View Full Forums : Leatherworking

04-11-2008, 11:52 AM
Hello to all my fellow druids.
I've had a resto druid 4 a while now and he has most of the pvp gear from the bgs. I am lvling a feral druid now.

Since I really do not want to pvp for my gear again, because the bg thing just has lost its appeal to me and I really dont run too many instances at all I have taken up skin/lw.

y question is, would the elemental path be better to get the Primalsrike gear rather than the Tribal for the windhawk gear?

Thx all

04-14-2008, 02:50 AM
for feral Primalstrike > Windhawk

04-30-2008, 05:25 AM
Hello to all my fellow druids.
I've had a resto druid 4 a while now and he has most of the pvp gear from the bgs. I am lvling a feral druid now.

Since I really do not want to pvp for my gear again, because the bg thing just has lost its appeal to me and I really dont run too many instances at all I have taken up skin/lw.

y question is, would the elemental path be better to get the Primalsrike gear rather than the Tribal for the windhawk gear?

Thx all
The Windhawk set it mainly for either a moonkin setup or Resto set up. Though with enough badges you can get pretty much the same gear.