View Full Forums : Greatest Moments in Druidkind

12-07-2007, 11:15 AM
What are YOUR fondest moments of the game while playing your druid?

I have a few:
Killing Onyxia the first time (on the horde side) on Whisperwind server while being the only healer alive! Everyone said I was insane for stacking health (I had 5100 buffed at the time! lol) and fire resistance (had an amazing 150), but who was looting onyxia and who was released outside? (yes, I had birds on my shoulders with +5 fire resist enchant. haha)

Dropping Ragnaros, server first (horde/alliance) on whisperwind. We won WoW that day.

Last night, finally killing kael'thas (4th guild on Blackhand to do it, but still, felt awesome for me).

What is your fondest memories of WoW while playing your druid? The moments when you knew you and druid were in harmony and achieved big things (tm).

12-07-2007, 12:25 PM
Solo 3-Capping my first ever WSG when it was first released and watching everyone try and chase me in Travel Form.

Being able to DPS/Heal/Innervate/Rez during any boss battle I'm not tanking. It's awesome when a healer says 'I'm OoM!" and then they're like "Wow, thanks!" on Vent a second later.

Basically being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want.

12-07-2007, 12:26 PM
For me, it hasn't happened yet. Of course, I'm only lvl 62. Right now, if I could just figure out how to solo Raging Colossus (, I'd feel like a god.

12-07-2007, 02:49 PM
Here is my fondest memory of my druid:

BITE.avi ( - 1.70 megs

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12-07-2007, 03:49 PM
pvp moments make the best videos.

12-07-2007, 04:01 PM
Mine happened a few weeks ago in a 2v2 match ... Both partners were dead and it was me against a Holy Pally!!!

Damn talk about a long match enough for me to innervate 3x!!! and the pally to bubble countless times... I eventually won when the pally ran out of mana ... I wish I had a video :(

12-07-2007, 04:23 PM
Oh yeah.

Solo'ing Mother Smolderweb for my Wildheart Boots on my 2nd attempt.


12-07-2007, 07:17 PM
Not on my own druid but...

-When I first Read Alamo's Guide on how to be a durid.


-all druid onyxia raid =)

12-08-2007, 12:35 AM
Not on my own druid but...

-When I first Read Alamo's Guide on how to be a durid.


-all druid onyxia raid =)

An all druid onyxia raid sounds like SO much fun. :O

Kind of like an all druid WSG video I have on my computer somewhere...hmm...

And I'm gonna have to say my best memory so far would be my third or fourth WSG. Normally I stayed and guarded the flag in stealth (Track Humanoids owns there), but I felt a bit adventurous one time and prowled all the way across the field, grabbed the flag, and ran like hell (I think it was the 20-29 bracket).

The best part was I had a hunter on my butt right at the Horde tunnel, got Concussive shotted, shifted out, Rejuv, almost decided to cast Regrowth, but would lose time, even though I was at like 100 health, so I shifted to bear. Had an incoming Serpent Sting, which literally ticked me down to like 30, my Rejuv would bring me back up, then Sting DoT back down, then back up, back down, etc. VERY nerve racking. :O

I eventually made that long mile and captured my very first flag. :O

I have yet to make a single flag capture after that, though. :P

12-08-2007, 10:41 AM
I eventually made that long mile and captured my very first flag. :O

Yay druid ! :D


12-23-2007, 09:10 AM
This is a nice thread, thought I'd bump it and post some of the best druid memories I have. :) They all mostly have to do with tanking, beware. :P I might babble a bit, beware of that too. xD

y first one was when I was like level 30-some, helping a friend who was lower-level than I do some quests in Alterac. I was still veeeeerry new to WoW at this point, hadn't even done more than 1 instance yet. We did some prereq quests, then got the one to kill that bandit dude in that one house. My friend had to go afk for a few minutes to take care of something, so he put me on follow. I was kinda bored and randomly killing the dudes outside the quest guy's house. Because my friend was lower level than I and following me around, well, we somehow pulled the boss guy and like 5 other guys along with him. At first I thought for sure we were goners, but I tried to see what I could do. Killed one guy in cat form, letting the others beat up on my friend and I, then switched to bear, taunted the ones that were on him off him, dragged them all away from entrance to the building, nature's grasped one, killed a couple more, bashed, healed myself, healed my friend, root-kited the last one around a bit, then finally popped back into cat and finished him off.

y friend came back and was like "what the hell did you just do?" That was the first time I really used my druid abilities to the fullest, before that I mainly stayed in kitty form, would sometimes die just because I forgot about popping into bear form, but I dunno what it was, man, something about having to protect my friend's butt, not just mine, caused me to suddenly remember all the abilities I had. After that I was hooked.

y first flag cap was fun too, can't remember what level I was, but it was a total PuG, and I decided I'd give flag-running a go, ended up capping it without any major difficulties. I remember being amazed at how easy it was for the healers to keep me up as I trotted up the ramp to our flag room.

y next great memory was the first time I actually tanked an instance, ZF. A guildie asked me to come and tank, and even though I was kind of nervous, I agreed to try it out, warned him that I never had tanked an instance before. He was a priest, a bit low level for the instance too, and shadow if I remember correctly, though he healed. We had to pug 2 of the DPSers, we had very little CC, and he whispered me before we started, "hey, I dunno about this group, we may not get far." I told him I wanted to give it a shot anyways.

So we gave it our best. He led, marked up the pulls and gave me advice about positioning and such when I seemed unsure. And we got through it, without wiping. At first I didn't even know how to enrage/double shift for rage, kept being rage-starved, but as the night went on I learned more and more and started loving what I was doing. Our DPSers kind of sucked, but somehow keeping an eye on the mobs/charging/taunting them back on me came as second nature. He told me afterwards that I was an awesome tank, and from that night on, I knew that's what I wanted to do on my druid.

It did take some work getting my guild officers to let me tank when I hit 60, haha, they thought I was going resto, because back then, that's just what druids did. But I got em to change their minds... slowly.

Another great moment was the first time I got to tank in a 20-man. AQ20. We had been running ZG, but I never got to do much tanking, OTing on some fights, but never MTing. Our raid leader simply didn't think druids could MT, and even though I spent hours arguing with him about it, he wouldn't budge. His argument was that he didn't think druids could out-threat a prot warrior, so a druid MT would be inferior.

So first boss in AQ20, we were short on a tank, the officers told the raid leader to have me help tank, and he reluntantly agreed. We ran in there, I easily built up good threat OTing, taunted it off when I was supposed to, then... the warriors couldn't even get close threat-wise to pull it off me again. The warriors started complaining about my threat, then the raid leader started yelling at me over vent to stop attacking. I did, and they eventually got back up there, we won, etc., etc., but man, it was just great hearing him yell at me to stop attacking after all his whining about druids having crappy threat, haha. After the raid all I had to say to him was "still think druids can't tank?" The next 20-man raid he had me MTing some fights. :) I loved the day I got to MT a full ZG run. Some people weren't even sure we could clear it with me tanking, but it was one of our cleanest runs.

y 40-man experience was a bit rougher, still had a few great moments though. We started running Ony and MC with guild alliances, and our MC alliance REFUSED to have me tank AT ALL (at first I wasn't even allowed to DPS on trash, best I ever did DPS on trash, and heal for ALL BOSSES as feral -_-). The leaders on our side kept telling the other guild leaders that I was an awesome tank, but they refused. Prolly why I have such bad memories of MC. :/ I never got to do anything but heal on Rag.

But anyways, on Ony, our alliance was a bit more relaxed, and the same guy that led our 20-mans led the raid. We had downed Ony about oh, 3-4 times, always relying on a fear ward (lame I know, but hey, we were nubs :)). I had always helped heal in phase 3, tank whelps in phase 2, DPS in phase 1. Until one night we didn't have the fear ward. The raid leader assigned 2 warrior tanks to try their best and kinda fight for aggro/stance dance. Well, I dunno why, but those warriors just sucked at it. We wiped 2 times because they'd be slow in picking Ony up, get feared, not recover quick enough, and Ony would turn to her side and tail slap healers that of course died.

After 2 wipes I asked the raid leader if I could help fight for aggro in that phase, and she didn't answer me. We wiped again and I again told her that I thought I could help out, those warriors just seemed way too slow at picking her up and making sure she faced the right direction. She agreed with me, but told me that I didn't have enough FR (since our MC alliance never had me tank, I didn't have priority on any of the FR gear mats... rogues got priority leather-wise). So we tried one more time as it was and wiped yet again. Finally she gave in, told everyone that I'd be up there trying to tank in phase 3 as well.

I had never MT'ed her before, but was sure I could do it. Got aggro on her almost immedialtely as she landed, spun her around so she faced the right direction, and kept her the entire time until we downed her. When I got feared, I'd simply prioritize getting back to my spot as soon as the fear ended, and the healers never got killed this way. While I was feared she'd hit one of the warriors that was up there, when the fear was over she'd come right back to me.

While she died and after she died there were all these shout-outs in raid chat, "gogo druid power!" and such. Awesome stuff I tell ya. :D

That was probably my best moment pre-BC.

After BC I had a couple too, although by that time feral druids were definitely more accepted, so I tanked my way to level 70, pretty much. Tanking Kara wasn't any big surprise to me, although my guild refused to let me try tanking Prince the first time we got to him and wiped like 7 times, which saddened me (I remember posting here whining about it). We never did down him that day.

Soon after that my guild started to fall apart (coincidentally, odd timing though I know), and I found myself with another raid group that was further progressed which later became my current guild. This guild had never had much experience with a druid tank, although they luckily knew enough to know they wanted one, which is why they were so eager to take me to Gruul's lair (they didn't have Gruul down yet, Maulgar was almost on farm but not quite). They didn't know me at all, so at first they just had me tanking the lock add in the Maulgar fight. For some reason their MT kept dying, ruining every attempt. They kept changing healers around, had like 4 healers on the tank at one point, but still he kept dying (and it wasn't due to the pull being bad, he just took massive dmg from Maulgar).

y 2 friends in that guild (both healers, lol, which was actually really lucky on my part) started bugging their officers about letting me try tanking Maulgar. It took like 6 more wipes, but they finally let me try. We went from not even getting the first add down to 2-shotting Maulgar (my first time downing him too) with me tanking. I got soo many whispers of praise after that, lol, it was amazing. The raid leader simply said over vent with a chuckle "Well... I guess bears can tank, eh?" For weeks afterwards EVERYONE in the guild kept bugging me to join. xD

I did join 'em. ;) We got Gruul down soon after, which they were struggling on. But a bear OT makes that fight so much easier.

The progression keeps going nicely with them, I don't always MT, but I'm happy where I'm at, I get to MT sometimes, othertimes I get to relax more and DPS or OT. Our first Mag kill was with me MTing, which was another awesome moment. I never thought I'd get to MT a first kill of a boss like that.

Our first kill of Al'ar was another awesome moment for me. We were stuck on Al'ar for quite a while, so he was kinda a block for us. We'd get through phase 1 alright, but phase 2 was just hard with people dying to flame patches and stuff. The night we killed him, I was assigned to platform tanking him in phase 1, then collecting adds in phase 2 along with our prot pally. We had 3 warriors on Al'ar himself. One of them died, we had a couple DPSers die, had a healer or two die as well. But Al'ar was getting down there, so we kept trying. At around 15%, I heard one of the warriors yelp over vent about dying, and the raid leader told me to go on Al'ar (though I really didn't need to be told in a situation like that, it's nice to know they rely on you though, haha), so I immediately dragged the add I was on over to the prot pally, he taunted it off me, I hit my enrage, ran over to Al'ar, feral charged him, and taunted just as the only warrior left on him got molten armor. At like 2% I died due to me getting molten armor and the warrior getting a taunt resist, but we got him down. :)

It wasn't really a big... MT moment or anything, but after that I had such a rush. "And THAT'S why I play a druid!" I kept telling people in whispers. And that's exactly it. I love MTing, sure, but I'll gladly pass along regular MT jobs to the warrs as long as I get my little moments like that one. Being able to shift roles like that on the fly and totally save an encounter is just *awesome*.

12-23-2007, 08:39 PM
Mine has got to be Onyxia. I managed to organise a raid of druids from our server to go and kill Ony. Unfortunately we didn't beat her (various reasons) but we had an awesome time and all made loads of friends. I still have a druid channel for druids to join so we can chat across guilds :) It's nice to have so many different people from all over the world brought together by being druids ^^

We did this twice, here are some of the piccies :)

Another best moment was finally completing my 0.5 tier set :)

12-24-2007, 01:43 PM
Everyone, thanks for sharing your experiences. I particularly like Khar's. Very nice!

It's wonderful being a druid in WoW.

12-24-2007, 03:53 PM
When I hit 40 for the first time I went ganking in STV. Taking out groups of 3 hordies at the same time was epic. Stealth, pounce the shammy, root the war, hibernate the hunter's pet, finish off the shammy, re-hibernate the pet and kill the lonely hunter, heal and bandage while the war looks on in terror, then put him out of his misery.

It's especially bad at those troll ruins in the north-east. Worst case scenario, run into the water, swim far away and then shift into kitty and stealth. But usually I could just stay stealthed, and attack one of them with spells then run around a wall. Players, unlike mobs, don't know where you are if you do that. Players' teammates, unlike groups of mobs, don't instantly know that their buddy is being attacked. The horde is alot easier to kill when they're not a "horde" but instead just one or two guys at a time.

It went on like this for an hour before the horde got smart and baited me with a level 17 just standing on a dune on the beach. Track humanoids ftw. I pounced the stealthed rogue and killed him and escaped back into the surf before the rest of the 5 man group could converge on me. And yeah I took out the 17 while on my way into the sea, out of spite.

Finally they got clever and the shammy/war cooperated with CC so the shammy could get a heal off in time. I had to run. Then they brought in their own drood and I finally died.

01-02-2008, 09:17 AM
When I solo killed a warlock about 3 or 4 months ago as resto specced. I thought locks had like a mana burn or something but he didn't do it. Aanyway I kept life bloom up and his pet kept disspelling it keeping me up and all I did was insect swarm/moonfire him to death. He kept life draining me but eventually he ran outta mana while i had innervate. I killed him and his logged off because his body stayed there for a week. I kept checking see if he got his body back but it was always there. I laughed every time.

01-02-2008, 11:51 AM
One night I main healed Kara - flawlessly - with a Prot Pally backing me up. Felt good. Real good.

And my gal Maiden rewarded me with for my efforts.

Some nights you are just - on.

Some nights - not so much. :rolleyes:

01-02-2008, 03:33 PM
When I solo killed a warlock about 3 or 4 months ago as resto specced. I thought locks had like a mana burn or something but he didn't do it. Aanyway I kept life bloom up and his pet kept disspelling it keeping me up and all I did was insect swarm/moonfire him to death. He kept life draining me but eventually he ran outta mana while i had innervate. I killed him and his logged off because his body stayed there for a week. I kept checking see if he got his body back but it was always there. I laughed every time. Permanent death. Nice.

01-03-2008, 10:24 PM
I have a few...

- Getting the winning WSG flag cap after having every single Alliance player on me at the midfield (bear form and a good team FTW)

- The one WSG where we outgunned the Alliance so badly that we took pity on them and equipped our fishing poles as weapons for the duration of the game (thank you sir, may I have another!)

- the first time I killed another player All By Myself in a bg

- main tanking the Huntsman on my first Kara run (successfully, I might add...)

- the time I saw a wipe coming during an attempt on Pathaleon the calculator and managed to shift out of bear and get a rebirth off on the priest before dying.

01-04-2008, 04:14 AM
Not sure about greatest, but some of my most enjoyable moments and those i best remember after 3 yrs of Wow.

First time we killed Raggy.

First time we killed Neffy with us ferals tanking the dragons to start, going healer for the next bit then back to feral for the last part.

Getting my Malfurions Blessed Bulwark - since replaced by various greens ;)

Tanking the ZG boss whose name i cannot remember as it was about the only pre BC Boss where a feral was needed/preferred.

Only real BC moment (given i took a big break this yr) was a few days ago finally getting Earthwarden :elfgrin:

01-04-2008, 09:45 AM
- The one WSG where we outgunned the Alliance so badly that we took pity on them and equipped our fishing poles as weapons for the duration of the game (thank you sir, may I have another!)

OMG - I'm so embarrassed!

01-04-2008, 11:17 AM
Just had one a couple of nights ago.

Allow me to set things up:

-First night raiding since the "Holiday Season"
-New guildies
-Decide to cut our teeth on Gruul to test out the newbs
-One-shot HKM
-Wipe twice on Gruul due to main tank dieing after not receiving heals following a Silence
-I'm in my kitty suit DPS'ing

3rd attempt starts out great, get him down to 50% before Growth 6 (we average 14 Growths per kill right now). When all of a sudden we get a Silence followed by a Cave-In.

Tank goes down.

So while everyone starts saying "Run to the door." over Vent, I shout out "F*ck it, I'm goin in. Heal Kauroth." and shift out, toss on my Earthwarden and start generating some aggro.

3 seconds later, I'm #2 on the list and I'm suddenly the off-tank, taking the big hits.

(Now I've only got 14K health in my Cat Suit when I'm in Bear Form. 80 Resilience and 35% Dodge with a measly 18K Armor) so I'm shouting "If I get hit, I need immediate heals." so I've got a Pally and a Druid watching me. Came close to dieing a couple of times but the HoT's keep me on the brink of death and then back up.

y Druid dies due to a bad Shatter so I tell another Warrior to build enough aggro to overtake me as #2, then pop out, battle rez my healer and get back to off-tanking.

Died at 2% after taking a 17K Hurtful Strike, Gruul dies a few seconds later.

Breathe a sigh of relief and go to loot him, no pants for me.


Went from feeling awesome to complaining about random loot within about 5 seconds.


01-04-2008, 03:27 PM
I got a new one. Walking into Black Temple for the first time last night. Killing the first two bosses. Knowing that your on the last level and that much closer to beating World of Warcraft.

01-06-2008, 12:08 AM
My Druid dies due to a bad Shatter so I tell another Warrior to build enough aggro to overtake me as #2, then pop out, battle rez my healer and get back to off-tanking.

Died at 2% after taking a 17K Hurtful Strike, Gruul dies a few seconds later.

Yay Druid ! Saved the day ! ^_^


01-06-2008, 05:11 PM
Yay Druid ! Saved the day ! ^_^ We do this all the time. Combat Rez ftw.

01-07-2008, 02:56 PM
We do this all the time. Combat Rez ftw.
Yeah we do. Had to do the Eye again for Kael'thas (again). Bunch of new healers. We bring 3 druids.

In on Kael'thas.

Offtank dies in phase 1 while tanking Sanginare. Thankfully Sang died like 2 seconds later. 1 Druid res later: Offtank back up and ready for phases 2 and 3.

ain healer too close to Kael when he starts. Eats a 10k fireball to the face. Little angel appears. Raid cries. Druid res and innervate and priest ready to go.

ain healer dies again (this time the hunter kitting Phoenix's gets MC'd and the phoenix wtf'pwn's the priest), res, good to go. Priest dies again a few minutes later but we're out of resses.

After the long holiday break, 1-shot kael, thanks to druid resses.

01-08-2008, 02:15 AM
Main healer too close to Kael when he starts. Eats a 10k fireball to the face. Little angel appears. Raid cries. I lol'd. (:

01-25-2008, 10:21 AM
Had a little read of this thread and finally remembered a satifying moment while running the flag home in wsg.

Efc had just been killed followed by the flag being returned, all i had to do was cap the flag.
I was just entering the flag room from the top side balcony, during which I had already spotted a sneaky horde (via track) running up the tunnel to take our flag again. With him targeted i made it to the flag room balcony right before he ninja'd the flag (literally 0.5sec). I jumped off of the balcony while shapeshifting, hitting Nature's Swiftness followed by cyclone allowing me to cap the flag and win the game.

Doesn't sound so great on paper but its one of those few times that i've smiled and thought "heh, im not to bad a this druid lark"

Perhaps I'll remember more in time =)

01-25-2008, 11:03 AM
As Feral
- First tanking Jin'do on a successful kill
- far too many pvp moments

As resto:
- Healing on Sulfuron Harbinger, watching a tank go down b/c his healer wasn't dispelled fast enough, equipping my warden staff, feral charging the last priest to keep it from eating another healer, dragging him up to the kill spot, battle rezz'ing the dead healer & innervating him, and helping killing Sulfuron for the first time.
- Tanked Major Domo too :)