View Full Forums : which weapons?

01-04-2008, 08:43 AM
hi all

just wondered as im about to hit lvl ten :)

whats the best weapons a druid should use staff, mace etc

never played the class so have no clue?????

look foward to your relpies :devil:

01-04-2008, 08:56 AM
Honestly pick the weapon with the stats that most match your flavor of druid. If your feral, Strength, agility and stamina are all great for you. If your going balance, you want a weapon with intelligence and possibly +spell damage (but I don't think any exist at your level). Unless you plan on meleeing with your weapon much, you never have to skill it up.

Weapon types you can use:
Maces (you have to buy this skill)

01-04-2008, 02:58 PM
In general, staves and 2-handed maces will give you the most love, because they are generally readily available and have good stats. Daggers and 1-handed maces can be good, but finding a decent offhand is usually almost impossible. Itemization for offhands is just very poor at the low levels.

Now, which staves/maces to use at that level is a harder choice. In general, if you spend a lot of time in bear form (as i did), getting greens "of the bear" (1st choice, str/stam) or "of the monkey" (second choice, agi/stam) give you the most love. Strength gives you more damage and agility will give you a little more survivability and a little more damage.

If you spend a lot of time in caster form, look for "of the eagle" (first choice, int/stam) or "of the owl" (second choice, int/spirit).

01-04-2008, 03:38 PM
Once you get cat form, "of the tiger" (agi and str) and/or "of the bandit" are the best DPS "greens".

As stated above, Staves and 2H maces are the only real choices for Druids. I recently leveled a druid (still only 65). I would take whatever you can get until you have enough money to buy your lvl 40 mount. Once I had that money, I bought a few select AH items to fill out the lvl19 items I still had at lvl 40. If/when you reach the Outlands, you no longer really need to buy leveling items from the AH as the quest rewards are actually worth keeping.

If you haven't already, take skinning and mining (or herbalism). Skinning is free money while leveling even if you just vendor the mats. Herbalism is 1000% easier than mining, but at lower levels, mining gives more money. I was at 330+ herbalism before I hit the Outlands. I took both mining and herbalism. Most zones seem to favor one or the other so tracking both isn't much of an issue (especially with Gatherer and GathererDB addons).

Find a friend who has a higher level character, they probably have a bag of bags sitting in their bank (I do) that they could give you so you'll have 4 "free" 14-slot bags.

01-07-2008, 11:15 AM
Once you get cat form, "of the tiger" (agi and str) and/or "of the bandit" are the best DPS "greens".

As stated above, Staves and 2H maces are the only real choices for Druids. I recently leveled a druid (still only 65). I would take whatever you can get until you have enough money to buy your lvl 40 mount. Once I had that money, I bought a few select AH items to fill out the lvl19 items I still had at lvl 40. If/when you reach the Outlands, you no longer really need to buy leveling items from the AH as the quest rewards are actually worth keeping.

If you haven't already, take skinning and mining (or herbalism). Skinning is free money while leveling even if you just vendor the mats. Herbalism is 1000% easier than mining, but at lower levels, mining gives more money. I was at 330+ herbalism before I hit the Outlands. I took both mining and herbalism. Most zones seem to favor one or the other so tracking both isn't much of an issue (especially with Gatherer and GathererDB addons).

Find a friend who has a higher level character, they probably have a bag of bags sitting in their bank (I do) that they could give you so you'll have 4 "free" 14-slot bags.

"Of the bandit" isn't available on items lower than level 58 at this time, that I'm aware of.

01-07-2008, 02:11 PM
Things that don't matter:
-Weapon type (2h mace, staff).
-Weapon speed.
-Weapon "chance on hit."

Things that matter:
-Weapon stats.

As it happens, what with game itemization, you'll find the best items are staves and 2h maces. DO NOT "upgrade" to a new weapon based on that weapon's DPS or its chance on hit. Both are completely irrelevant, as is weapon skill.

01-14-2008, 10:32 AM
Things that don't matter:
-Weapon type (2h mace, staff).
-Weapon speed.
-Weapon "chance on hit."

Add to that list Weapon Damage Per Second and Weapon Minimum/Maximum Damage (or damage range)


01-15-2008, 04:05 AM
hey all i have now been playing my druid for a while and have been enjoying it very much.

i'm lvl 22 now and i just wanted to show what sort of equipment i have atm.

you all have been very helpful and thank you

01-15-2008, 05:32 AM
I love how fail the WoW Armory is. It took, no ****, 15 minutes to load.

Replace the ridiculous Lavishly Jeweled Ring ( with something appropriate for a furry druid. INT and +spell hit doesn't help ferals at all. Just buy one of the lowbie crafted rings from the AH. Ring of Silver Might ( might be ideal, but even a Heavy Copper Band ( would be an improvement.

You've got some spirit on your gear that bothers me too, but I understand itemization at your level is horrible.

Also: don't waste your mats or money on +armor enchants. I'm looking at your Miner's Cape ( The armor enchant does not get magnified by our Bear form armor bonus. Neither do leatherworking armor kits for gear. It's a flat increase. So it's better to get the other enchants. Remember this for later! You'll need to know it when you're 70. Replace the Minor Protection ( cloak enchant with the Minor Agility ( cloak enchant. Agility increases your chance to dodge, crit, and gives a slight armor bonus as well.

Other than a few little critiques your gear looks allright. tbh I was expecting a crime scene. As it happens it's not, you've done good!

Edited to include actual suggestions. :p

01-15-2008, 06:04 AM
thanks applejax,

i have just put in a bid for ring of silver might 50s :) as for the spirit i know i dont need spirit but thats all that has drop for me atm and need to save money so not spending it in ah

thanks for the tip on the enchant though i will remember that for later in game

01-15-2008, 06:26 AM
I would actually suggest not spending any money on your gear at this early stage. You will replace it all soon enough anyway. Just focus on levelling, and learning how to do effective druiding :>

Having poor gear at a low level makes little difference to your ability to level up. There's plenty of time to fine-tune your gear when you're at the level cap (70).

Good luck druid :D and let us know how you get along :>


01-17-2008, 12:49 PM
I would actually suggest not spending any money on your gear at this early stage. You will replace it all soon enough anyway.


While leveling I was very rarely equipped without a staff. I didn't even train for a mace until I hit Feralas. I would equip whatever was better, of course, but I just always seemed to land a staff.

After hitting Outlands, I found weapon selection (diversity) much more enjoyable....there's a lot of good, fun stuff available. Staff of Beasts? Hello! Not only was it a great (and fun) quest reward, but I felt so cool walking around with that bad boy. :p

As much as I worship (and desperately need) my mace (Shard of the Virtuous), it just flops around my waist like a big blue lollipop when I move around. How uncool is that? :ohwell: