View Full Forums : Raising the camera height in Bear Form?

01-13-2008, 04:00 PM
Hey folks,

I'm getting a little frustrated at the camera in Bear Form being as low to the ground as it is. I find myself constantly pulling it back just to be able to see, but I don't like pulling my camera too far back as it makes indoors awkward to navigate with my camera constantly flinging itself in and out.

Does anyone know a way I can raise the height of my camera at all please? Perhaps even tie it into my stance change macro so that it'll raise the camera height on the fly when I switch stances?

I'm getting a little tired of staring at my own fuzzy butt :P

Cheers in advance if anyone can help me out,

"There is no escape but death, your life is just a Murdertrain a-comin'"

01-13-2008, 04:24 PM
I always zoom out to max when outside, then zoom in about halfway when going inside a cave or inn or whatnot.

01-14-2008, 10:29 AM
I keep my camera at a 45 degree angle when outside, zoomed out all the way.

When going inside I keep it like that but just adjust on the fly.

ouse Scroll Wheel is my zoom so I can do it nice and quick.

Doesn't really tell you anything you don't know already, but that's what I do.

01-14-2008, 12:07 PM
There is a script I used a while ago that allows you to zoom the camera out several orders of magnitude more than is possible through in-game interface options.

Don't remember it tho :\


01-14-2008, 02:16 PM
orders of magnitude If you can zoom out 100 feet (a reasonable estimate) then two orders of magnitude would be a zoom of 10,000 feet. That's two miles above your druid, like looking down from a mountain. I call bull****. :3

Raging Epistaxis
01-14-2008, 03:28 PM
If you can zoom out 100 feet (a reasonable estimate) then two orders of magnitude would be a zoom of 10,000 feet. That's two miles above your druid, like looking down from a mountain. I call bull****. :3
In part. I use a small mod called ImprovedCamera that allows you to pull the camera back further from your character than normally possible. I think the actual values mentioned are a normal limit of 30, and a modified limit of 50 or 100.

I seem to remember a macro to reset that value in-game, but I don't recall what it was or where I saw it.

<edit> found a good resource, includes the link to ImprovedCamera and the command to set it from within the game:

01-14-2008, 05:07 PM
If you can zoom out 100 feet (a reasonable estimate) then two orders of magnitude would be a zoom of 10,000 feet. That's two miles above your druid, like looking down from a mountain. I call bull****. :3

By orders of magnitude I meant 200 or 300 feet instead of 100..


01-14-2008, 07:57 PM
You can zoom out quite a bit while you're character is drunk ;D

01-15-2008, 12:20 AM
By orders of magnitude I meant 200 or 300 feet instead of 100.. That isn't what "orders of magnitude" means. An order of magnitude is a factor of ten. Two orders of magnitude larger than a base value of 100 is 10,000. Ah wnat too collij.

01-15-2008, 08:07 AM
I was not aware of that. "Orders of magnitude larger" just sounds cooler than "a lot larger" :P
