View Full Forums : Hydross Resist Gear

12-05-2007, 04:02 PM
So, Pallies/Warriors have very nice craftable Nature/Frost Resist gear they can use to gear up for Hydross tanking but there doesn't seem to be equivalent for bears. What can you suggest? Random 'of Frost Resistance' greens? Inquiring minds want to know.

12-05-2007, 05:06 PM
So, Pallies/Warriors have very nice craftable Nature/Frost Resist gear they can use to gear up for Hydross tanking but there doesn't seem to be equivalent for bears. What can you suggest? Random 'of Frost Resistance' greens? Inquiring minds want to know.


12-05-2007, 05:06 PM
Yup. Don't forget to enchant it.

12-05-2007, 05:16 PM
Of nature resist, of frost resist. And stack stam, stack stam, stack stam. Win.

12-06-2007, 10:56 AM
Stack stam and resist. Remember, each "band" of resistance is a multiple of the mob's level.

0-73 resistance (barely mitigate anything)
74-146 resistance (resist a little. Your healers curse your name)
147-219 resistance (you should be within this band unbuffed for hydross. It's the middle of the road, 'bare minimum' resistance for resistance based encounters because you receive *some* mitigation most of the time)
220-292 resistance (your healers can start breathing easier)
293-365 resistance (your healers start singing the praises of your hard work to get resistance)
366+ resistance (you're over the max and you resistance spells of that one school a great deal of the time).

Notice, because of the level inflation, the old "315 resistance rule" (MC-fire/BWL-fire/AQ40-nature/Naxx-nature/frost) doesn't apply anymore. the equivelant of the old 315 resistance is now 365 resistance.

12-06-2007, 11:20 AM
Thanks all.

12-07-2007, 09:55 AM
I am never on Hydross tanking..always on the adds..the past few runs I havent even used resist gear and the healers didnt even notice

12-07-2007, 10:22 AM
I built a 154FR/152NR Greens suit but I have yet to step back into SSC as ZA is just too much fun.


12-07-2007, 11:18 AM
If you have enough health, then you don't really need resists. The other feral druid in my raid did hydross without resists (but we had 1 tank for each add, so he was only being hit by one at a time)

12-07-2007, 02:07 PM
As a footnote, you -can- tank the adds without resistance, and just use your tanking set. It's not practical, but it's doable. However, when I tanked, I had 180 of each resistance.

But, when I tanked Hydross the few times it was needed, I had 365 resistance from the auras and buffs and whatnot--and if you're on Hydross, you need it.

04-02-2008, 09:44 AM
So last night our warrior nature tank for Hydross could not make the raid so I attempted to collect nature resists gear from AH. I managed to get around 270 but he wanted me to still keep my 415 def rating ... I thought the Hydross fight is all about nature resists... Do i still need the 415 def rating?

04-02-2008, 11:48 AM
Its all basically spell damage. It has nothing to do with Physical damage.

04-09-2008, 03:59 PM
So, Pallies/Warriors have very nice craftable Nature/Frost Resist gear they can use to gear up for Hydross tanking but there doesn't seem to be equivalent for bears. What can you suggest? Random 'of Frost Resistance' greens? Inquiring minds want to know.

There are 50/50 resist guides out there for feral druids. :)

Tanking a single add with no resists is perfectly doable (and I say this as a healer). Our adds are tanked by two feral druids and two fury warriors, and I don't think that most of them have any resist at all beyond whatever AotW and FR Aura affords them. The healers just have to be a bit more attentive of the OT health for the five to ten seconds that adds are up.

05-07-2008, 10:51 AM
w00t ... I got a chance to tank Hydross during Nature phase and did it successfully ... although I died during one of the exchanges ... thanks for a druid Brez I was back in business ...

However I am still not sure if this encounter is a complete resists fight or do I still still to keep my def rating at 415, I was getting hit pretty hard and our main healer was complaining a bit ... Anyone out there that tanks him regularly?

05-07-2008, 02:57 PM
w00t ... I got a chance to tank Hydross during Nature phase and did it successfully ... although I died during one of the exchanges ... thanks for a druid Brez I was back in business ...

However I am still not sure if this encounter is a complete resists fight or do I still still to keep my def rating at 415, I was getting hit pretty hard and our main healer was complaining a bit ... Anyone out there that tanks him regularly?

This is 100% a resist fight. You need zero defense rating.

05-08-2008, 05:33 PM
Notice, because of the level inflation, the old "315 resistance rule" (MC-fire/BWL-fire/AQ40-nature/Naxx-nature/frost) doesn't apply anymore. the equivelant of the old 315 resistance is now 365 resistance.

What an awesome post. Thanks Dila :>

This is 100% a resist fight. You need zero defense rating.

Hmm, not sure if I agree there Pookies. I'm pretty sure Hydross can still crit you... However, uniquely to this particular encounter, he does not do any crushing blows, which ironically makes druid tanks ideal, provided they have the resistance for it.

However, between resistance and defense skill, I do agree that resistance is the more important stat.


05-12-2008, 12:16 PM
^ Wow ... sorry, my post was the most misinformed post ever. Don't listen to me: Annikk is right. Apparently most tanks are prioritizing their stats as:

1) defense/resilience to def cap
2) resistance to cap
3) stamina