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02-13-2008, 05:33 PM
Disregard PVE, disregard raiding and guilds....just think 1x1 world pvp....

that you could deck out a Balance spec druid that would essentially be a "stealthing caster + healing ability"?

I read that many outdo the locks in DPS meters in raids, so wouldn't they be pretty tough to beat in PvP with full vengeful gladiator gear?

If anyone knows of someone like this that does this, post their name so I can check out their gear and talents.

Im just curious how much dmg they do with spells?

02-13-2008, 07:36 PM
Well it depends on their gear... you could check yumeth, hes T6... hes on Al`Akir like me... dont remember any vengefull boomkins name atm... ill post you if i remember.

02-14-2008, 03:54 AM
With equal gear, warlocks do far more DPS than boomkins.

02-14-2008, 10:02 AM
With equal gear, warlocks do far more DPS than boomkins.

Agreed. Boomkins are there to enhance the caster DPS while doing some decent damage them self. The occasional off heal if needed as well.

02-14-2008, 11:29 AM
We had a balance druid top our damage meters just last night in Gruuls. It could be that they top out near Gruuls someplace, but they can certainly hit as hard or harder than a Warlock.

02-14-2008, 12:32 PM
Thank you for the great feedback!

So I have a 70 lock (400+ resil, mixture of glad gear) and 70 mage, 70 priest and druid is only 63 atm.

The lock, and other locks, do put out some good dmg, but because it's over time and priests, pallies and druids can heal- they can often put out more dmg than a lock (because I wear cloth) and mitigate the dmg you are doing with the dots.

With a rogue, if you don't get deathcoil/fear off, a lock is likely dead. With a Balance druid, was hoping with the healing ability it would be easier to survive and possibly win?

I was also thinking that shadowpriests are pretty mean when decked out, and that balance/resto druids COULD also be pretty damn mean when decked out versus a similar opponent.

02-14-2008, 09:10 PM
I don't think you have a mathematical/scientific perspective on this game. Because I am a math bigot, I will now tell you that you are wrong.

We've all seen it a thousand times in this game. It's the "anecdotal evidence" fallacy. You run deadmines with an incompetent paladin and get it in your head that paladins can't tank. You get owned in Hilsbrad by a shaman and think they're OP. During a raid your guild's boomkin beats the locks, mages and shadow priests on the DPS charts and then you spam forums screaming about how awesome boomkin DPS is. No consideration of gear or skill or pots, no calculations certainly, that would be hard.

This isn't just a WoW thing, it's a life-skill: Your personal experience does not necessarily reflect reality. Some sort of objective metric is required in order to say something worth hearing; in WoW, as in this entire universe, the choice is math.

02-15-2008, 03:11 PM
Agreed that math (sciences, in general) govern the hard and fast world out of the gates; however, what one does with the math/science is what matters. My guild leader is a paladin, and a great tank...but I've also been with pallys that are cruddy tanks. I also agree that "perception is reality" for most people. One has to have knowledge of the abilities they have to use them properly..."do not use magic you do not understand".

02-15-2008, 05:14 PM
Marrah agrees with me. I like her. :3

02-16-2008, 11:51 AM
We had a balance druid top our damage meters just last night in Gruuls. It could be that they top out near Gruuls someplace, but they can certainly hit as hard or harder than a Warlock.

Well then thoes warlocks should quit the game or replace their greens and blues with some purps or something.

02-16-2008, 09:59 PM
Well then thoes warlocks should quit the game or replace their greens and blues with some purps or something. I lurves yoo too archieeeee! :elfgrin:

02-19-2008, 04:52 PM
It's interesting isn't it. When I started on day 1, comparatively few people played druids. In my mind, they weren't very good. I didn't have any math behind it- but apparently other non-math folks agreed because it was an unpopular class as were the warlocks. As I have been leveling up my druid (66.5 now in 8 days), I have seen tons of locks and druids leveling up. I have seen a few pallies and warriors. I haven't seen many - if any - priests or mages. Anecdotal....because I have a GM Mage with 400 resil and various glad gear with 10k+ hps and mana and I KNOW he rocks! I also know that I can generally kill druids without much fanfare but had a decked resto druid drink up my dmg like it was kool-aid and then beat me down like I was kool-aid. Anecdotal. I have 6 level 70s after my druid is done and I have tons of anecdotal experience. I have a feel for which of my classes could maybe beat another class and which specs beat which specs. I do not, however, know druids at all (just starting to). I know I beat them. I knew some of their abilities and spells but they never posed much of a threat to my mage. (Ferals tore up my decked rogue). The hardest part for me playing this game is NOT knowing how good these classes are, 1x1 when they are maxed to the hilt against another maxed to the hilt character. We rarely know if who we are fighting is decked out, did they get the jump on us, did they get lucky. However, we all have a "feel" for it...and my feelings are over a multi-year period from the start with a myriad of classes and specs. I am not playing the druid because he is the best. I'm playing him because he could be the best- and more importantly, I am hoping he fits my playstyle.....if my mage had stealth he would really ROCK.....and a small small part of me was sorta hoping that a balance druid would rock too! Obviously that doesn't seem to be the case as while his spell dmg may do fairly well, it wouldn't be enough burst dmg against most foes (rogues, etc) to win a 1x1.

However, one has to wonder. If guilds don't really want them and most ppl LIKE feral, how much of not having decked balance druids is due to "need" versus "true deadliness" :P