View Full Forums : +Healing with Enchants?

02-11-2008, 02:59 PM
I'd really like to improve my +healing.

I am only able to farm Kara at this point. Gonna be a while before I get to Gruul's. Am I wearing anything worth enchanting? What do you suggest?

Have a look at my rep. You'll see that I am NOT revered with Honor Hold. Unfortunately, I'm not eligible for that enchant. That's gonna take me a while.


02-11-2008, 03:51 PM
I go for +heal on my gloves, bracers, and weapon, +mp5 on my chest, +mp5 to boots, I still need subtlety on cloak

the Violet Badge is a waste of a slot go for a healing trinket or a Bangle of Endless Blessings(so good for tree druids)

Idol of the Emerald Queen will net you more healing and best pve idol.

Now if your going to pvp throw everything I said out the would because I'm a pure pve healing :)

02-13-2008, 02:28 AM
u logged out in feral-gear... ^^

02-18-2008, 12:46 PM
Sorry, bad habit. I do my dailies in my feral set and forget all about it.

Trying to remember to switch it up. :)

02-22-2008, 07:26 AM

All your current gear except perhaps boots is 100% worth enchanting, especially as you are now moving into 25 man content. Your +healing is a tad low, however your other stats are fine.

I took a look at your armory profile and here is what I would suggest.

Your current neck is more of a mage or warlock item, the spell hit won't do anything at all for your heals. Can I suggest this item ( which drops in Underbog, as a replacement?
I know it's cringesome to replace a purple with a blue, but this would actually result in more +healing and slightly more appropriate stats as well.

Also your boots could be replaced by this item ( which drops in Mechanar.

Also as mentioned above, Idol of the Emerald Queen ( is currently the best pve healer idol, the idea being that you shouldn't allow your lifebloom stacks to expire :> It drops from Ambassador Hellmaw in Shadow Labyrinth, he is the first boss and it's a 14% chance to drop.

None of the above items require you to be on heroic mode.

As for enchants...
You are missing enchants for the following slots:
Head --> (honor hold revered +100g)
Cloak --> (expensive)
Chest --> (cheap)
Bracers --> (cheap)
Gloves --> (average)
Boots --> (very cheap)

If you are Aldor:
If you're exalted,

If you are Scryer:
If you're exalted,

These are just my suggestions for enchants, your preference may be different :>

Finally, if you're feeling rich, you could buy a Golden Spellthread ( They are about 320g on my server, perhaps different on yours.
This would be worth it if you have the money because you are unlikely to replace those legs for a long time to come.


02-22-2008, 08:48 AM
Perfect post. Just what I was after.

Thank you,
Thank you,
Thank you,
Thank you, Annikk! :)

02-25-2008, 06:19 AM
You're welcome :>


02-25-2008, 01:14 PM
Did my gloves and bracers last night. +Healing still only at +1387 (sigh). Working on it. How on earth do you get it over 1500?

And, can you have more than one enchant on one item?

02-25-2008, 01:22 PM
And, can you have more than one enchant on one item?Nope. If you apply a 2nd enchant it will replace the first one. Just like re-socketing gems. The old gems are lost when you socket new gems.

02-25-2008, 02:58 PM
From everything I've read druids tend to have lower +healing than other classes, but they can get away with it. Their +healing aura due to spirit pretty much fills the gap.

02-26-2008, 03:28 AM
Did my gloves and bracers last night. +Healing still only at +1387 (sigh). Working on it. How on earth do you get it over 1500?

Hope u still run kara and not only gruul^^

Then u can get
Forestlord Striders (
T4-Helm (
T4-Hands (

Stainless Cloak of the Pure Hearted (
Kharmaa's Shroud of Hope (

from BG's
Vindicators Bands of Salvation (

These are the items u have easy access to, if u are doing kara every week.
And the PvP-Cloak and Neck are big upgrades to your items.
The prince-cloak is better for pve but the pvp-one is nearly as ggood as the pve-one.

02-26-2008, 04:11 AM

I watched at your armory and have a question:
Are u specced in raids too 9/11/41??

If so, you are making a big mistake in your spec.
LIVING SPIRIT is essentional for druid-healing in raids.
Also SUBTLETY is far more better than TRANQUIL SPIRIT in both: PVE and PVP.

I dont want to say how u MUST skill. Just how you SHOULD.
Its your decision in the end.

I just want to give useful advice to you.

02-27-2008, 01:37 AM
For boots I use Vitality, 305 enchanting

02-27-2008, 01:52 AM
I use boars speed for the stam in the run increase but its not like you run THAT much faster. But I think when I get my upgrade I might go back to vitality.

02-27-2008, 05:59 AM
I dont want to say how u MUST skill. Just how you SHOULD.
Its your decision in the end.

agellan is specced for raiding and arenas, by the looks of it. Also "must" and "should" are pretty much the same thing.. :p But I get what you mean. I know you're just trying to be halpful :>

If it were purely for raiding then your suggestions might be more apt. Spirit isn't so great for arenas though so her decision makes some sense imho.


02-27-2008, 06:09 AM
Yeah. "must" and "should" sound pretty much the same if i read it now :-)

Cause of other forum-threads, i assumed that magellan is more the raider kind of type than pvp. thats why i thought "living spirit" is more usefull for him/her(dunno^^).

@Magellan: Sry if it sounded aggressive. Just wanted to give advice about it.

BTT: I use vitality on boots for raiding and boars speed for pvp

02-27-2008, 06:42 AM
./hug druids !

-Annikk (feeling loved up atm..)

02-27-2008, 09:12 AM
S3Rgio - Aggressive? Heck no! I am a raid healer. That is my main priority, however recently I...

agellan is specced for raiding and arenas, by the looks of it. -Annikk

switched it up to be a little more useful in PvP situations. I'm liking the spec, and I've definately noticed improvement in my PvP play. I haven't seen a negative effect on my healing but raid healing is my main priority, so, if you guys think I should change it back, I absolutely will. *insert vote here* ;)

BTW - I threw an extra point into Moonfire simply to make soloing a little less eye-gouging worthy, and believe it or not, that one point actually helps somewhat.

And yes, S3Rgio, I am still running Kara. Have it on farm. Ya, I need that neck. And, I've seen that T4 gear drop, oh, about 3 times now, and I've YET to win a roll. Pretty soon it'll be mine simply by process of "need" elimination. :banghead:

And finally, Allahanastar, thanks for letting me know about a Druid's +healing compared to other healing classes. I'm trying to catch up to my Pally healing partner who's just started accumulating his healing set and he's already beating me +healing-wise. Not to mention his armour - Oh, to have rolled a healing pally. I've been rather bothered by that.

Just for Shiz and Gigglz, can someone post the +healing specs for healing classes to start healing, say, Gruul's?

02-27-2008, 11:18 AM
I'm not sure if you mean spec or gear.. In terms of spec, yours is fine, and anything further into resto is also fine.

In terms of gear, you are way more geared than what i would consider to be the minimum for Gruul's.

A lot of guilds hold themselves back a lot because their members want XYZ piece of gear from karazhan when the guild is clearly ready for Gruul or ZA, or once you're ready for SSC, by staying at Gruul level.


02-27-2008, 01:34 PM
Here's a good for instance for you Magellan. When I swapped briefly to resto druid, I had a healing set with just +900 healing on it. It had a few epics, but nothing particularly special. I went full tree druid with a lot of resto talents. I walked in cold with no experience and I took over 45% of the healing. That's against pally's that were running with +1200 healing. They by far outgeared me, but druid healing is pretty obscene in some instances.

I still off heal for key fights in Kara. I'm trying to figure out the difference in your set to mine. My healing set is pretty mish mashed and I'm pretty sure I am sitting at about +1290 healing. That's without a decent weapon and missing enchants on half my gear. Plus I still have at least two or three blue pieces of gear (besides the weapon/offhand deal)

02-28-2008, 01:51 AM
I walked in cold with no experience and I took over 45% of the healing. That's against pally's that were running with +1200 healing. They by far outgeared me, but druid healing is pretty obscene in some instances.

Agree to above.

Also Druid have much more potential than palas for healing.
Im running mostly TK/SSC (we are on Kael and thats a heck of a fight^^) and im almost everytime 2nd on heal-meters through out the night. 1st is a shami mostly...chainheal etc. But its a close one.
On equipment-"meters" i would be on 5th or 6th place.
The one shami and our 3 palas have every item they need from SSC/TK and are at 2100 add-heal, but im holding my own against them...just one T5 piece and 5 items to go till complete.
There i can see my druids potential for healing^^

08-24-2008, 10:05 PM
What ws your + healing when you went into ssc or tk? I have not found anyone who can answer this question =( I am at 1306 with half my gear still unenchanted.

08-25-2008, 04:09 AM
What ws your + healing when you went into ssc or tk? I have not found anyone who can answer this question =( I am at 1306 with half my gear still unenchanted.

i think i was around 1650-1750 +heal when i entered SCC/TK.

08-25-2008, 01:25 PM
switched it up to be a little more useful in PvP situations. I'm liking the spec, and I've definately noticed improvement in my PvP play. I haven't seen a negative effect on my healing but raid healing is my main priority, so, if you guys think I should change it back, I absolutely will. *insert vote here* ;)

respeccing for raids might be a good idea for 25 man content, and for ZA. you probably have it handled for kara though, right?

And yes, S3Rgio, I am still running Kara. Have it on farm. Ya, I need that neck. And, I've seen that T4 gear drop, oh, about 3 times now, and I've YET to win a roll. Pretty soon it'll be mine simply by process of "need" elimination. :banghead:

And finally, Allahanastar, thanks for letting me know about a Druid's +healing compared to other healing classes. I'm trying to catch up to my Pally healing partner who's just started accumulating his healing set and he's already beating me +healing-wise. Not to mention his armour - Oh, to have rolled a healing pally. I've been rather bothered by that.

yea, i've noticed that pally gear drops a dime a dosen in Kara, so it's VERY easy for a pally to geared up in just a couple runs... when i was running a Kara raid for my guild, even on the rare occasions we had 2 pally healers, we were still de'ing pally gear more often than not. it was sickening

i hope you get those T4 drops soon! it seems to me that any regular raid team would want their tanks and healers to be totally geared up, and might want to give you a little priority... worth mentioning to officers or raid leaders, you know?