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02-19-2008, 12:00 PM
I just respec'ed from 63 levels of Restoration to Moonkin. I usually play my Druid at the same time as my Hunter. However I'm now sharing my Hunter account with my daughter so I find myself soloing more often and found it's very hard as a Resto spec LOL.

I'm now speced 41/0/13

I'm wearing a bunch of my healing leathers that has some +damange, mostly quest stuff from Hellfire and Terokkar. I've got +328 spell damage, 22 hit rating, and 13.72% crit. From what I've read here many Moonkins go for cloth gear for the +damage stats. Doesn't this hurt when soloing? I tend to root, moonfire, insect swarm then spam wrath until root breaks then reroot and start again. I will get hit from time to time. I've seen some Moonkins standing toe to toe casting and melee'ing while casting as well. How often do you get into melee range and stay there fighting?

02-20-2008, 01:03 PM
I am a level 70 balance druid. My +Damage is 680 at the moment. The spell rotation I am using at the moment varies between melee and caster mobs. For melee I root,FF,Moonfire,starfire,wrath,wrath until dead. Depending on wether thye root breaks early on not they usually don't get to me before they die. For casters I open with starfire then moonfire,wrath,wrath,wrath re-apply moonfire and wrath till dead. There are probably better ways but these work for me.

02-21-2008, 02:09 AM
why start on melee's with roots??
wouldnt it be more efficient if u start with SF and then root them. Has same effect they just stand 3-4 yards nearer but are at 2/3 hp.

02-21-2008, 12:08 PM
I generally start with root because....I don't know. I'm wimpy and don't want MOBs any closer than they have to be.

02-21-2008, 01:57 PM
I generally don't find CC to be that important when farming (unless it's on the plateau those fire elementals have like 10k hp). If you have Celestial Focus you can open with SF and just wrath them down really easily.

02-22-2008, 01:42 PM
I generally start with root because....I don't know. I'm wimpy and don't want MOBs any closer than they have to be.

Same reason for me. I like to keep the mobs as far away from me as possible.

I have heard alot about insect swarm which is something I don't have as a Boomkin. Is it worth respecing to get?

02-22-2008, 08:05 PM
Insect Swarm is part of the Balance talents. I really like it. The folks I play with like it because it has effects other than the ticking one.

I'll use root, too. Or Natures Grasp. Depends on the mob. Then SF, Insect Swarm, Wrath(s). Sometimes I can get in a MF on the rooted mob...and sometimes I just watch them die in the roots.

02-29-2008, 12:39 PM
Normally when I am soloing I start out with SF because it has the longest cast time. I will then spam a MF and then wrath the rest of the time.

I don't really root because, it seems like a waste of mana when it just breaks right away. I will use roots if it's something that hits a little harder than the average mob.

04-05-2008, 01:13 AM
personnaly i love taking 3/3 brambles and using it and and IS as a dot. I SF then root, IS and stand back. if you get impatient and cast right away our root ussually breaks, so why bother casting it. I'll wait till roots is about half done and IS is just running out and start another SF. if im grinding that ussually just kills them, but if it doesnt im only a wrath away. ussually never get touched, and uses very little mana.

if im too lazy to bother or its underground or something i just wrath spam and use my tauren stomp. I also spec dreamstate so i use my NS to get quick wraths off.

04-18-2008, 11:00 AM
soloing I open with starfire, roots, bug swarm. Bug swarm cuz moonfire breaks roots a lot. Bug swarm I don't think does in my experience. Then I load up one or two starfire and wraithand then moonfire. They should be either dead or under 1k by this time. Pop trinkets often, save mana with bandaids.

04-18-2008, 12:22 PM
soloing I open with starfire, roots, bug swarm. Bug swarm cuz moonfire breaks roots a lot. Bug swarm I don't think does in my experience. Then I load up one or two starfire and wraithand then moonfire. They should be either dead or under 1k by this time. Pop trinkets often, save mana with bandaids.

I find bringing a healing set with you (assuming you have one) and using your innervate every 5 minutes with the healing set relieves the need to drink/eat much.

04-18-2008, 04:32 PM
I haven't really tried that actually. I usually run arou d with good mp5 gear and kickass mana regens. I drink on occasion, I do pop innervate now and again but I usually let my mana get up all the way in between quest or whtever. And when I run around I'm usually chain pulling only slowing down for herbs or to drink.

04-20-2008, 04:01 PM
I open with SF, follow with root. So I get beat on a time or two while rerooting later. That is what lifebloom is for.