resto focused) than your original spec.

11-12-2007, 06:38 PM
What's your focus? You seem quite erratic in what you want to do. That spec is completely different (sans it being Resto focused) than your original spec.

iam trying to focus on pve healing in your opinion what one is better the first one or second one?:deadhorse

11-13-2007, 12:40 PM
iam trying to focus on pve healing in your opinion what one is better the first one or second one?
No dead horse beating here. Asking these questions are the only way to learn.

Your first listed one was better, and only needed a few minor edits. The change you did went way into the PvP realm. As a PvE healer, you don't need any feral talents. And you need Tree of Life if you're solely looking at healing. Tree of Life is highly efficient.

Now, as for everybody else; why are you posting feral stuff here? come on! It's the resto form! I've moved your posts to the Feral form:

11-13-2007, 12:58 PM
No dead horse beating here. Asking these questions are the only way to learn.

Your first listed one was better, and only needed a few minor edits. The change you did went way into the PvP realm. As a PvE healer, you don't need any feral talents. And you need Tree of Life if you're solely looking at healing. Tree of Life is highly efficient.

Now, as for everybody else; why are you posting feral stuff here? come on! It's the resto form! I've moved your posts to the Feral form:

This whole topic really belongs in The Emerald Dream, since all it is is rating the druid above you. Not Feral/Resto/Balance only. :P