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11-27-2007, 06:01 AM
Hi to all all my fellow Druids. As in past posts I have mentioned that I am respecing to Resto (ToL) from Feral. The bad thing is I do not really have a healing set. So i have some honor banked away and am thinking about getting the Wildhide Gladiator set. But then it dawned on me, no spirit, I know it is 4 pvp and not pve, but to be honest I do not run that many instances at the moment and a few of my friends are about to start the Kara thing, would it be ok to maybe enchant spirit onto my armor to make up 4 the no spirit?

Just a casual player looking 4 a hand here.

Thx all and take it easy.

11-27-2007, 08:37 AM
Honestly what I'd do is look at some rep rewards and run some dungeons. Then just be honest with people that you are picking up a resto set for a respec. Most people won't care if you are rolling on healing gear as long as you are up front ahead of time. Putting together a basic healing set fairly quickly should be doable.

11-27-2007, 12:09 PM
If you're a leather worker ( tribal IIRC ) you can craft some decent things as well.

But,I agree with Allahanastar. Run some dungeons, the healing cloth and leather drops pretty readily. You'll have a nice set in no time.

There are also some really nice quest rewards available. See what quests you haven't finished up and see what you can pick up.

11-27-2007, 12:42 PM
Hello druid :>

Sorry to hear you're leaving us in the feral camp. My advice would be to check all the quartermasters for each "heroic faction". There is some good stuff from all of em, especially Shatar. :>

You could get +35 spirit on weapon to make up for it, but that's imho a bit of a waste when you could have spellsurge, or +81 healing..

Also note: never enchant crap weapons. Enchants are expensive so save em for the really good items that you will keep for a long time.


11-27-2007, 02:29 PM
If you have access to Kara thats were I picked up my healing gears. Kara will yield a nice healing set that can equate to +1200 healing bonus between the leather and cloth pieces... plus now you can collect badges.

11-28-2007, 10:39 AM
If you have access to Kara thats were I picked up my healing gears. Kara will yield a nice healing set that can equate to +1200 healing bonus between the leather and cloth pieces... plus now you can collect badges.

QFT. I'm feral, and don't plan to change, but my guild has no Kara-ready Resto druids, so when a piece of healing leather drops, I grab it just in case. A decent guild will never mind you taking it instead of rolling for a shard. Now I have a decent healing set in case I ever respecc (unlikely, since I have a Kara attuned Holy/Disc alt), but the main thing I use the healing gear for is arena. Even feral druids in healing gear can do a fair job in 2v2 arena.

One question I have to ask is, if you don't do instances much, why are you going to Resto? It's miserable for grinding (less so since 2.3), and is pretty exclusively for running instances. I'm sure the answer is that you friends need a healer. If that's the case, be prepared for a pretty steep learning curve as you figure out group dynamics, healing, and a new spec all at the same time. It will be an exciting and fun challenge that will be frustrating at times. Good luck.

11-28-2007, 12:19 PM
Try to get some resto gear now, before the respec, if you can.

+Spirit is important, later on, in Kara. Right away, you shouldn't need it too much, but once you start getting to the bigger fights like Illhoof, Curator, and upto Prince, you'll definitely need that +Spirit for both a +healing bonus and for added mana regen. Since patch, I rarely needed to pop Innervate on myself having 340+ in mana regen.

Also, my advice; bank your feral set and pick up some spell dmg sets. The balance tree complements the resto tree far more than the feral tree. Depending on your feral gear, you could quite easily get more dps out of the balance tree with a few simple points.

This is my spec, if you're curious: