View Full Forums : Ferocious Bite - miss rate

12-18-2007, 10:56 AM
I am a little confused, and wondered if anyone can shed some light on this please?

y Feral druid is lvl 67 at the moment, and is doing well and can take down mobs very quick at times - however, I seem to have a problem with Ferocious Bite missing far more than any other attack.

I have seen me put three hits (usually mangle) on a mob to have 5 combo points, and then try to finish off with FB - miss, miss, miss three times in a row, each miss using about 20 energy or so.

I do not really have any +hit rating (about 30), but I am seeing this happen with mobs below me by about 1 or 2 levels, so didn't think +hit would matter in that case anyway.

Any thoughts please? or is this to be expected now and again?

Thanks in advance

12-18-2007, 11:03 AM
Are they really misses or are they block/parried?

Can't FB be blocked/parried whereas Mangle and Rip cannot? Or something like that.

12-18-2007, 01:17 PM
Yeah, I noticed the same thing.

Got up to 135 +Hit Rating.

Haven't had that problem since.

12-18-2007, 03:52 PM
I think you're just more sensitive to missed on your ferocious bites. Basically, for normal attacks, we barely notice the misses. But when we're ready to unload the 5 point, 100 energy big bites on that Alliance player running away, the "Miss" is painful. We pay attention, we notice it.

I think you'll find, statistically, that ferocious bite misses just as often as anything else. no more or less.

12-18-2007, 07:05 PM
I think you're just more sensitive to missed on your ferocious bites. Basically, for normal attacks, we barely notice the misses. But when we're ready to unload the 5 point, 100 energy big bites on that Alliance player running away, the "Miss" is painful. We pay attention, we notice it.

I think you'll find, statistically, that ferocious bite misses just as often as anything else. no more or less.

qft. I always look for big numbers whenever I unload a FB =)

@lewisteh - It's still possible to miss on mobs a few levels below yours iirc. Hit rating will however help your overall DPS and make more of your finishers likely to hit. +hit always offers a big boost to your DPS (until hit cap). The 3 misses in a row are just random chance.

12-19-2007, 09:30 AM
I just want to thank lewisteh for a night fill with misses. While questing last night with 60+ hit rating, I missed more than can remember. I don't have my damage shown (seems sort of pointless) in the SCT, but you can "hear" misses/blocks/parries. The damn wolves I had to take out for their pelts last night were giving me all kinds of fits. And I was typically 1-3 levels above them plus I have 60+ HR.

It was crazy. It just has to be your fault. :biggrin:

12-19-2007, 11:48 AM
I just want to thank lewisteh for a night fill with misses. While questing last night with 60+ hit rating, I missed more than can remember. I don't have my damage shown (seems sort of pointless) in the SCT, but you can "hear" misses/blocks/parries. The damn wolves I had to take out for their pelts last night were giving me all kinds of fits. And I was typically 1-3 levels above them plus I have 60+ HR.

It was crazy. It just has to be your fault. :biggrin:

Blizzard's random number generator is obviously out to get you. It happens to some of us. All you can do is stack hit rating and later on stack expertise.

12-20-2007, 09:03 AM
I just want to thank lewisteh for a night fill with misses. While questing last night with 60+ hit rating, I missed more than can remember. I don't have my damage shown (seems sort of pointless) in the SCT, but you can "hear" misses/blocks/parries. The damn wolves I had to take out for their pelts last night were giving me all kinds of fits. And I was typically 1-3 levels above them plus I have 60+ HR.

It was crazy. It just has to be your fault. :biggrin:

Hey cool tlbj - my miss rate disappeared last night and I was 2 shotting things now and again in the 60-69 lvl BG's.

Yup - my voodoo charm doll must have worked a treat. Sorry it was you that got the bad karma :redface:

01-08-2008, 02:38 AM
Blizzard has been quoted as saying "random does not mean fair."

01-08-2008, 02:55 PM
Blizzard has been quoted as saying "random does not mean fair."

... many many many many...

... many many many...

... many times quoted as saying that.