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01-14-2008, 09:46 PM
Anyone here have engineering as a profession? How do you like it?

I was looking at the various gadgets and was thinking some good mischief could be made against the opposing faction. Are there any restrictions to using explosives from flying mounts?

01-15-2008, 12:16 AM
I don't understand engineers. You spend thousands of gold on items that may very well kill you.

01-15-2008, 09:24 AM
Hallo druid :>

That's a good question :> As far as I know, there are 2 types of explosives - bombs and grenades. Both of them have a casting time, however once you start "casting" the grenade, you can continue running and the cast bar won't be interrupted. Bombs required you to stand totally still while you use them.

You can't use bombs or grenades whilst flying I'm afraid, as they require you to be standing still in order to use them.

Some engineering devices (such as the one that turns the enemy into a chicken) can be used whilst falling through the air (I think.... they dont have a cast time, anyway). But using them will put you in combat, and you cannot shift back to bird form if you're in combat. :<

There are a few situations where you could make good use of it. Suppose you are flying over water, and you see an enemy player with pvp enabled flying past you. You could use the trinket, causing them to plummet into the water in chicken form. You would also fall into the water, but you would have the advantage over them as they would be a chicken. :>

Engineering is a really fun profession. It's got a lot of cool little tricks, very few of them give you any kind of tactical advantage but a lot of them are just really funny to play around with. It's not very good for making money, though... and it sort of forces you to take mining as your second profession. Druids can use engineering trinkets in feral forms, though... so that makes it slightly better for us. Imagine, if you will, a tuff bare druid with 20,000 health... the bare starts glowing, and then shoots a death ray at you! How cool.. :>


01-15-2008, 12:49 PM
Hey Annikk

I know there are some possibilities cause I happened to be a bombing victim at Hala. However it wasnt the usual explosion it was the kind that creates a fire where it lands.

I have also tried using general issue explosives in flight form and it is not possible but they are while on a land mount (at least while standing still. So I am questioning whether that carries over to a flying MOUNT... You might ask why use a flying mount if youre a druid. For the mischief of course and engineers, from what I understand, can build their own mounts fairly reasonably.

When you say that bombs cannot be used when flying because they have a casting time does that include if one is merely hovering in place?

01-15-2008, 05:26 PM
It does, I'm afraid.

The bombs used at Halaa are different to engineering bomb. Halaa bombs are designed to be used from a gryphon. The damage they inflict to players is limited; their main use is to kill the NPC guards.

And honestly... why would you want anything other than swift flight form?
There is simply nothing cooler than falling a thousand metres, only to shift at the last second and simply fly away... :> Other mounts require a few seconds to use, swift flight form is instant and can be used whilst falling. The awesome tricks you can pull off with it are just.... awesome :>


01-15-2008, 08:46 PM
I wish I took up engineering on my druid (too lazy and poor to take it up now) but engineering is probably the most entertaining profession and the items they have aren't too bad imo (grass is greener on the other side..always)

plus there are the rocket boots which confuse the hell out of people (especially when you use it while flag running in WSG and fly across the map ^^ )

01-16-2008, 09:06 AM
And honestly... why would you want anything other than swift flight form?
There is simply nothing cooler than falling a thousand metres, only to shift at the last second and simply fly away... :> Other mounts require a few seconds to use, swift flight form is instant and can be used whilst falling. The awesome tricks you can pull off with it are just.... awesome :>

I'm assuming that a druid could have both... Either way you have to buck up the 5000g for the 300 riding skill. Swift flight form for a daily driver and a flying machine (or other mount) for extra curricular activities :smile5: .

Regardless, it does look like Blizz has done a pretty good job at limiting what you can get away with. Unfortunate - you can gank players 50 levels below you but you can't use engineering toys to full effect.

I do like your chicken idea though. Even if you end up plummeting and cratering into a street pizza as well as your target. Could always fly naked so as to avoid the durability hit - something your victim will not have the foresight to do.

01-16-2008, 02:53 PM
Regardless, it does look like Blizz has done a pretty good job at limiting what you can get away with. When it comes to mounted flight, yes. You should've seen what it was like before they basically removed flying combat from the game. Mages and priests could float so they destroyed everybody. Ridiculously unbalanced, and more importantly, unbalanceable without massively changing the game.

01-17-2008, 04:50 AM
I do like your chicken idea though. Even if you end up plummeting and cratering into a street pizza as well as your target. Could always fly naked so as to avoid the durability hit - something your victim will not have the foresight to do.

One other alternative is to use the parachute cloak. I've seen one druid do this, he floated down past a horde and moonfire spammed them :P


01-19-2008, 01:57 PM
Engineering also has a parachute cloak, with 9 second slow fall. Just keep that on you for your bombing shenanigans. But equip it at least 30 seconds before you fall.