View Full Forums : lvl 70 tank advice

02-15-2008, 06:13 PM
Hey all,
i have a lvl 70 druid tank. I have gathered just about everything on the initial 70 gear list to tank heroics. (off the wowwikki site) I am still having trouble in the Tempest keep dungeons and any heroics that i try to tank. What do i need o do differently?

02-15-2008, 06:44 PM
What kind of trouble are you having? Being more specific will help.

Are you dieing a lot?
If so, are you uncrittable?
Do you have a decent amount of mitigation (armor / dodge)?
Is your health high enough?
Are the people healing you wearing lv 68 greens?
Are you not dying a lot, but having trouble holding aggro?
If so, are you having trouble holding single or multiple targets?

02-15-2008, 07:02 PM
yeah sorry let me be more specific.
ainly, I cannot hold aggro. this usually kills any group i am in. That is a major problem even with 5 lacerates and growling it is hard for me to grab it once i loose it as well. with one or multiple targets either way.
I dont die so much even tho i am like 15 Defense away from the uncrit mark.
I usually have about 21000 armor and about 12000 health i think.

02-16-2008, 01:14 PM
Great write-up on tanking multiple mobs...

02-22-2008, 06:23 AM
Hallo druid :> Welcome to our druid grove.

Is it possible for you to give us a link to your armory profile? Then we can look at your stats and tell you if its a gear problem or a technique problem.


02-22-2008, 09:54 AM

That's his armory.

Seeing that all of your gear looks like DPS except for your hat....I can't really give you any gear advice yet.

Let us know when you're logged out in your tank gear.


Looking at your build though, take your points out of Feline Swiftness and put them in Primal Tenacity or even if you do get to tanking, you'll be feared and stunned out the wazoo.

02-22-2008, 11:01 AM
Wrong armory link. I (felkan) didn't ask for the help, Zeretrustra did.

02-22-2008, 11:05 AM
Looking at your build though, take your points out of Feline Swiftness and put them in Primal Tenacity or even if you do get to tanking, you'll be feared and stunned out the wazoo.Didn't see this note the first time I read it.

From what I understand the 15% is too little to count on, so it is not worth using. It is more of a PvP talent. Plus as of 2.3, mobs will still keep you at the top of the agro list if/when you are feared. Which means the "issues" with being feared as a tank are far less severe than they use to be.

It is sort of funny to get feared after 2.3, the mob will fear you ("Go away you pesky bear"), but yet follow you around while you a feared ("Yo, bear hold still so I can smack you around some more!"). It is funny to see. Almost makes you want to get feared just for the crazy mob antics.

While I'm not the one who asked (see above post), as soon as 2.4 is released I'll probably respec just to pick-up the new and improved NI talent.

02-22-2008, 12:24 PM

I asked for help and here is my armory :)

02-22-2008, 01:32 PM
Ok, my bad....wrong druid.


I like the extra stun/fear resist. Tanking Nightbane once I resisted 3 out of 4 fears without Fear Ward which helped a lot.

Anyway, back to Zeretrustra.

You're gear is coming along. Very nice start.

Here's what you need to do:

-Get to 415 Defense (Earthwarden and a Ring with +Def should do it)
-Replace your Shoulders (Shoulderpads of Assassination from Sethekk are great and can be stealth'd with a couple rogues and a Resto Druid)
-Get the Verdant Gloves
-Badge of Tenacity
-ENCHANT YOUR GEAR! (you actually will come very close to 415 Defense with just the head and shoulder enchants from Keepers of Time and Scryer/Aldor)

Get some Tank Trinkets. If you're not sure, ask a Warrior which ones they use, we can pretty much do the same.

02-22-2008, 01:43 PM
FWIW, I use Dabiri's Engima ( (you can solo the entire chain, though a little extra healing on the last quest is nice) and Charm of Alacrity ( Though, yesterday, I bought the Badge of Tenactiy on the AH for 400g!!! Woot! The 30 seconds it took me to logoff my banking alt, log in with my druid, send gold to my banker alt and log back in were the longest in my life (well maybe not quite, but it seemed like it).

02-22-2008, 02:57 PM
Well, if your problem is holding aggro, let's go through some of the steps:

how are you pulling the mobs?
How many mobs are you fighting?
What is your rotation?
What kind of rage situation are you in?

ost importantly - what are the other people you're playing with geared like?

02-22-2008, 04:50 PM
As far as trinkets go, the two that tlbj6142 mentions i believe i have already done at least on of those quests and sold the reward. But the Dabriri's Engima i think i can still obtain. The Badge of tenacity is on the AH for 4000 gold. :( not gonna be able to do that. But i did get a +def rating ring so i am at 409 i think and after the enchantments i think i will be able to get to 415.

I am two quests away from the verdant gloves, and i will try to run SH soon.

As far as holding aggro, it seems that i just can't make enough threat to hold it after DPS gets started. I have a meter but it seems i am the only one who uses it. LOL rarely am i ever in a group with more then one other meter.

Regardless I pull either by charging or farie fire (depends on situation) then swipe once or twice to get those around then lacerate 5 times then swipe. I try to keep the 5 stack of lacerate up while swiping for multiple targets and using the damage ability. (whose name escapes me right now)

Rage usually isn't the problem.

I cant really speak for what the other people are geared like. But for sake of discussion lets say that they are mildly to alot better then mine.

any thoughts about any of that?

02-22-2008, 06:49 PM
As far as holding aggro, it seems that i just can't make enough threat to hold it after DPS gets started. I have a meter but it seems i am the only one who uses it. LOL rarely am i ever in a group with more then one other meter.

That's one problem. But it's not insurmountable.

Regardless I pull either by charging or farie fire (depends on situation) then swipe once or twice to get those around then lacerate 5 times then swipe. I try to keep the 5 stack of lacerate up while swiping for multiple targets and using the damage ability. (whose name escapes me right now)Try doing the above - shoot the third and fourth mobs with starfire/moonfire. Or HoT yourself before hand and then pull with moonfire. Both of these should generate more overall threat.

In multimob situations, a 5-stack of lacerate isn't nearly as important as swipe is. As long as your DPS doesn't go gung-ho as soon as you hit the things, you should be able to front load enough aggro on your first target with a quick white/mangle hit that they won't steal aggro away. Then it's onto swiping.

And that's absolutely true - you cannot afford to lacerate. Swipe, swipe, swipe. Mangle when it's off CD, swipe some more. If you have over 50 rage consistently, consider maul as well. Mostly, it should be swipe, swipe, swipe. And swipe on mouseover is great too.

If the other DPS is very overgeared from you, they're going to have to watch their aggro. If they're not using a threatmeter, they're going to have to slow down. That's true of all tanks.

02-25-2008, 07:38 AM
-Replace your Shoulders (Shoulderpads of Assassination from Sethekk are great and can be stealth'd with a couple rogues and a Resto Druid)
Unless something has been changed recently this isn't possible anymore since 2.1 or 2.2. The first boss has gotten stealh detection in one of those patches and 'sees' everyone in stealth the second you enter that room. We tried it ofcourse (I needed the shoulders on my rogue at that time), we tried passing by the sites of the room, also by tapping the W key and standing still for a few secs but everytime the boss suddenly 'saw' us..

02-27-2008, 03:32 PM
okay, to get this straight...

I should HoT then pull with moonfire, go bear then focus on swiping. once in control i shouldn't deviate from the swipe to much?

And in multi mob situations only swipe?

02-27-2008, 05:22 PM
Well, you can afford to mix a few other skills in there.

I would say a demoralising roar is easily justified, you only need to do 1 and it will reduce the damage you take a lot. Also it's worth doing a mangle on whichever target the dps are going to kill first, the snap aggro is quite valuable. After that swipe away =)


03-03-2008, 04:26 PM
I should HoT then pull with moonfire, go bear then focus on swiping. once in control i shouldn't deviate from the swipe to much?

And in multi mob situations only swipe?Here's what I would do:

Starfire/Wrath 4th mob (I like wrath - the long travel time gives me more time for pulling)
oonfire 3rd mob
Demo roar
Target 1st, mangle, swipe, wait for white hit
target 2nd, keep swiping, wait for white hit
target 3rd, keep swiping, wait for white hit
target 4th, keep swiping

angle as you can in that. Keep switching targets, but try and mangle/maul only the one you want killed first. Once you're down to 3 targets you should be able to just target the one you want killed while swiping everyone else.

And yeah, swipe is simply better when you can hit multiple targets than lacerate is. The only reason you want lacerate is to put more threat on a single target, but in general for trash that won't matter; you can take care of that threat via mangle/white damage.

03-06-2008, 06:42 PM
I was check out your talent spec and you have some important feral talents missing. You will be having issues with Rage generation and Agro. Check this spec out.

You NEED sharpened claws and Primal Fury over Feral Aggression, Natural Shape shifter and Shredding attacks.

If you are in 10manners the Proc Warrior Demoralising Roar is far better.

Also you are removing an essential survival talent by not having Improved Leader of the Pack. The self healing helps and scales with gear. Get it

I would lose Natural Shapeshift if you are Tanking PvE content, it is a waste as you aren't shifting enuff to make the most of it.

The build I posted has 2pts spare, if you cat form dps as well go Shredding attacks - I am not sure if the reduction to lacerate is an bonus or not??. Brutal impact is a matter of choice, I like it cause I pvp as well, in PvE it is good for smacking a mob who has charged a healer but you could either put 2 points back in Feral Agression or where ever.


Gear is another story, you are what I would consider below Kara level but you need Kara for better pants/boots/gloves/trinkets (pocket watch) and hopefully T4 helmet and gloves. Rep for the tanking ring as well. Earth Warden is a good up grade to that stick of urs. Enchant every thing with Agil, +stats for the chest. Bring Agil food, agil elixir, armour elixir.

for gear ranking go

03-07-2008, 01:26 PM
As i was reading your post i relized i never have looked at a spec sheet for a tank druid before. My bad, but thanx a ton for seeing it!!

03-08-2008, 09:06 PM
Just for example this is our main Druid Tank, sweet dude as well.

Canivoris (

Has a major addiction to agility!! Oh and I for got, every time you are on the AH buy up the Scrolls of Agility and Stam. You should gear up pretty quick at ur stage, I wish I had more time back in the day to run Kara!